(19) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (19)

Rosy P.O.V.

Everyone left besides me Louis and Harry and I sat next to Harry on Louis’ bunk of the tour bus as he sat in front of us.

“Okay, Rosy, I’m sorry at how I acted earlier, I shouldn’t have, you were right about Eleanor, she is so rude so I broke up with her.”I stared at him in shock, weren’t they like the ‘it’ couple right now in One Direction?

“B-Bu-But, you to were good together! I can’t be the reason you two break up! Now I feel bad about it1 It’s all my fault.”Harry put his arm around my shoulder and then looked to Louis.

“Eleanor is nice maybe it’s her time of month or something.”I couldn’t help to burst out laughing because of how Harry said ‘time of month’ in an uncomfortable way. I quickly regained my composure and looked over at Louis.

“It doesn’t matter I have decided Eleanor is completely invisible to me, then maybe she will realize I don’t care about her and get frustrated so start talking to me.”Louis and Harry both looked at me really weird then back and each other and then smiled.

“That might work actually.”Louis said then took in a deep breath.”El! Get in here!”Louis yelled and Eleanor came into the room with tears in her eyes and all I wanted to do was give her a giant hug but I knew she would only reject me. I leaned into Harry’s side as Eleanor looked around at all of us waiting for someone to say something.”Rosy has made me rethink about us breaking up and I was wandering if we could get back together.”Eleanor looked at me wide eyed then to Harry and then to Louis. The next thing I knew her arms were around me in a hug.

“Thank you.”Her voice was hoarse from crying but I just nodded. Maybe Eleanor would except me simply because I helped her and Louis back together. I rubbed her back for a second awkwardly then she pulled away, fresh tears of joy spilling from her eyes, I would be just as happy if me and Harry had broken up and got back together.

“Well, look at the time we should head to bed.”Harry said and I looked at the small watch on my arm.


“But it’s only-“I was cut short when Harry sent me a look and I nodded and climbed to my bunk and Harry joined me soon afterwards.”Why are we in bed so early?”I whispered not knowing if there was some really important reason as to why we are in bed about four hours earlier than usual.

“Because, we are sneaking out and if the boys think we are asleep they won’t care to bother us.”I smiled and pecked his lips, I couldn’t help but wonder where he would be taking me but I knew he also knew he wouldn’t tell me. “Wear something light, don’t wear a jacket or jeans.”I nodded hesitantly, what would we be doing?

“Fine, but please tell me where we are going.”I put on my puppy dog eyes and stuck out my lip and he just laughed and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

“No can do.”I just nodded and quietly climbed out of the bed and searched through the drawers until I found some work out shorts and a tank top and slipped back up to my bunk and changed not caring Harry was right in front of me staring at my body, we had both seen each other naked so what did it matter.

“Like what you see?”I teased and laughed slightly as he moved his head up and down many times.

Harry peaked out behind the curtain to make sure no one was out in the bunks before motioning me to come on and I jumped down knocking over Danielle’s makeup back in the process, Harry shot me a look then pulled me out, I didn’t even get to pick the stuff back up before we were out the back of the tourbus.

“I didn’t get to even pick her stuff up.”I pouted as me and Harry ran to some unknown place.

“You can make up for it later.”Harry slowed down and I looked up and realized we were at a deserted beach. I looked at Harry then back at the beautiful ocean. The waves were bouncing against the shore and I had wished I knew we were coming here so I could have brought a bathing suit. I looked over and saw Harry striping of his clothes. He brought me here to go skinny dipping?

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now