(12) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (12)

Harry P.O.V.

We walked into the room. We have to share the hotel, and put her bag down.

“Harry are you sure you don’t want me to sleep on the couch? I don’t want to take your bed.”I sighed and rubbed a hand over my face, she knew I would not let her sleep on the couch and I would make her sleep in the bed with me, not in a bad way but she was sleeping on that bed.

“You are sleeping on, the bed, end of it, Niall and the boys said they would bring some food back for us.”I slipped off my shirt and went to lay on the bed. It was actually pretty late now and I was getting tired, but I had to watch out for her.

“Harry, why are you doing this for me? You’re helping me out and I have been so mean.”She laid down on the bed next to me and I pushed her back against my bare chest.

“Because I Io-” Shit I can’t say that. “Because you’re my best friend and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”She just nodded and I noticed a small tattoo on her back, I thought she hated the fact of getting a tattoo because she was scarred of the needle.

“Hey Rosy, I thought you didn’t like the idea of the tattoo.”She moved her hand on her back to place it over the tattoo and then sighed.

“I got in a couple of weeks ago because I didn’t think I would live through all the hospital visits and it was on my bucket list.”I was curious to what the words were, because I could see the top of it but not the rest of it, so it was hard to see what the words were.

“What does it say?”I was to curious to let go of the subject.

“Stuff, you will know one day.”I could feel the guilt and sadness in her voice and turned her around so our chest’ were touching each other.

“Just tell me, please.”She shook her head and buried her head in my chest.

“You wouldn’t understand and you would run away from me.”She kept on shaking her head.

“Rosy, I would never do that and you know it.”She just shook her head and I became frustrated. “I would never run away from you Rosy, I love you! I would never hurt or run away from you!”

Her eyes widened and I realized what I had said, I said I loved her, and she definitely heard it but then she started laughing, she was laughing! Why was she laughing? I said I loved her and she starts laughing about it? Not so much of a laughing matter.

“Why are you laughing?”Maybe she was laughing because she didn’t love me back and now she had something against me.

“Because, you’re in a world famous boy band, why would you choose me? I’m some girl that is an alcoholic, suicidal, smoker. I know you’re playing with me, you could have anyone in the world Harry, you really don’t need to waste your time on me of all people.” I can’t believe Rosy thinks of herself that way and I know she shouldn’t because she may be all those things but she was perfect to me.

“Rosy, you are perfect and no one can change that.”She smiled then her reply kind of confused me.

“I do to.”I looked down at her smiling face.


“I love you to Harry.”I found myself leaning in towards her lips and soon enough there were sparks lying throughout the whole room and I couldn’t help but deepen the kiss, I knew I shouldn’t have because I would be able to stop myself, but she wasn’t making any move to try and push me off or lean away.

“Are you sure?”I asked as I gripped the bottom of her shirt about to pull it off.

“I want you to be my first Harry,” I smiled and pulled her shirt of and connecting our lips again, I knew she was a virgin and I had always wanted to know about who took it because at the time I thought of it and I hadn't thought it would be me, I would think it would be some kid from school or Jason while I was gone but nope, I got to be her first.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now