Chapter 30~Love~!

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Super High School Level Impersonation Master Chouko Oyashi's POV

I heard a knock at my door after the fight. I was pretty down about Xindel losing, but since he didn't want me around, I decided to go back to my room. Ayameko wasn't in, so it was just me wishing that Xindel would kiss me again...

I opened the door to see Xindel and Jon in the doorway. "H-hey, C-Chouko..." Xindel stammered, his face going bright red upon noticing I was there. You'd think he was part cherry with those cheeks... Or he applied too much makeup all over...

"Hey," I said. I didn't glance at Jon, being too angry with him for making Xindel unhappy. "Is something wrong?"

"Y-yeah... I need to ask... I need to ask you about what happened..." Xindel told me. "Can I... Can we... Come in?"

I nodded and opened the door wider. They followed me inside, proceeding to take a seat on Ayameko's bed. Xindel was still blushing. Jon, on other hand, looked guilty. He should. He gets between me and my crush and I crush him.

Don't tell anybody I said that. I might get kicked out of Hope's Peak for violence.

"We need to tell you about the fight challenge you saw earlier," Jon began. "I didn't mean to make either of you mad."

"Too late," I told him, beginning to glare.

"Let me finish!" Jon yelled. I went silent, not wanting to have to fight him if not even Xindel could win against him.

"Anyways," Jon continued. "I was planning on letting Xindel win because I don't like Chouko that way. I like Zuka much better. No offense, Chouko."

"None taken," I said.

"If I won the fight, I was going to let Xindel go on and have you. I'm not your type. But Xindel's been crushing on you for as long as I can remember, so I figured that this was a good way of getting him to come out of his shell. As far as I can tell, it's been working pretty well," Jon explained with a smirk.

Xindel was still red, and I was finally able to tell why. Even I was starting to blush. "C-could we have a moment alone, Jon?" Xindel finally managed to squeak out. He took my hand tightly in his and squeezed. I squeezed back, liking the way his touch felt on my hand.

Jon nodded and walked out. "Try not to get too gushy and mushy, okay?" he asked humorously before leaving my line of sight.

"You... You like me that much? That's really sweet..." I commented, letting my head slip into a relaxed position on his shoulder.

Xindel nodded. "Y-yeah... I really like you... I've felt this way for a long time... I like you a lot and I was hoping that you would like me back... I was sure you did after we danced, but I couldn't be sure because you didn't say anything sooner..." Xindel told me. "Sorry for not saying anything about how much I loved you..."

"It's fine," I assured him. "I guess we both thought that the other person was going to make the first move and when they didn't, we worried. It's a textbook romance issue. No worries, okay, Xin?"

Xindel nodded with a gentle blush. "Okay... No worries..." he whispered to me. "And... You... Are you okay with going out soon...?"

I hesitated for a few seconds. He was really asking me out! I couldn't just answer instantly and ruin the greatest moment of my precious years of life!!

"I-is that a no?" Xindel asked, his eyes reflecting how hurt he was.

I shook my head and hugged him. I ran my fingers through his hair. "It's never going to be a no, Xindel..." I whispered gently into his ear. "I love you. When's the date going to be?"

Xindel blushed and hid his face behind his hands. "I-I don't know... It's really your choice when we do it... I don't want to be too forceful about it..."

I shrugged. "It's fine. Promise. And I want you to pick. You fought for this stuff. You need a break, you know," I told him with a smile.

Xindel smiled at me gently. "Would it be okay if I... Um... If I could maybe... Why is this so hard...?"

I already knew what he was talking about, so I grabbed his chin and leaned in as slowly as I could in hopes of savoring the moment.

The one thing I remember about the seconds that followed is that Xindel's lips are as soft as baby skin...

When we pulled away, I smiled and whispered one word to him. "Tomorrow."

"What about tomorrow?" Xindel asked me. "Is... Is something wrong with tomorrow and you didn't tell me?"

I shook my head. "Tomorrow. You. Me. Date," I told him with a bright smile.

Xindel didn't object, instead hugging me again. I hugged him back and closed my eyes. He's great... I love him already... Insert a dreamy fangirl sigh here if you can think of one accurately...

I'm pretty sure that I could hear Jon cheering over what we were doing from the hallway. Because of this, I stood and shut the door before locking it to give Xindel and I a little bit more privacy in our moment of romance.

Xindel laughed. "Was he distracting you?" he asked with a smile.

I nodded. "Yeah. He's pretty distracting when he's dancing like a maniac while we're trying to kiss and fall in love," I admitted.

"I can't deny that," Xindel agreed. He hugged me one more time before standing. "I'm going to check up on Jon. I'll see you tomorrow so that we can go out on our date."

I smiled. "See you later, I guess. It was nice to see you... Boyfriend."

I watched Xindel exit the room with a beaming grin, a sight that stayed in my mind for hours afterwards.




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