Chapter 33~Shopping Incidents

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Super High School Level Shinobi Xindel Fujimoto's POV

I was at the store looking for something presentable to buy when I heard her voice. 

"Dresses. Where are they?"

I gasped and found myself hiding behind a rack of suit jackets. I'd recognize a voice like that anywhere, especially since I had been hearing it so much during school.


A fearful shop worker pointed her to the dresses section, which just happened to be near where I was hiding. I bit my lip to keep from breathing to loudly and scuttled along as fast as I could, hoping I could escape unnoticed and go to a store where a demon like her wasn't shopping.

I thought my plan was going perfect...

Until I tripped.

I fell on top of the suit jacket rack, which sent many other racks down also. I heard a few feminine snickers come from nearby. I knew that it was Chiyosu without looking up. Her laughter was getting louder, so she must have been walking closer. 

Chiyosu removed the racks from on top of me and laughed. "I guess you really do like shopping here, Xindel," she teased.

"I could do without the sassy remarks," I muttered, rising to my feet and brushing a little bit of dirt from my shirt. I proceeded to help her set up the racks once again from before I had fallen. 

"What are you doing shopping around a place like this?" Chiyosu asked. "I didn't expect somebody like you to be into the glitz and the glamour they sell here."

"I'm getting ready for a date I have with Chouko on Saturday," I told her. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd buy some new outfits. I haven't gone shopping in a while, so why not go now?" Chiyosu smiled. She looked somewhat pretty like that, though I made sure not to let myself fall in love with her. That's just what she wants me to do, and I don't give into the wishes of somebody like her.

"T-thanks for helping me get the racks off, by the way..." I muttered, suddenly embarrassed. 

"It's okay. I'm working on being a little bit more of an anti hero than full on villain, and that's  a very anti hero thing to do," Chiyosu beamed. Have I ever told you how much she confuses me by just existing...? The way that she talks is so... Impossibilious to understand...

"Anti... Anti hero?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "That sure does sound strange."

"I know it does, but I'm trying to work on sounding less strange so that people don't give me the evil eye. People still haven't forgiven me for the detention incident," Chiysou said. 

"I don't think that those two things have any connection..." I muttered.

"So what? People get hypnotized by my beauty and my acting, so I don't have to worry about making sense in person. Only on reports will I have to worry about something as meager as that," Chiysou told me, beginning to file her nails with a file she had pulled from her purse.

"It's like you're some sort of demon... Like one of the ones Akane is always going on and on about," I sighed, shaking my head. 

"I'm glad that you finally noticed my true form, Xindel," Chiysou smirked.

I hope it's not mad that I imagined her with devil horns, a little goatee, little devil eyes that have a little devil-cy and a devil's tail... 

Wait... Where did the goatee part come from?

I chose not to think on it, as Chiysou had started talking again. "I'll be on my way now, if you don't mind. I'll be seeing you later."

"Bye, I suppose," I said, waving as Chiysou gathered herself together and walked away.

What an odd character...

Super High School Level Actor Chiyosu Sunadu's POV

I walked for the dress section, where I just happened to see Zuka. She was looking at a black dress that ended just above her knees. The front was laced up with silver string. Silver swirls glimmered from either side of the string and down the three layered black skirt. A red necklace made of large beads was in her other hand.

I smirked. It looked like everybody else was going to this date, so why not go myself? All I'd need to do is find myself a nice dress from around here.

I searched the dress aisles for ages, being careful to avoid the attention of Zuka. I didn't need her to realize that I was planning on following her to the double date.

If there were only two couples going, that is. 

I eventually settled on a purple dress with elbow length sleeves. The sleeves were loose fitting, though the rest of the top half was rather tight. The skirt reached halfway between my knees and ankles. I found a white belt and a rose crown of pale colors to go with it. I tied a feather ponytail into my hair. 


I gathered all of my things together and made my way up to the front counter. Zuka had left by this point, so I didn't have to worry about avoiding anybody at this point.

Well, unless some other person from my school showed up to shop for this sort of thing.

Nobody did, thankfully. The boy at the counter sold me my dress, belt, feather ponytail, and rose crown, giving me dreamy eyes the entire time. I pretended to like him, acting like I cared about what he had to say when he went on rants about how much he loved me. 


I pushed my way out of the store and onto the street, bag hanging loosely from my arm. "Okay... Now, all I have to do is follow somebody who's going on the date this weekend and maybe I'll be able to see some drama unfold. Maybe I'll catch a boyfriend out of it, too," I smirked.

Just the thought of somebody I liked being in love with me made my heart leap. Sure, people were in love with me all the time, but they were mere flies compared to a princess like me.

I wanted my prince.


i'm going through a list of my dr guys who aren't already taken to see if one of them would fit with chiyosu though i fail i cri


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