(29) Nerd To Famous

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THIS is the last chapter! Goh you people didn't read the authors not apariently because it said there would be a chapter 29


Nerd To Famous (29)

I held Coleton in my arms as me and the boys walked into the church.

This was real. We were at the funeral for Rosy and I have been crying my eyes out since we pulled up at the church. It had been all over the celebrity news and about me having to raise a baby by myself. I would try and I wasn’t getting a nanny or anything because then Coleton would get attached to the nanny and not his own father.

We all sat down in the church and awaited the pastor’s arrival. We got a call he was running a bit late but I know everyone was still processing what was going on. I invite Thunder to the funeral because I know they were close even if he isn’t my favorite of people I know she is probably happy I invited him.

I looked down at Coleton in my arms and let a stray tear fall, never had I thought I would be age nineteen with a baby and going to my girlfriends funeral. If you would have asked me before I started dating Rosy right when we had become friends if I would ever have children with her I would have said no, but now I’m glad that if I’m holding any child in my arms it’s Rosy’s.

I sniffled a couple of more times when it came to speeches from family and friends. I said I would go last so most of my tears would be gone by then.

Louis got up and went to the podium and leaned against it.

“Rosy wasn’t just my bandmate’s girlfriend, she was more of a sister than friend and I think all of us can say that. Even though she could have a temper at some points she was still one of the most wonderful people in the world. Her and my girlfriend had some problems but she worked at it and never gave up and they became good friends. It’s hard for all of us I know to see her pass away, but she’s in a better place now.”Louis’ voice cracked at the end and then he came and sat down back next to me.

Everyone went up speech by speech went by and finally it was my turn and I tried to hold my tears back as much as I could.

I set Coleton down in Liam’s arms and made my way up to the podium.

I took a deep breath before I began to speak. “I had known Rosy since I was just a little baby and we grew up being best friends. Even if we got teased about each other being best friends it didn’t matter we would stick together and never leave each other’s side. We were always there for each other. When Rosy started going to my school we had ended up being separated but we made it work kind of and eventually I went off for x-factor and that’s when everything went downhill, we never talked and when I came back it took tons of convincing until we started dating and then I got her pregnant by complete accident but I’m glad I did I wanted a family with her. She was a handful when she was pregnant but I still loved her the same as always and tried not to yell at her even though sometimes I did. When she had the C section and ended up not making it through that surgery I cried my eyes out I’m not gunna lie all of us did that were there. Our baby is now about two weeks old and healthy and I wish she was still here to see him grow up but I know she’ll be watching from up in heaven.”

My voice cracked and I went to sit down and Liam handed me Coleton back. He looked more like Rosy than me and I would never be able to forget her because of Coleton.

Once we all arrived at the graveyard I looked at where she would be buried then watched as they lowered her into the ground. More tears filled my eyes and Gemma pulled me into a hug. My mom had to drag her here but she came and that’s what’s important. I cried a little more until they had lowered her completely under the ground and I watched as they covered the casket in dirt. The grave stone had been placed and it was a medium sized one. Her name was on it of course and birthday and death day and also there was a little saying on the back of it.

‘Died giving birth, but her baby still stays strong.’

It wasn’t great but we had to work with what we had and that’s all we could get on the back if we wanted it big enough.

As everyone walked away I spotted someone sitting on the grave stone and I was about to yell at them until I realized who it was. She was sitting on it in a pair of shorts and a shirt and a flat stomach. It was Rosy.

“Don’t worry, I’m always here for you.”She said and another tear fall down my face. “I’ll be with you wherever you go.”That was all she said before she disappeared. I watched the grave stone waiting for her to reappear but she didn’t. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Zayn.

“Harry she isn’t coming back, you can’t stare at her grave all day.”I nodded and looked at the grave once more before walking off with Zayn and Coleton.

This isn’t fake. She’s dead, and she’s not coming back anytime soon.


Yea I know it was short but it was just the funeral and the Epilogue will be posted tomorrow or if I get five comments I will post it later on today.

Still don't hate me because I made her die but that was the plan from the begining. Sorry my oreos.

~Your Loving Milk

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now