(22) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (22)

Rosy P.O.V.

I woke up in my own bunk feeling sick, stupid morning sickness. I went to the kitchen and quickly swallowed the two pills in hope it would help my stomachache and my pounding headache quickly. I looked at the time.


My plane was suppose to leave at seven and be there early for the plane. I didn’t want to leave Harry but yesterday I said I was going to and I already have my ticket and everything packed. I put some bacon in the microwave and sat at the bar and laid my head on the counter.

When the microwave beeped I climbed down from the bar stool and opened the microwave. I picked up the bacon and put it on a plate and then sat back down. Everyone else was still asleep so I had the bus to myself.  I looked down at my stomach. No one would think I was pregnant seeing I hadn’t been pregnant very long. I would probably end up crying myself to sleep without Harry near me, I barely slept the night before.

I heard footsteps but didn’t look up, I hadn’t combed through my hair and nor had I brushed my teeth. The feet stopped next to me and I realized it was Harry because the tattoos around his ankles.

“What do you want Harry.”I still wouldn’t look up. I would probably want to run strait into his arms but he was mad at me. I heard him sigh then he sat down next to me on the other stool chair.

“I’m sorry about yesterday, I just want to help you threw your pregnancy and I might only get to see you once every couple of weeks and it kills me. I’m why you’re going to have to go through all this and I won’t be there to help.”I smiled and looked up at him, he wasn’t mad at me anymore, that was good.

“It’s fine, we can video chat and we can text and the tour ends in a couple of months you will help me through the end of pregnancy.”He squeezed me in a hug and I let a stray tear fall from my eye. He was right, he wouldn’t be there to help me through pregnancy and it would probably not be the same over video chat but we would have to make it work. I know Harry wants to try but for the baby I have to go back. 

“I’m going to miss you so damn much.”I laughed slightly at Harry’s words and squeezed him one last time.

“I know, I’ll be sure to text you every day and talk to you, I’ll tell you how I’m doing and promise to tell you everything.”He connected his lips to mine and I could feel my salty tears connect between or lips. I didn’t want to leave. I don’t think I will survive without Harry.

“You should say good-bye to the boys and Danielle and Eleanor before we get to the airport so we don’t all make a scene when you walk off, get it out now.”I nodded and walked into the bunks where everyone was sitting on their own bunks doing something. I couldn’t help but tear up and everyone got up and formed a line in front of me ready for good byes.

First was Niall.

“Make sure to eat some extra stuff for me.”He gave me a famous Horan hug then went and hugged Harry with a couple of tears in his own eyes.

Second was Zayn.

“Stay strong, I know you can, text me if you ever feel like doing it again.”I whispered because I sure wasn’t sure if he had told anyone yet and I hoped he would some time soon.

Third was Eleanor. She had tears in her eyes. Even though we weren’t the best of friends I would miss her for sure.

“Make sure Louis doesn’t do anything to crazy, I don’t want him in jail.”She nodded and we quickly hugged then Danielle came and hugged me.

“I’m sorry I spilled some of your make-up and you help Liam keep everyone under control.”She nodded and then Louis came up to me and tackled me into a hug and sobbed into my shoulder.

“Stay crazy for me but make sure don’t do anything to dangerous, I will find you and beat you down if you hurt anyone or do something super fun without me.”He nodded then last was Liam. He brought me into a hug and I let a couple of tears leak that I had been holding in through everyone else.

“Don’t let them get in to much trouble, stay daddy direction for me but let them go a little crazy every once in a while.”He nodded and I looked at everyone who had tears in their eyes. I was leaving. I didn’t want to leave but I am.

“Well let’s go before you lose your plane flight.”We all went out to the rent car, well van, and piled in, me and Harry up front. The radio came on and of course one song I didn’t need to hear came on.

A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton

I thought I was going to cry because what she was singing was true. I would walk a thousand miles to see Harry. That just proves how much I love him I would walk all that for him.

We pulled up to the airport and everyone got out and I stared at the building in front of me. I was sad to go but my mom needed me and I am pregnant, tour life isn’t for me.

I rolled my bags in and gave everyone one last hug before walking towards luggage check. What happened next I wasn’t prepared for and I couldn’t do anything about it. I let out a high pitch scream but nothing happened. They had me…

Harry P.O.V.

We heard a high pitched scream and all turned around. Everyone else was looking either at us or near the door. That’s when I realized it. Her luggage was on the ground. I didn’t care who saw me or thought I was crazy. I bolted off towards where everyone was looking jumping over luggage and running at full speed. Everyone was right after me and as in everyone I mean Liam Danielle and Zayn. We all ran towards where everyone was looking and I saw it.

Jason was putting her in the back of a big black van and then he jumped in the front and a car horn sounded. Louis was in the driver’s seat motioning us in and we all jumped in and I told him to follow the black van which he did.

I had some tears in my eyes. I never should have turned around until she was safely on the plane. I should have watched out for her better.

We were not too far behind the van but they took a giant turn and we lost them. I put my head against the window and silently cursed with the now forming headache. I closed my eyes and Louis pulled over and sighed.

“Sorry man, I tried to catch up.”I just nodded.

“What do we do know though?”I asked and looked into the back seat.

“We could always go to the police station. We know who took her and don’t you have his number? I mean they could track his phone.”Louis pulled over from the side of the rode and then he set fortht o the police station. This is probably not going to end well.


So you got me eight comments :O OMG  I love my oreos so freaking much right now!!!!!

Ahhhhh! Thank you guys so much!! :D I can't beileive you guys! I love you guys so much! :D

I still can't get over this! AHHH. Can I get ten comments maybe? Atleat the same eight? Please?

Omg's thanks so much :)

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now