(28) Nerd To Famous

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Suprise in the authors note and dont hate me!

Nerd To Famous 28

~Seven Months Later~

Rosy POV

I sat down between Eleanor and Danielle at the music award show. The boys wee nominated for best group song and albums and I couldn't be more proud if them.

I am now nine months pregnant and might I say fat. Harry tells me I'm still beautiful and just pregnant but I still think pretty fat to be honest. The boys were also having an interview and singing their new single One Way Or Another a cover the original by Blondie.

I smiled as they accepted an award for best group.

"We just want to thank everyone who voted."Niall said then Zayn took over the microphone.

"Our wonderful girlfriends who have been supporting us."Us girls cheered then each of the others said something.

"Simon for bringing us here."Liam said and smiled then Louis didn't say anything so Harry went up next.

"My beautiful girlfriend who is currently nine months pregnant and still beautiful as ever."I blushed a dark red color and smiled as I showed up on the big screen then the boys walked off stage and came to sit by us again. "You really are still beautiful."Harry said and I smiled and he sat down across from me.

"I just h out of me. I have had our little boy in me for a little to long now."that's right it's a boy even though Harry had wanted it to be a girl.

"We'll you're do soon so no worries probably another week or two."he said and I smiled. I was still rather big for someone who was pregnant but it would be a healthy baby and I would be able to spoil him rotten.

"I have to go preform you stay there."I nodded and then Harry gave me a short kiss before walking backstage to get ready.

"Hey Eleanor I'm going tithe restroom I'll be right back."She nodded and I hurried to the bathroom and walked in. When I walked in I clutched onto the sinks because of lower pains. It wasn't until I saw liquid run down my leg that I realized what was happening.

My water broke.

I pulled p phone from my clutch and dialed Danielle's number.

"Hey they're preforming where are you?"She asked and I gulped.

"Danielle my water just broke I'm in the bathroom."I heard her gasp before I hung up and began walking out.

Harry POV

When we walked on stage the first thing I noticed was that Rosy was missing but Eleanor and Danielle were both there.

Danielle held her phone to her ear and her eyes widened and she put her phone into her bag before telling Eleanor something then looking towards me.

She pointed to her stomach then to a vase of flowers on the piano near by and it confused me. She finally gave up and brought out her phone and I felt mine vibrate in my pocket. I checked the text and my eyes went wide.

From: Danielle 

She's going into labor you idiot!

My eyes widened and I ran to Niall and put my lips to his ears.

"She's going into labor song for me."I ran off stage an ignored the weird glances I was getting and ran to the car and jumped in and rode towards the hospital. Eleanor and Danielle had already taken her there and I was rushing to meet them there.

I ran into the hospital and asked for Rosy's room before quickly running to it and opening the door and running over to Rosy's side.

"Hey babe."I gave her a kiss on the forehead and then held her hand in mine.

"Okay so Rosy here is going to end up having a C section. The umbilical cord is wrapped around your baby's throat so we will have to give Rosy a small surgery so we can get the baby out safely."I looked at rosy who nodded.

"Is that safe?"I asked and he nodded.

"I have done this procedure over twenty times and delivered over one hundred baby's I know what I'm doing sir."I nodded and they rolled Rosy into an operating room and told me to wait outside.

I paced up and down the hall waiting for Rosy and our baby to come out and when the nurses came from the operating room running past me with my baby boy I got worried. Was something wrong?

I walked to the doctor who looked at me worriedly.

"Where's my girlfriend?"I asked and he shook his head.

"I'm sorry but she didn't make it through the procedure. You know have a healthy baby boy though."I felt a tear roll down the side of my cheek.

"You said the procedure was safe."I balled up my fist and he nodded.

"It is and this is something that happens one out of a million. I'm sorry if you go into the waiting room we will have your baby out but first we need to know what his name will be?"I crossed my arms and more years fell.

"His name is Coleton James Styles."I said then went towards the waiting room where I found everyone waiting. They all knew she was having a C section and looked over to my teary eyed face.

"Guys Rosy didn't make it through the procedure."I cried into Niall's shoulder and everyone frowned and cried. "The doctor said he would bring Coleton out when he can." We all sat around in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to bring Coleton out and when he did everyone had a small smile.

"Here you go Mr. Styles did Rosy want a funeral or to be cremated?" I felt a tear roll down my face as my son looked up at me.

"She wanted a funeral."I said and he nodded.

She was really gone. This wasn't a joke and Rosy was dead. I felt more years roll down my cheek as I looked down at our baby. He had Rosy's eyes. It was my favorite part about Rosy and every time I look at Coleton it reminds me of Rosy.

After I talked out what would happen with Rosy I left with the boys and their girlfriends. When we got in the car I held my baby in my arms and felt more tears roll down my face. I don't think k could ever find someone as good as Rosy.

But I have to be strong and take care of my baby boy...


Someone guessed it but anyway I know you all hate me, but you can throw chips ahoy at me because I don't like them. Maybe. Anyway sorry my oreos but there is a suprise as I stated in the last chapter!

There is actually 29 chapters because I made it the funeral *spoiler alert* but anyway it will be posted once I get five comments or just tomorrow.

I have the epilouge written and I just have to write the credit sort things.

Anyway thanks for voting and following and commenting and stuff!

~Your Loving Milk

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now