Chapter 7~Why Am I So... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH?!

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Super High School Level Impersonation Master Chouko Oyashi's POV

I was overly excited as I bid Ayameko farewell and ran to meet Xindel. I had never been out on a date (if you could consider this a date), so I wasn't sure what exactly I was supposed to expect. Wait... If this was a date, did that mean that Xindel was my boyfriend?!

I sure hoped so...

He looked extremely nervous today, fidgeting with his katana every twenty seconds when he wasn't looking down shiftily. Xindel was retreating into the red scarf he was now wearing (which stuck out against the rest of his dark outfit in fifty shades of... black, if you can say black has shades). Was it just me or was his scarf getting a hotter red more by the second...?

"Are you okay?" I asked him cautiously. I hoped he didn't yell at me or anything for this... What?! I can't help it if I don't know feelings!

Xindel nodded in reply. "Yeah... I'm good..." He cleared his throat (WHICH I FOUND ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE) and looked up to meet my eyes. "Where are we going now?"

"Well... We could go to the doughnut shop near here," I suggested. "That swimmer girl works there, I hear, and she says the stuff is great."

Xindel nodded again. "O-okay..." he whispered. I got the feeling he wasn't all that confident since he was barely talking to somebody as epic as yours truly. I frowned and hesitantly wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"There, there," I told him, hoping I didn't sound too much like a robot. I told you I wasn't good with feelings!! Back off!!

His face turned fire engine red as I did so. He looked down shyly, no longer meeting my gaze. Oh no... What did I do this time?! Why am I so... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH?!

Super High School Level Prosecutor(/Prosecutie) Elec Daegana's POV

I sat at a table at the donut shop when the bell above the door rang. I looked up from my pink doughnut to see Chouko and Xindel entering the shop. They were both as red as Xindel's eyes (and as of now, scarf), unwilling to meet any gazes. What in the world happened...?

I hid myself more in my mask, hoping they wouldn't notice I was there. I suddenly felt rather conscious about wearing clothes that were too fancy for a doughnut shop on a Thursday night, but they didn't seem to notice and cruised over to the counter like nothing was wrong.

I continued to watch them order their doughnuts and receive them (pink with rainbow sprinkles for Chouko and glazed for Xindel) before taking a seat in the corner of the restaurant. They were still incredibly red, almost to an unhealthy degree. I knew how they felt. I got the same way staring at my science class partner, Yazu...

I felt my stomach flutter just thinking about him. Suddenly, I longed to be sharing my doughnut with him, if I could drag him out of his chemistry experiments, that is. He loved that stuff, after all.

"Elec? That you?"

I was snapped out of my day dream to see Chouko towering over me, a few tidbits of doughnut frosting on her lips. Her eyes were wide. "Or am I seeing things?" she asked.

"I-it's me," I told her, despite my earlier wishes not to be noticed. "W-what are you d-doing here?"

"I'm hanging out with Xindel and things are going really well, so please don't tell Chiyosu or Akane. I don't want them ruining this," Chouko replied.

I nodded. "O-okay... If you say so..."

Super High School Level Impersonation Master Chouko Oyashi's POV


Xindel and I couldn't find anything to talk about, mainly since he was barely talking at this point! How can I make conversation if he gives me nothing to work with?! Seriously!!

I was slightly relieved when I stuffed part of a doughnut into my mouth. If he wouldn't talk, I wouldn't either. And having a doughnut stuffed in your pie hole is a good excuse not to speak, so that way I don't seem rude!

Wait... Why do I care? I'm the youngest of five kids and I'm worried about that when I never had before? Something must seriously wrong with me!

Was Xindel the angel-erm, I mean shinobi doing this to me or was I just insane?

Super High School Level MMA Fighter Jon Shushiro's POV

That night, it was late when Xindel finally got home. He was redder than usually, so I asked him what was wrong.

Xindel gave me a brief 'nothing' before sulking off into the bathroom. What happened on his 'surprise outing?' He hadn't told me anything about where he was running off to before leaving for whatever it was he was doing. I got the feeling getting roommate gossip with somebody as near mute as Xindel was going to be difficult, but I'd try it again sooner or later.

Super High School Level Judge Ayameko Etsuko's POV

Chouko returned to the room later that night, looking about ten percent as happy as she had when she left just an hour and a half later. I was a little concerned, not having seen her look so down at all since we met.

"Is something the matter?" I questioned, hoping she wouldn't become overly emotional. I wasn't sure I'd be able to take something like that this late at night.

"I think I just ruined my chances with Xindel even though I keep calling him something akin to what I hear girls call their boyfriends," Chouko replied, flopping down onto her bed. "I'm a mess of contradictions in a dress right now."

"It's okay," I told her. "I'm sure everything will be back to normal by tomorrow. And... what girls call their boyfriends?"

"I think I have a crush," Chouko said with a small frown. "Life just got a whole lot more complicated, to say the least."

"Well..." I tried to begin.

"Why do I have to be so... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?!" Chouko demanded, slamming her face into a pillow.

I had a feeling I wouldn't be sleeping much that night.


Poor Chouko bby let's all give her a huge hug while piano Cascada plays in the background


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