(7) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (7)

Harry P.O.V.

He ran. He jumped up and ran down the street. The cops chased after him, Rosy looked up and her face looked frightened and I buried her face into my chest so she didn't have to see what happened. Anything could happen.

He could get away

He could get shot

He could get caught

He could get hospitalized

He could come back and try to kill her again….

I shook off the last one and Rosy’s mum just stared down the street and then turned to us.

“Everyone go inside. I’ll make some hot chocolate and then we’ll do something.”Everyone obeyed and then Gemma and my mum came running out of the house towards me holding Rosy’s still crying figure. She wasn't crying very hard but I could feel a couple of tears fall down and hit my shirt.

“Oh Harry what happened and why is Rosy crying!” My mom looked around then went over to Rosy’s mom.

“Harry what happened?”Gemma stood in front of me and Rosy. I just shook my head.

“I’ll tell you later. Mrs.Velesco invited me in for hot chocolate along with the other boys. I’ll be back later.”She just nodded and me and Rosy walked into the house and I was about to walk into the kitchen when Rosy stopped me.

“Thank you Harry.”She wiped away the couple of stray tears then hugged me again. “For everything, the time before you left and then today, I don’t care if you didn't say bye to me, I miss you as a best friend.”I hugged her back then we walked back into the kitchen.

Jason and the boys were talking and they all turned to us when we walked in.

“Sooo.” Jason made it more awkward by doing that and everyone looked at him weird. “Butter on a Pickle!”He shouted and everyone was confused except Rosy. She laughed at what he shouted.

“How is that funny?”Niall asked and looked around at everyone.

“Once I was dared to eat a pickle with butter on it so it’s an inside joke.”He just nodded then slightly chuckled still slightly confused.

“Okay kids lets make some hot chocolate.” Everyone cheered and took a seat at the table which surprisingly sat us all with a couple of seats left.

“We have joined this party because we have nothing better to do.”Gemma walked in and my mum rolled her eyes.

“We were just going to ask if we could stay. We weren't suppose to demand it.”Gemma shrugged and took a seat and there was only one seat left so after everyone had their coffee and Rosy’s mum came to sit she looked around.

“I’ll grab a spare chair from the garage.”

“No need.”I slid over to where Rosy was sitting and she sat on my lap, so there was an extra seat.

“Okay then.”

“Okay so I don’t know half of you so please introduce yourselves.”

“Liam Payne.” Liam waved and then the boys went around the table.

“Niall Horan.”

“Zayn Malik.”

“Louis Tomlinson.”They all waved then my mom looked to Jason and Rosy spoke up.

“Oh Mrs.Styles that’s Jason he’s a good friend of mine.”

“Well I’m Ann.”They shook their hands and then everyone went quiet for a minute.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now