(Epilogue) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (Epilogue)

Harry P.O.V.

~Sixteen years later~

"But dad! Hayley really wants to go to the carnival!"Coleton who is now sixteen whined at me.

"CJ I already told you no. We are having everyone over for dinner and if you don't quit about it then you won't get to see Hayley for a while."He just huffed and went into the living room. I decided to call Coleton CJ because of his middle name James so take the first letters of each and you have CJ,

"Hey dad why won't you tell me how mom died."CJ came back and I sighed and looked down.

"I already told you we don't talk about her it brings back to many memories."I said in a hushed tone and he came to stand beside me.

"Dad, I'm sixteen now, what am I suppose to tell people when they ask how my mom died? Oh she just died? Then they're going to ask how and I won't know what to say, I can handle however she died."I sighed and sat on the counter and he did the same across from me.

"CJ your mom was a great women and I was a stupid teenage boy who got her pregnant when we were dating and she lived a happy life, your mom died during surgery to get you out of her, she had a C section and didn't make it."He just sat there for a minute taking in what I said. He shook the thoughts from his head before looking up at me.

"So I'm the reason she died?" A tear fell down his face and I shook my head.

"If anyone's fault it's mine because I'm the one who got her pregnant, now cheer up and we can play some football {(soccor)} outside before your uncles and cousins and whatnot get here."He nodded and put on a smile before running into the backyard and getting his blue and gray football. He had always been into sports since he was a little kid. He did both American and British football.

I went outside and stood on the oposite side of the yard and we kicked the ball back several times before the back door to our neighbors house opened and CJ's girlfriend Hayley came out and walked up to the fence.

"Hey Mr.Styles!"She chirpes and CJ and I both walk over to the fence.

"I have known you since you were a baby and you stil try and call me Mr.Styles, once again it's Harry."I said and then kids busted through my backyard and a grin spread on my face. The boys kids.

Okay Louis and Eleanor have a set of twins a girl and boy names Christopher and Crystal. They also have a son a year younger then CJ named Logan.

Danielle and Liam have a girl about seven years old named Sarah. They had agreed only one kid because she was enough trouble to begin with.

Perrie and Zayn have the most kids, four. They have a boy Logan and Cj's age named Calvin and boy around thirteen who is named Mason then another boy who is Sarah's age named Ethan then they finally got a little girl who is now five years old named Isabella.

Niall found his perfect match a couple of years ago and they have no kids but his soon to be wife, Carissa, is nine months pregnant and could pop any time soon. 

So right now I have nine kids running around my backyard and Hayley talking to CJ across the fence. I smiled. We had all made beautiful families and even though I never got a wife I know Rosy is always with me. She still pops up every once in a while like she did on the grave stone.

"Uncle Harry come quick!"I heard Sarah yell and I ran over to her and lifted her onto my hip.

"What's wrong."

"Logan put a bug on me!"She whaled and I slightly laughed and set her back down.

"Logan don't put bugs on little girls!"I yelled to him from across the yard and he shrugged which got him a slap on the head from his mom. I chuckled slightly and Liam and Niall helped carry out tables since we all wouldn't fit in the dining room. Once all the tables were set and the food was out everyone sat down and I realized what a big family we are. Even though our contract ended and we aren't a famous band we still have people liking us and we still make music it just doesn't get out there very fast because we arent a signed band anymore.

This isn't the end of my story, because you create the rest of it....


I think I just cried...

I can't beleive it is over! I hope you guys liked it and the Acknowledgments will be posted later on today so thanks again, Don't forget to read Only His the second chapter is being posted today.

You guys were wonderful and I can't thank you enough for reading commenting and voting! :'(

~A Very Sad Milk

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now