(10) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (10)

Harry P.O.V.

I sat in the lounge of me and the boys' house as we got ready for our Up All Night tour. We had a successful time but all the time I have been worried about Rosy. I haven’t talked to her since that day I left and she texted me not to talk to her.

My phone rang and I checked the number, Unknown.

“I have to see who this is.”I pressed the answer number and pressed the phone to my ear.

“Hello.”I said and I heard a sigh on the other end.

“Please tell me this is Harry, I have tried every Harry in the phonebook that is from Holmes Chapel.”

“If you’re saying Harry Styles then yes, it is him.”I didn’t recognize the number at all, maybe a fan got it?

“This is Jason, Rosy’s best friend, you know?”

“Yea, is everything alright, I know I’ve been gone a while.”

“Harry, Rose is still in the hospital.”I stood there speechless for a second then snapped back to reality.

“B-but it’s been so long! What’s wrong with her?”I started pacing frantically and the boys looked at me worriedly, if you’re wondering, Liam had to quit the cheer team because of the tour and they got someone new is what I heard.

“Harry, when you left she developed anorexia and she is in depression, we have tried everything and you’re our last hope, she needs you Harry.”I felt a tear roll down my face, I never tried to call and I never texted, or anything, I did nothing! It’s my fault.

“Jason, I would come but I can’t I have this tour.”

“Harry the only person keeping her alive is Dayla! You have no idea how hurt she is! She is only alive for a little girl and she loves you! She tells me every day she was stupid for loving you because you were a giant pop star and forgot about her! You’re killing her Harry! It’s your fault!”That one stung, I heard shuffling in the background and then Jason stopped breathing heavily.

“Jason, who’re you yelling at? Who do I love?”I could tell immediately it was Rose, it was her sleepy voice.

“Just a friend.”He then put the phone back to his ear then I heard a door open and close. “Did you hear her? She isn’t herself Harry, she needs you, her mom can’t even come see her anymore because she cries her heart out, Rosy smokes a pack of cigarettes a day because she is depressed and that helps none with her anorexia, Harry please if you can, come down, even Dayla cried for her today, Dayla also misses you.”I could hear him cry and wondered, the hospital allows her to smoke? Not a very good hospital.

“I’ll see what I can do.”I hung up and stood there or a minute, she’s gotten worse since I left and it was my fault, it’s all my fault. I punched the wall nearest to me and slid down it holding my hand. That hurt more than I thought it would.

“Harry! What has gotten into you! You were fine!”The boys all rushed over to me and stood over me.

“I have to go to Rosy.”They looked at me really funny then Zayn asked.

“The girl we met during x-factor? Harry you haven’t seen her in almost a year.”

“I just got a call from Jason and she’s developed anorexia and depression, she needs me guys.”I got up from the wall and wiped my tears. I couldn't cry, I needed to be strong for Rosy and myself, Rosy couldn't be strong enough for herself so I have to help.

“But we have a tour in a week. We start in holmes Chapel why not just wait.”

“We are leaving before the tour, She needs me.”

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now