(13) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (13)

Rosy P.O.V.

I woke up and stretched out my arms and felt arms around my waist, I was going to scream, but then I remembered it was just Harry. I turned around and he was sleeping peacefully. I smiled as he looked so calm and like there was no care in the world, no hate or directionators.

“Harry, babe wake up.”I shook him loudly and he just pulled me closer to his chest which made me wince in pain because his grip was so tight around my back.

“Harry , you’re hurting me.”He immediately let go and I rubbed my back.

“Rosy, I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you I wasn’t thinking.”He said quickly and I barely caught his words.

“Harry, it’s fine, it just hurt a little, I’ll go cook breakfast.”I got up from the bed and walked into the kitchen not caring I was in shorts and a sports bra. Harry wasn’t very far behind me as I opened the small fridge in the hotel room and grabbed eggs bacon and sausage, I knew I would eat much but the boys would for sure.

“Babe, you don’t have to cook, the boys can do it.”Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his strong torso to my back.

“Harry stop, the boys could come in here.”I cracked the egg on the counter and poured it into the pan began to scramble them.

“Who cares.”He put his lips on my neck and I let out a moan of contentment but immediately threw my hand over my mouth and then Harry slightly bit down on my neck and I restrained from moaning again and he pulled his mouth from his neck. I felt my neck and realized he left a love bite.

“Harry you can’t go around giving me love bites! Make the eggs while I cover it with make-up.”He just nodded and I put a hand on my neck as I walked to me and Harry’s room. Stupid Harry giving me love bites.

I went into the bathroom that was connected to our room and looked at the mark on my neck, it was big! Ew, I grabbed my make-up and began to dab it around the area but no matter how much I applied, you could still see it because of its darkness in color.

I let out a groan of frustration and stomped out of the bathroom and back to the kitchen where all the boys were and I put my hand to my neck. Harry smirked at me and I sent him a glare and then walked over to the breakfast, it looked fine, so I grabbed some and went to join the boys at the table and we all ate in an awkward silence.

“Why do you have your hand on your neck?”Liam asked curiously and I sent Harry a glare that I hoped was unnoticeable and he smirked back at me.

“No, reason, just keeping my hand there.”I said and hoped they couldn’t see strait through my lies.

“Louis, move her hand.”I noticed Louis sitting to my right and Harry on my left, I looked at Louis and shook my head no, but he lunged for me and I began to run through the big hotel room. Soon he trapped me by the entrance and I looked around. No escape and I couldn’t go running through the walls of a hotel in a sports bra and short shorts.

“Move your hand.”I realized Louis had his legs spread apart and I smirked. I was small enough to slide right under his legs. I slid under and he was so surprised he didn’t move and I made a run for it, but then someone's arms wraped around my waist and picked me up bringing me towards the kitchen.

I realized it was Liam and he tried to pry away my hand but then realized the tattoo on my back.

“Rosy! When did you get a tattoo! And what does it say!”I quickly used my other hand to cover it and soon enough everyone was trying to pry my hands from my body as Harry stood there and laughed. Once I was finally to tired to hold my hands to my back and neck, I just let them drop and the boys observed my tattoo first then Louis’ eyes widened realizing my love bite.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now