Chapter 27~Love At First Fight

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Super High School Level Horror Akane Misaki's POV

I was propped up against the wall in a grumpy fashion during most of the dance. I couldn't be bothered to dance around like a fool, unlike the rest of these idiots, so I chose to just watch from a safe distance so I didn't catch any of their dancing fevers that I was sure they had.

"You sure look lonely..."

I jumped ever so slightly (though you wouldn't catch me dead admitting to it) upon hearing that chilling voice. I turned my head to the left to see a boy that I recognized from some of my classes. Alexis, was it? Yeah. Alexis Mauvais.

"So what if I am?" I growled at him, not ready to even think about dancing with anybody, especially not somebody who looks so weak and pathetic.

"What about I help fix that?" Alexis asked me with one of those devilish smirks that you know to be afraid of from birth. Even somebody like me would have flinched at seeing that insane grin.

I took a gentle step back, not willing to let on to the weakness that had overcome me in that moment. "How about you not do that? Go bug somebody else, will you, Alexis?" I asked him with a snarl.

"So you've heard of me," Alexis smiled. "And I've heard of you, Akane."

"You're crazy," I hissed at him. "What about you back down and leave me alone before I get you into some serious trouble with my fists?"

"No need to be so feisty, Akane," Alexis told me. "I know you're meant to be scary, what with being the Super High School Level Horror and all that jazz, but you need to relax and enjoy the moment every once in a while, my creepy young lady."

"You're calling me creepy? I could say so much to that, but I'm pretty sure I'd get kicked out of this sorry excuse for a school if I went that far," I told Alexis, glaring at him fiercely.

"Calm down," Alexis instructed, placing his hands on my shoulders and gripping tightly. I could feel the circulation beginning to rush out of my arms, but I dared not show him that I wasn't as strong as I tried to seem every second of the day. He, being a stupid boy like he is, would most likely take that as an OK to push me around like a little kid.

And anybody who did that usually ended up hurt.

"No," I snarled back, snapping my hand up so it swatted his hand off of my shoulder. I felt internal relief at the fact that circulation was returning to my upper limbs, but I didn't let on. He would find me pathetic, and I'm supposed to be the dominant one in this conversation, as well as any other conversation I ever have.

"Care to relax a little bit and dance?" Alexis asked, mischief obvious in his shining eyes.

Thinking that this might be the only way to get him to leave me alone, I sighed. "Fine," I agreed. The current song that was playing, a heavy metal type (which is my sort of song to listen to while doing the boring homework this school has to offer), ended, leaving a slow song echoing throughout the gym's speakers. I groaned. At least it would all be over after this song... One little song and he would hopefully leave me alone for the rest of the night, if not forever.

Super High School Level Butler Alexis Mauvais' POV

I was overjoyed when Akane decided to accept my invitation to dance. After my failed kidnapping incident (Remember? Where I took people hostage and tried to drink their blood because they were beautiful and thought it would have the same effect on me), I didn't think anybody would dare associate with me, but I supposed I was wrong.

Either that or Akane hadn't heard the violently fast spreading rumors about what I had done to Zuka, Jon, Ayameko, and Chouko...

I hoped that she continued to not hear them/choose to ignore them so that I would still have somebody to hang out with. I'm not popular, if you can't tell, and the blood drinking thing only lowered my chances of getting a real friend.

The song Akane and I danced to seemed to end about an eternity too quickly, leaving me internally whining for the tune to continue, even if it was for just another few seconds. It was the first time anybody had danced with me, so I wanted to treasure it for as long as the universe would permit me to.

"Well, now that we're done with that, I'll be going," Akane told me. "Farewell, fool."

I grabbed her hand to stop her from leaving. "Wait," I instructed of her.

Akane groaned, rolling her eyes, to turn and face me. "What is it?" she asked me impatiently. She looked pretty nice like that, I must admit...

"I was wondering if maybe... You would want to do a little something for me," I began, hoping she didn't know where this was going.

"What?" Akane demanded, raising her eyebrows to tell me to continue with my proposal.

"Would you want to go out with me?" I finally asked her, a smile (the first genuine one I'd experienced in a while) spreading on my face.

Akane stared at me for a few seconds. As far as I could tell, she was considering the loneliness factor of the equation on her side and mine. We both were lonely as the mountain Hope's Peak is near, so that had to play a role in her decision for or against my idea.

It took a while before Akane replied. An entire song, a rap one about some darkly colored ponies or whatever, went on with her just staring at me, before she provided me with an actual answer. "Fine..." she agreed, her eyes going downwards, as if she wasn't entirely sure if she wanted to do this.

The fact that she'd even consider it made me happy enough to sing, so I smiled at her. She was pretty nice once you got past the scary appearance...






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