Chapter 26~Romantic Whimsy

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Super High School Level Impersonation Master Chouko Oyashi's POV

I was bright red when I felt something. My eyes (which had previously been closed) opened to see Xindel kissing me.

Xindel. Was. Kissing. Me.

I decided to be a good little Impersonation Master and let it continue. With a small smile, I closed my eyes again and wrapped my arms around him in a hug.

It was a few seconds afterwards when Xindel pulled away from me. I knew my cheeks were red, but I didn't care. The happiness of the moment was still overwhelming me.

"I-I'm so sorry if you don't like it I'll never do it again I didn't mean t-" Xindel began to babble, thinking that he had done something wrong. But we all know there's only one way to shut him up when he gets like this.

So I kissed him again.

Xindel stared at me after we had pulled away. "W-would you... Like to... D-d-d-dance?" Xindel choked out with eyes as wide as a UFO.

I shot him a sensitive smile. "If you're okay with it, then so am I," I agreed. I hugged him one more time before yanking him off to the dance floor to begin our night of romantic whimsy.

Super High School Level Ninja Zuka Fubayashi's POV

I was sitting alone at a table in the cafeteria for a while. Nobody had offered to dance with me as of yet, and I was going to use that to my advantage. I was so tired from what had gone on earlier in the day. I didn't think that anybody was going to ask me to the dance, anyways, so I just gorged on candies until a shadow appeared over me.

I looked up. "Jon!" I gasped, a small smile on my face. "W-what are you doing here?"

"I... I wanted to see... If... Um... I don't know... Would you be okay with... Um... Like... This isn't turning out right...!" Jon whispered, looking down with a face as red as blood.

"Calm down," I instructed of him. "Tell me what's up."

Jon nodded. He soon realized that saying what he was trying to would be more than a little bit difficult, so instead, he looked to my candy. He smiled, an idea springing to his mind. In a flash, he had organized all of my candy pieces and candy wrappers into a word to spell out a message:


I gasped, knowing that I was turning red with the shock of being asked so suddenly. I picked up the remainder of my candy and dumped them into the pockets of my dress. "If you're okay with it, so am I," I agreed. I was happy I had been asked at all, and by Jon no less... The thought made my heart leap.

Jon grinned at me and seized my hand. "Let's go!"

Super High School Level Scientist Yazu Takashi's POV

Elec and I were dancing through the room when a slow song came on. He didn't seem all that nervous, which I was happy for. I liked seeing him happy like this.

"Are you having a nice time?" I asked the smiling prosecutie.

Elec nodded. "Yep!"

"I think people are staring because two guys are dancing together, but screw them," I grinned at him. "They just don't understand greatness."

Elec nodded wildly to show his agreement. "Besides, who cares if we're at least happy about dancing together? Happiness is all that matters!"

What is it that the kids these days call people who are sweeter than sugar? Cinnamon rolls? I think it's something like that. Whatever it is, I've learned recently that it's how to describe Elec in the most accurate way possible.

"You look kind of spaced out..." Elec commented, knocking me from my blissful daydream.

"Huh?" I asked, looking around in confusion. "Don't worry. I'm fine," I eventually said, smiling at my boyfriend.

Because I have a boyfriend and he's great and amazing!!

How many people in this school can say that they're dating the greatest male to ever grace the face of the earth?! Only me, because I'm the only one who fits the description!!

Super High School Level Prince Sabastian Michaelis' POV

As far as I could tell, Ayameko was having a great time. When a slow song came on, her face turned the color of her pink hair and she leaned in, laying her head on my chest while I rocked her back and forth. I smiled, running my fingers through her pigtails. I hadn't seen her looking like this since we were kids, right after we took in Ayameko.

"You look happy," I commented to her with a smile.

Ayameko nodded. "I am," she agreed. "I missed the fancy slow dances at the palace back where you live, even if you were dancing with other girls than me back then."

It took Ayameko a few seconds to realize what she had just said. She yanked herself away from me, clapping her hands over her mouth. "I-I mean-!!" Ayameko started to exclaim.

"It's okay!" I exclaimed with a smile. "I didn't like dancing with all of the other girls, either. It was more than a little bit of a drag."

Ayameko looked relieved at my statement. "Phew..."

"Don't panic about it. I would have much rather danced with you any of those times," I assured her.

Then I realized the blunder I had made. I clapped my own hands over my mouth. Ayameko took her hands and closed them around my wrists, pulling my arms away from my face.

And then she kissed me.


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