Chapter 41~Party Initiate!

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Super High School Level Impersonation Master Chouko Oyashi's POV

The end of the school year flew right by, so by the time that the party had come around, I was more than ready for a little bit of relaxation. The stress of finals had been getting to me, and now that they were over, I was ready to relax for a long time.

I ended up dressing up in a cute white dress for the party, which started at 8:00 on the last day of school. I spun around in the dress with a smile. I couldn't wait for the party to truly get underway. Finally, my planning with a bunch of people that I can barely tolerate would pay off!

And it had better pay off.

I was so sick of so may people by this point in time! I just wanted to throttle somebody because of how annoying some people out there can be!

Regardless, I skipped down to the gym, where the real festivities were taking place. Tons of people were already down there since I was two minutes late, but then again, it's not like I've always been the perfectly punctual type. I suck at that stuff.

When I got there, I started looking around for anybody I knew. Well, anybody I knew who was also a decent person. At this school, people may be talented, but only about half of them are decent. Finding one who you've met and is also decent is hard.

I settled on Zuka when I found her first. I walked to her side with a smile. "So? What do you think of the party? Pretty cool, wouldn't you say?" I smiled, hoping for a positive reaction.

Zuka nodded. "It is pretty nice..."

I frowned. "You don't seem entirely convinced. Is something up?"

"It's just that... I keep hearing rumors about a crisis in the reserve course, and it's sort of stressing me out. I want to try and figure it out before the end of the school year," Zuka explained.

"You mean Yazu's Super High School Level Freakout yesterday? Forget it. I bet that some of his scientific gases just went to his head. Being in the chem lab for a while does that to you," I told her.

Zuka sighed. "Even if that's true... I can't shake the feeling that something's going on behind the scenes. Something that the teachers aren't telling us about. It kind of worries me," Zuka admitted.

"Don't worry about it now! The party only lasts a day, so at least try to enjoy it! For me?" I asked.

Zuka forced a smile onto her face and began to walk away, most likely off to enjoy the party. I could tell that she was faking it, but since it was the last day of school, I didn't bother calling her out on it. I'm too lazy to do that on the final day of school, if you know what I mean.

Super High School Level Ninja Zuka Fubayashi's POV

Despite what I had spoken about with Chouko, I couldn't bring myself to relax and have a good time. I was too nervous about what Yazu had been saying the day before. What if something really did happen involving the reserve course students?

I made my way to the reserve course area of the school, searching for clues in every nook and cranny. There had to be something about what had happened around here somewhere... Clues don't just disappear into thin air.

I began to peer into all rooms I passed by, figuring that there was something in one of them. The first two rooms were clear of anything suspicious.

The third one was a different story.

Inside, there were scratch marks all over the place. I gasped and searched through the cabinets for anything that may have been left behind. Something somewhere had to explain what had gone down in this room merely a day before.

In the fifth drawer I checked, I found a file. I began to check through the pages, expecting to find some unrelated information about some crazy experiment the school had begun years before.

Instead, I found information about some crazy experiment the school had begun years before that was highly related to what had happened.

I won't bore you with the exact words, but it said something about how the reserve course was created to find a student that could be given every talent that had ever existed at the school. It even mentioned that the students that were at the school were merely being used for the experiment so that one day in the future, hopefully the near future, that talented student would come to be for real.

A pit formed in the bottom of my stomach, growing ever deeper with every second that ticked by. The only sounds in the room were the mad beating of my heart and the clock as its hands turned. It didn't seem to mind that all of this had happened.

I sat down in a chair and held my temples in my fingers. I was really being used? It didn't seem possible... I wasn't being used... Right? This information must be outdated.

Then again... If it was old information, it would have hit the news and I would have heard. But I hadn't heard and it hadn't hit the news. Meaning that this was still as current as information could get.

Then it really was true... I was being used. I was being used just as much as the next guy.

I couldn't help but feel the pit in my stomach get deeper. I sighed and felt my heart go heavy. The only word that could be used to describe my current mood was... Despair. Despair that this was true. All the school wanted was a perfect student, and using me and the rest of the students was how that would happen.

I could feel tears stinging at the corners of my eyes, but I didn't bother stopping them. What's the point in trying to stop despair when it simply can't be stopped?




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