Chapter 29~And The Winner Is...

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Super High School Level Impersonation Master Chouko Oyashi's POV

It was around 5 or so when I got to the rendezvous place for the fight of Xindel Fujimoto vs. Jon Shushiro.

Come on, Chouko, turn off your announcer's voice already...

Xindel was the only one there when I arrived. The autumn night was chilly, so I rubbed my arms with my hands in hopes of heating myself. Xindel noticed this and wrapped a loose arm around my shoulders. He hugged me closer. I instantly warmed up. He's so nice...

"A-are you r-ready?" Xindel asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah. I find it cool that you guys are fighting over me and all, but I really wish that you would just tell Jon to back off. I like you ten times better," I admitted. "Jon's cool, but I feel like he isn't the right guy for me... You know?"

Xindel nodded. "I-I'll try and w-win for you..."

I blushed and leaned in a little bit closer. He was so cuddly... I like cuddly things.

"Are you two done being romantic fools?"

I gasped and turned to see Jon standing nearby, crossing his arms. He looked pretty epic like that, I must say.

"J-Jon..." Xindel whispered, his eyes fearful. I hugged him a little bit tighter too ease his worries.

"You ready to fight?" Jon asked, taking a fighting stance.

I looked up at Xindel. "It's really your choice," I told him.

Xindel didn't say a word. He walked away from me, crouching into his own battle ready stance. "I-I'm ready," Xindel said confidently, though I could tell that he wasn't feeling as confident as he was insisting by his vocal tone.

"In that case... We'll begin in three, two, one..." Jon didn't even say go, launching forward and driving a fist into Xindel's shoulder.

Xindel flinched at the hit, slowly taking a step backwards. He prepared his foot for a kick. Before he could swoop Jon's legs out from under him, Jon kicked his ankle. Xindel groaned and resisted the urge to hold his injured foot.

Jon pulled his leg back, kicking forwards and releasing the attack. Xindel's legs collapsed from under him, and he slumped to the ground, shaking.

Xindel didn't get up while Jon counted down from ten, instead just leaning forward on the ground with arms trembling.

"I guess that I win," Jon declared, though the smirk he used was obviously faked.

I ignored his boasting and ran to Xindel's side, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. I ran my fingers through his hair and rocked him back and forth. "You're okay..." I whispered into his hair, closing my eyes and holding him tighter.

"I-I failed you..." Xindel began to whisper. I saw something glimmering on his cheek. I thought that it was just a trick of the light for a few seconds, but I soon realized what it had been all along...

...A tear.

He was crying because he had let himself get so easily defeated.

Guilt panging at my chest, I pulled him closer and began to rock back and forth. "Hey... No need to cry..." I whispered, closing my eyes and leaning in a bit nearer to his face. His shoulders were shaking violently as he cried into my shoulder.

I glared at Jon over Xindel's shoulder. He took a step back, afraid of facing the rage I was preparing inside. He had a right to be. If he made Xindel cry, he was going to have a bad time.

Super High School Level MMA Fighter Jon Shushiro's POV

I didn't think that Xindel would get so upset about losing the fight. Chouko escorted him away to wipe his tears from his face, but the guilt that I had been the one to make him cry remained long after they had left. I gulped and looked down. I hated feeling like the bad guy when I was just trying to help out.

I walked back to my room after I thought on what I had done for a long time. I opened the door barely, cracking it open to see if Xindel was back or not. Once I had decided that he wasn't there, I entered and sat on my bed.

Xindel had been in there, as a matter of fact, staring at himself in the mirror. I hadn't seen him, which made me curse under my breath. I didn't want to talk to him knowing that our conversation was going to be extremely awkward. "Why did you do that...?" Xindel whispered, not looking away from the mirror for even a second to talk to me.

"I-I..." I began, though I couldn't convince my vocal chords to work properly and say what I wanted to. A million thoughts had formed in my mind, though none of them would agree to leave me lips and travel into the empty air.

"D-do you really... Like her?" Xindel choked out, his eyes showing how hurt he was in the mirror.

I shook my head. "I-I... It was a plan I developed so that you would confess your love to her. I've seen the way you look at Chouko, Xin. I didn't want you to lok that sad for much longer, you know?" I explained, hoping he would realize what I was trying to say without me needing to say it specifically.

"It... Was?" Xindel whispered, his eyes going wide.

I nodded. "Yeah. Sorry for tricking you," I apologized.

Xindel ran away from the mirror and grabbed my hand. He nearly ripped me arm out of the socket as he pulled me from the room. "We need to talk to Chouko," he told me, continuing to drag me until we had reached her room.


Types this and then nyooms away to type more and/or read Skulduggery Pleasant because skeleton

I love those books a skele-TON if you know what I mean


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