(16) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (16)

Rosy P.O.V.

I passed the basketball back to Thunder and grabbed my jeans from the old bench, he had let me borrow some of his extra basketball shorts so I could play better than in my tight jeans and me and Emerald had one in the basketball match which I was proud of because Thunder usually won all the matches around here.

“Hey, I have to head back and won’t be back for a while, give me a call I something bad happens and I might be able to get down here but if I don’t answer I’m out of the country already.”I said and began to walk off but Thunder jogged up beside me.

“I don’t want you walking out here alone in the dark, I’ll walk you back to your place.”He said and I laughed.

“I can take care of myself and I’m not staying at my place, I’m staying at Harry’s and he wouldn’t like the sight of you near me. He gets jealous.”I said and began walking again but Thunder once again popped up next to me.

“Well he can get over it, I’m just helping out a friend.”We walked out of the ally and I suddenly realized how dark it was, I could barely see my hand in front of my face when I raised it up.

“Here.”Thunder grabbed my hand and we began walking down the dark street. I knew he was doing it to be a good friend but I knew Harry would get pissed. “Hey look a flashlight.”He let go of my hand and went to the side of the rode and picked a the small flashlight and tried to turn it on and miraculously it turned right on. We both began to walk back towards Harry’s house as I led the way know that Thunder had passed me the flashlight.

I approached the side of Harry’s house and Thunder followed me.

“I want to make sure you get in safe.”I nodded and began to toss rocks up at the window and soon enough Liam opened it and looked at me quizzically and I pointed to the small ladder that sat on the side of Harry’s house and he nodded and motioned for me to come up.

“Bye Rose.”Thunder said and I mumbled a bye and climbed up the ladder and fell into Harry’s room. Literally I fell and it really hurt my leg, I just got up and looked around, Harry didn’t look happy and the boys just kept talking in their own little world of theirs. I walked over and wrapped my arms around Harry but he didn’t wrap his arms back around me and hug me like usually he just stood there with his arms crossed and it began to get scary, had I done something wrong?

“Why did that guy walk you here? You are capable of walking yourself.”Oh so he’s mad because Thunder walked me here.

“Harry it was dark and I told him I would be fine but he insisted on being a good friend and walking me, I didn’t even want him to.”I didn’t want Harry to be mad at me but I had a feeling he was because of Thunder. Sometimes Harry’s jealousy gets in the way but other times it can actually be helpful at some points.

“Fine, I forgive you but I still don’t like him.”He said and I nodded, we wrapped our arms around each other and I rested my head on his bare chest and we swayed back and forth for a minute until a knock sounded at his door.

“Harry its Gemma.”I looked around for a hiding spot and jumped behind Harry’s bed frame and landed steadily on my feet and heard the door open and close.”Hey so I think I saw Rosy walking down the street earlier a little before you came home but she looked a little different and I don’t know if it was just an allusion but do you know anything.”Harry looked over to the bed frame and I shook my head no then he slightly nodded.

“I don’t really know anything, sorry, I’ll ask her tomorrow before we all leave.”He said and then Gemma left and I got out from behind the bed frame and Niall looked at me and studied me.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now