(21) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (21)


“I’m assuming you’re the boyfriend.”I nodded and the doctor told me to look at the small screen and so did Rosy in curiosity. “Well you see that right there?”He pointed to a small little glob on the screen and I nodded and so did Rosy. “That my friend’s is a start to a baby.”

“What?!”Rosy and I both yelled at the same time.


I looked over at Rosy and she looked back at me with a worried face and I took her hand in mine.

“That’s what it is, morning sickness is normal and so are the headaches, I can give you medicine for them both and they aren’t too expensive. I’ll let you two talk while I write up the prescription.”We both nodded and Rosy rubbed the gel off of her stomach with the tissue the doctor handed her.

“Look Rosy-“She cut me off with a sigh.

“Harry, I know you’re in a world famous boy band and all but please don’t leave me alone and pregnant, because when I get really pregnant it isn’t going to be something I can go through alone.”I was slightly shocked as to why she would say that. Did she think I would leave her because I was in a boy band and to good for a child.

“Rosy, I would never leave you, and I would never leave you to go through something this big. Rosy I love you and I am glad we’re having a baby together. Maybe we can finally have a baby Darcy.”She laughed lightly and I smiled. Maybe she was feeling a bit better. She looked down at her flat stomach and smiled.

“Seventeen and pregnant, I could go on one of those teen pregnancy shows.”I laughed at that one and then the doctor came in and smiled when he saw our smiling faces.

“Once you get the pills take one of each in the morning when you wake up and before you go to bed.”We nodded and thanked the doctor and Rosy pulled down her shirt and we walked out of the doctor’s office both smiling crazily at each other.

“We’re going to get pulled into a meeting with Simon now, and I can guarantee it won’t be fun.”Rosy laughed and I nodded knowing we would be in a room for hours talking about it. I sent a text to Simon telling him the news and to tell no one and he immediately wanted us to come to his office.

“And now we go to Simon’s office.”We both hopped into the car and I began to drive towards Simon’s office that was in the U.S. it wasn’t as great as his other office but it was still a big office. Rosy pulled out her phone and then looked over at me.

“I don’t think you will have to buy me smoking medicine now because I won’t be doing it any time, I don’t want to harm the baby that is forming in me.”I smiled and she turned back to her phone with a smile. The whole way to see Simon was silent but a comfortable silence. She was scrolling on her phone and I was focused on the road. We pulled up the building and both climbed out and I intertwined our fingers. We walked into the building and went to Simon’s office and I knocked on the door.

“Come in.”Simon said and we both went in and sat down beside each other and I held her hand from under the table.

Rosy P.O.V.

I was nervous to hear what Simon would say but I knew whatever happened I would keep the baby forming inside me. I squeezed Harry’s hand and then he squeezed it back. Simon just looked at us studying us until he set down his pen and looked at us.

“Harry, you got a girl pregnant! She’s seventeen!”Simon yelled and I slightly cringed ,y headache forming again.

“And I regret nothing because I love her.”Harry replied and Simon let out a sigh.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now