(1) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd to Famous Chapter One (1)

Rosy P.O.V.

I walked down the halls of the abandoned school into the cheer gym.

Yes, we had a whole gym for the cheerleaders. Only cheerleaders could go in. There was even a key because they wanted no one to interrupt cheer practice or competitions.

I slid my key into the slot and walked into the gym to see everyone sitting around talking to boyfriends or other cheerleaders.

“Okay girls let’s get it together we have this competition in a couple of days and to make it to the finals we have to gets second or first place! If we get third this squad is done!” I sighed in frustration. We had to do everything exactly the way the captain wanted or we got in deep trouble.

Oh well let me introduce myself I am Rosy Velesco and I am sixteen years old and go to Woodlerk Highschool. My hair is black with blue tip dye on the end. I also have bluish grey eyes and I wear contacts that make my eyes look more of a green color.

Everyone grabbs their pompoms and heads onto the mats. The music plays loudly through the many speakers that were hung on the ceilings. I loved cheering but hated the head of it all.

I smile as we dance and do different moves to the song Call me maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen.

After we finish the song we did it about ten more times then she allows us a five minute water break. I walk to my bag and grab a water bottle and gulp half of it down before looking to see who all were on the benches but one person in particular caught my eye.

Harry Styles.

My ex best friend.

Ever since I started this cheer stuff they have kept me from him which hurts me but my mom makes me ride home with him every day.

“Okay girls practice that when you can I don’t care about your family or grades just practice! Okay bye now. I'll see you tomorrow at five A.M." She shouted to all of the team as she walked out of the gym with her boyfriend Jonas.

I sigh and put my pom poms away then put my bag on my shoulder and walk over to Harry. Everyone else has left so it was just me and him so I don't have to worry about the girls getting onto me.

“Why have you been ignoring me lately?”Harry looked down at his hands and so did I.

“I-“I don't even know what to say. I mean what am I suppose to say? ‘I don’t want my cheer reputation jacked and you would mess it up’? No that would hurt his feelings even more but I guess I am hurting him right now.

“You never pay attention to me at school anymore and now that those girls are coming into our neighborhood you act like we are mortal enemies. Rosy you’ve changed and I don’t think I like it.”I could see the hurt in his eyes as he looks up at me and I look down.

“Harry. I’m sorry how about we walk down to that ice cream shop after I go home and get changed so that I can make it up to you.”It was the only thing I could think of seeing no one from this school would ever dream of going to the run down ice cream shop.

“Yea I guess.”We both walk out to his motor bike and climb on and drive down the street.

Once we arrive at the house he parks on the side of his house and I climb off and hand him my helmet.

“See you in twenty.”I say and go inside, closing the door behind me then run up to my room and pull out of my school uniform and changed into some shorts and a tanktop. I slip my converse back on then head down stairs to tell my mom I was going with Harry.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now