Chapter 8~Let's All Ignore Chiyosu

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Super High School Level Prosecutor Elec Daegana's POV

After I arrived in the first hour classroom that all eight of us are in, I noticed a distinct lack of chatter from the feathery headband direction. I cast a sideways glance over at Chiyosu. Nobody was speaking to her. I guess yesterday's detention stunt was still lingering in everyone's mind. It was in mine, that's for sure. I had never gotten a detention before, so I was unhappy that she was ruining my perfect record (no, that does not mean I'm a goody two shoes. I don't even know what that means).

When the teacher finally stomped into the room, I pulled out the drawing I had been working on the day prior. It was of me, just as a blonde. I had gotten curious as to what it would look like with that hair color during detention, so I decided to draw it. The picture actually looked pretty nice, if I do say so myself.

I pulled out a colored pencil (one of the many I keep stashed away with the rest of my supplies) and began to color in 'my' hair on the drawing. I smiled from under my mask. It was turning out really well, actually. As if I had been drawing an actual person and not a variation of me.

I didn't really pay attention while Mr. Jing rambled on about how bad we had been the day before, despite it all being the fault of the 'innocent' Chiyosu Sunadu. I looked down sadly. How were we supposed to get along when she pulled stunts like that?

Super High School Level Judge Ayameko Etsuko's POV

When classes finally switched and Mr. Jing had stopped scolding us over what happened the day before, I ended up walking to algebra just like I had the day before. Just like the day before, merely 'introductions' was written on the board. But it was never the material that interested me.

I took my assigned place behind a brown haired boy. I tried to hold back a dreamy sigh. Ever since we were kids, I had always had eyes for him. Even though he was a prince and probably way out of my league, I still liked to hope maybe he would fall for me instead of some super rich (and most likely super snotty) princess.

I considered for a few seconds reaching out my hand and tapping him on the shoulder to start a conversation, but I bit my tongue. I could end up embarrassing myself like I usually end up doing. I suppose I could just talk to Sabastian another time...

I ended up getting distracted, anyways, because just like yesterday once again, Chiyosu entered the room. She rolled her eyes at my staring at Sabastian and took her place in the back corner of the room. I was somewhat thankful she didn't sit anywhere near me. After all, I had a record to uphold, and I got the sneaking suspicion that being around her resulted in nothing but trouble.

Just as the bell rang, Elec came walking into the room, shaking gently on his stilts, which I secretly found adorable, though I would never admit to it. His seat was next to mine, so I patted the desk for him to sit down. I didn't know how he did it on his stilts, but I suppose that he was used to it by now, probably having done it for years and years and years.

The teacher looked up from behind her glasses, sitting at her desk. Her hair was black, starting to turn gray, held up in a pencil bun. She wore a black suit and glasses that weren't even big enough to frame her eyes. She had one of those faces that made you think that she was physically unable to smile, laugh, or do anything akin to a gleeful expression. It sent a shiver down my spine.

"Is anybody gone?" the teacher (I had discovered her name was Ms. Kage the day prior) asked, still frowning intensely.

"If they were, it's not like you'd be able to hear their reply," Sabastian joked to me. I held back a giggle, but ended up smiling anyways. When he smiled, it was hard not to be happy on my part as well.

"Mr. Sabastian," Ms. Kage frowned, rising from behind her desk. She stomped over to his desk and slammed a hand down on the surface of it, causing both Sabastian and myself to flinch. She could be loud and powerful when she wanted to...

It seemed to scare the living daylights out of Sabastian, as his face was as pale as that sheet Chouko keeps in the closet (I don't know why, but it hands on a hanger, has eye holes, and she calls it 'Nabstablook'...) "Y-yes...?" Sabastian asked her once he had forced himself to speak.

"If something is so funny, perhaps you would like to share it with the whole class, hm?" Ms. Kage asked, her glare becoming ever more intense. Even I thought I was going to lose my breakfast from fright.

"Um, no, ma'am-" Sabastian tried to reply, although Ms. Kage cut him off. I got the feeling she did that often...

"Then perhaps you'd like to share it with me after classes today in detention!" Ms. Kage roared, pulling out a slip of paper and scribbling on it before shoving it into Sabastian's face.

He leaned backwards so as not to be so close to it, but the teacher merely forced it closer. It was a detention slip. I recognized it from when Mr. Jing had given the entire class (except Chiyosu, who I still wasn't speaking with) detention the day before.

Speaking of Chiyosu, she shot me a small smirk. "Is she upset that her boyfriend is in trouble?" she mouthed at me, still smirking.

Starting to become more than a little unsettled, I looked away. What was with that girl and her rotten attitude? It was starting to get on my nerves...


I'll just

Leave this here


Go type FAB


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