(18) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (18)

Rosy P.O.V.

When we had all gathered our luggage and were about to go outside, I could already see the flashing lights through the glass door.

"Keep close," Harry stated and I nodded as he wrapped one of his arms securely around my waist. I blocked the flashes from my eyes as Harry guided me through the long trail security had made. Once we finally got through I was amazed at the giant tour bus in front of me. I had seen it in pictures but not once had I been near an actual tour bus. I felt someone taking my luggage and smiled as Paul carried it in.

Louis and Eleanor stood away from everyone and I frowned. I can't believe she is so worked up about it .I continued frowning until we got into the tour bus and there were leather couches built into the wall and there was a table that could fold out of the ground in the middle.

Harry took my hand in his and led me through a curtain. When we stepped in there were six bunk beds and then a little mini fridge at the edge of one of the beds between the wall and the bed. I looked and saw me and Harry's luggage on one of the very top bunks and i climbed up to it and looked down at Harry, he was only about a foot shorted now when I sat criss cross on the bunk bed.

"We're going shopping so change out of my cloths and put something else on, we might get your mom something."He kissed my forehead and then walked out of the room to leave me to change. I dug through my suitcase and pulled out a picture, it was me my mom and dad but my dad had been cut out of the picture like two years ago. You can tell where the outline of his body was. I was still soaking up the information of my house burning down, I don't know what my mom and I had done to deserve it but apparently we did something pretty bad.

I pulled out a pair of yellow shorts and a white tank top and went into the bathroom. I changed quickly and pulled my hair into a messy bun. As I was about to leave i noticed something weird in the bathroom trashcan. A broken razor with blood. I didn't dare pick it up but inspected it from a far, was it Harry? Liam? Louis? Niall? Or Zayn?

I walked out of the bathroom and to the living part of the tour bus. Everyone went quiet when they saw my confused and angry face, who would self harm? All these boys have wonderful lives. Eleanor just ignored me and Danielle gave me a quizzical look.

"Everyone line up sitting or standing I don't care but you all need to do the same thing."Everyone sat down in a line, even Eleanor did it with a frightened look. "Now everyone turn over your wrist and pull any bracelets off and pull your sleeves up. Everyone began to but I realized Zayn hadn't. Mission accomplished. "May all go back to what you were doing," I said and everyone looked at me weird hut continued to go back to their earlier conversations.

I walked over Zayn and grabbed him by his arm and dragged him into the bathroom. I shut the door behind us and crossed my arms looking at him. "I'm very disappointed in you" I pointed towards the bin and his eyes went wide when he saw the razor and picked it up from the trashcan and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Don't tell anyone."He whisper yelled and I nodded.

"I'm still disappointed, you can talk to me whenever you want Zayn, I'll give you advice and help, I know how it feels, I haven't told Harry but I have already gotten tones of hate. Give me the razor."I held out my hand and he obediently set down the razor in it and I threw the razor in the trash and Zayn and I both walked out of the door and into the living section."Let's go Harry."I looked around and everyone was either glaring at Eleanor or looking at me. Harry got up and put on a smile that was totally unreal I would ask about it later.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now