(8) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (8)

Rosy P.O.V.

I looked up and saw Harry, he was asleep on an unfamiliar armchair. I looked around at the wall. It was colored with different animals. Didn't kids hospital’s usually have the animals? I’m seventeen not five.

I sat up from the bed and yelped when there was a shooting pain in my leg.

Harry woke with a startle and saw me awake.

“Goh Rosy you scarred me to death, hold on let me get the doctor.” He ran out of the room before I could say anything and soon returned with a man dressed in scrubs and a clipboard.

“Hello Rosy can you answer some questions for me.”I nodded slowly still wandering what was going on.

“What is your full name?”

“Rosy Danielle Velesco.”

“What is your birthday?”

“September 9th 1994.”

“What is your moms full name?”

“Bethany Christy Velesco.”

“What’s the last thing you remember?” I thought about it for a second then shook my head remembering what I had done, I had tried to fill my body with so much alcohol I would die.

“I was drinking.”

“What was the last thing you remember drinking?”

“A bottle of whiskey.” He wrote a bunch of stuff down and eventually I found my hand in Harry’s and then his phone rang and he walked outside with a sigh.

“What is your boyfriend’s name?” I looked up confused.

“I don’t have a boyfriend sir, I've never had a boyfriend.” He looked slightly.

“I thought that young man was your boyfriend?”

“Harry? Harry is my best friend not boyfriend.” He looked irritated and wrote something down.

“what is today’s date?”

“August 14th 2010, and why are you asking me all these question?”

“You were in a coma for about a week, today is August 21st.” I looked up wide.

“But worlds is next week! I haven’t got to practice that much! Sir I have to leave now.” I began to move but there was another sharp pain in my leg and I reached down and put pressure onto it and squinted my eyes.

“Rosy you won’t be able to compete in that competition with how your leg is.”I looked down at my leg and saw a good sized gash in it and touched it wincing at the stinging pain.

“But my team needs me.”

“I called your school and your principle put some girl named Saddie in charge of the team, he said you always said she was one of your best and they got a girl named Alex back on the team.” I nodded and sighed in content seeing I had Alex back and Saddie was in charge.

Harry walked back in and stuffed his phone back in his back pocket and sat down in the armchair that had a butt imprint on it.

“Okay let me call your parents and get them up here.”I shook my head and so did Harry.

“Don’t call her dad just her mom.” He nodded and then walked out.

“So I hear you’re my boyfriend now.” He looked down nervously.

“Yea I wanted to see you and they said family only, so I said that.”I looked down. So he didn't want to really be my boyfriend, that was upsetting but I could deal with it.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now