Chapter 31~After the Break

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Super High School Level Shinobi Xindel Fujimoto's POV

Pretty much everybody ended up going home for break after Jon and I's fight. I won't go into detail about what I did (mainly since it involved nothing but lying around with the few students who stuck around like Akane and a few others), but I wanted to see Chouko so much. We still hadn't gone on a real date since getting together, and I was more than a little eager.

Once I saw her in the hallway the first day back, I gasped and ran towards her. "Chouko!" I cried out, managing to get through the word without pausing and stuttering. For me, that's much more of an improvement than you realize.

Chouko turned to me, dropping all of her books in the process. She swept me into a hug and pecked me lightly on the cheek. "Xin!!" she exclaimed happily. "I missed you a lot while I was on break, you know!"

I smiled. "I missed you, too," I admitted, trying not to tell her that I had been staring at the door for the full three weeks waiting for her to walk through. 

"I'm glad we can finally see each other again," she told me, a wide grin on her face.

I nodded once we released our hug. "So am I," I said, happy that I could finally let out all happiness I had been keeping inside of me these past few weeks.

Super High School Level MMA Fighter Jon Shushiro's POV

Zuka and I, surprisingly, ended up going out a few times over break. Apparently, we had lived rather close to each others up until our time at Hope's Peak, which was lucky for me. We visited all sorts of restaurants, which, let me tell you, was a treat.

"Hey... Jon?" Zuka asked.

"What?" I questioned, looking up from the chocolate I had been eating previously. "There's nothing wrong, right?"

"Of course not," Zuka answered. "I just wonder... Would you be okay with planning another date with me? I came up with an idea while watching Xindel and Chouko chat earlier."

"Oh no. What sort of idea is it this time?"

"I was wondering if maybe we could plan a four way date. You know... Us, Chouko, Xindel, Sabastian, Ayameko, Yazu, and Elec. And if we can find some lesbian ship out there, maybe we could add it to the mix... So Yazu and Elec aren't the only gays," Zuka said.

Is it bad that hearing her say that stuff is my normal?

Super High School Level Judge Ayameko Etsuko's POV

Once Sabastian and I got back from the castle in his kingdom, the first thing we did was kiss. Back in his home, his parents didn't approve of 'a mere commoner' dating the prince. That meant that we had been forced to pretend that we weren't... Romantically involved for two weeks.

Those were the hardest two weeks of my life.

I walked back to my room and saw a note on my door. Sabastian, who was peering over my shoulder, arched an eyebrow. "What's that? You expecting a note from anybody?" he asked.

I shook my head and flipped the folded note open, eyes scanning it as fast as I could stand:

Quadruple date with Jon, Chouko, Xindel, Yazu, Elec, Sabastian, and I on Saturday? 


It took me a second to understand what she meant, but then I realized...

This meant that we were allowed to kiss in public! 

I didn't even ask Sabastian about what he thought. I ran off to tell Zuka that we were okay with it, happy that I could finally show my love for the beautiful man that is Sabastian Michaelis.

Super High School Level Prosecutor Elec Daegana's POV

I can't even begin to tell you how much I missed Yazu over break. We live in different cities, so I didn't get to see him at all. School went back in session (excuse the court terms) and I practically tackled him. 

Yazu looked up at me with a small groan. "Elec... You're a lot heavier than you look... What are those stilts of yours made of to hold you up like that?" he complained, groaning unhappily.

I shrugged. "I-I'm just happy to see you! That's all!" I told him, smiling brighter than the sun.

Yazu pushed me off of him and helped me stand, wrapping his arms around me. "You're so cuddly, you know..." he told me with a smile.

"Says you," I said, trying to flirtatious but most likely failing miserably. I've never been good at that stuff...

"We really need to go out on a date soon," Yazu grinned.

I nodded. "I wonder when the opportunity will present itself..." I wondered aloud (again, excuse the court terms; I admit it's a habit of mine).

And that's when we arrived at my door and saw the note from Zuka involving romantic affairs.

Super High School Level Horror Akane Misaki's POV

Alexis and I had heard about some dating thing going on this Saturday, so we decided to poke around.

After a while of investigating, we found out that it was about a huge dating celebration. I had stolen the note from that Yazu kid's door so that Alexis and I could keep it as evidence.

"What do you think we should do about this thing?" I asked.

"Keep out of it?" Alexis suggested.

I shrugged off his idea. "That's too boring. We need to do something jazzy. Something that just shows how fun we are as a couple," I told him. 

"And how do you suggest we show something like that?" Alexis questioned.

I smirked. "It's simple. We show up at that romance festival and act as third wheels. Or, in this case, fifth wheels," I said.

Alexis paused for a few seconds, weighing the possibility. "Will Chouko and Ayameko be there?" he eventually asked.

I nodded. "Of course they will be. They are on the note's list of participants."

"In that case, I'm in if you are," Alexis grinned.

"Of course I'm in. Now, let's head back to my room and start planning our little stunt," I smirked, seizing his hand and dragging him off to my demon filled abode. 


I procrastinated on this for two days thinking that it would be painful to type but it actually wasn't that bad and I enjoyed it

Now I run away to watch the Ace Attorney anime because I'm forgetful af and forgot to watch it all day though everybody else I know saw it like gdi Dij


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