(25) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (25)

Harry P.O.V.

I was still overwhelmed with the fact that I wasn’t going to be a father but I couldn’t ask for anything more, I loved Rosy and I would never ask for anything more than to have her be my wife one day and for her to have my child.

I kissed her forehead and plugged my ear phones in and pressed shuffle on my phone.

I leaned back and slowly fell asleep. I hoped my mom wouldn’t totally freak out when she figured out, that is if she didn’t already know about it.

~After the Plane Ride which they slept through~

Harry P.O.V. Still

I stretched out my arms once again and took Rosy’s hand in mine, we were finally back at home and we would get to see our parents. I wasn’t sure if they knew we were coming or not, but I hoped they would be happy about us having a baby.

We swung our hands back and forth as we walked to the rent car and got in after shoving the luggage into the back. I put my hand over hers and smiled at her and we headed to my house. I saw a tear go down Rosy’s cheek as she saw the empty place where her house used to be. There was a small frame where they were rebuilding it but it was barely anything. I tugged on Rosy’s hand and we both walked in and mom and Beth, Rosy’s mom, were really excited to see us.

“Why are you guys back? We didn’t expect you.”My mom said and I laughed slightly and rubbed the back of my neck.

“Well, we have some news we should all go sit down in the living room.”Everyone went into the living room and waited while mom got some tea for everyone.

I took mine with a smile, as did Rosy, Gemma even came in and took a tea and everyone looked at us waiting for what our news was.

“So, the news?”Gemma asked and I scratched the back of my neck again.

“Well the night before we left here we did some stuff and-“

“What stuff?”Beth asked and I laughed.

“Stuff, but anyway, err, you get to be grandparents.”I weakly smiled and everyone stared at us and Rosy fidgeted uncomfortable and I took her hand into mine and rubbed circles on the back of her hand with my thumb. “So?”I asked. No one had said anything they were all thinking about it and Beth was the first one to react.

“But, my daughters only seventeen,” You could tell she was a little mad seeing as I got her seventeen year old daughter pregnant. I nodded and scratched the back of my neck once again. “You got my daughter pregnant at seventeen.”Beth looked down and neither mom nor Gemma had said anything yet.

“Well, I guess it isn’t too bad, he has the money to care for a baby and if they are okay with it we should respect their decision,” I smiled at Gemma in thanks and Beth nodded.

“I’m not happy you got my daughter pregnant, but if you two are okay with it and you make sure to take care of the baby, I guess I support him or her.”We nodded gratefully and everyone looked over to mom to see what she had to say.

“I don’t like it one bit, I don’t like the fact that my grandchild’s mother has done drugs or drank alcohol. I don’t like the sound of it.”Rosy and I both hung our heads low and I saw a tear roll down her cheek. “But I’ll love the baby and look past all that.”Rosy looked up immediately and we both smiled. Rosy jumped up and hugged my quiet startled mom and then her mom then Gemma then came and sat down next to me with a wide grin on her face.

“I thought you guys would be mad at me for getting pregnant at seventeen almost eighteen and kick me out of the house then Harry would end up coming with me and our child would never have grandparents or Aunts or Uncles and-“

“We get it.”Gemma said and hugged us both. ”Congrats.” We both smiled at her. I wrapped my arms around Rosy’s waist and she leaned onto my shoulder still smiling.

“Rosy let me talk to you up stairs.”Rosy followed Beth upstairs and into the guest room. I wondered what they were going to talk about. I turned to my mom and smiled at her. She frowned at me and so did I. She had just said she was happy about the baby.

“I told you not to go and get that girl pregnant and the night I tell you not to you do, Harry! You disobeyed me and now I’m going to be a grandma!”

“Mom it wasn’t planned! I didn’t mean to get her pregnant, but I’m glad I did! I want a family with her! I love her and you are not pulling us away!”I whisper yelled. She looked at me shocked I had talked back to her like that but she recovered quickly.

“I am disappointed but as I said, I will love the baby no matter what only because you made it.”She stalked off towards the kitchen and I sighed and plopped down on the couch. I rubbed my face and then Rosy and her mom went into the kitchen and Rosy came and sat beside me.

Rosy P.O.V.

I followed my mom up the stairs and I was slightly confused. Her smile had faltered when she asked me to go upstairs so it kind of worried me. Once we entered the room my mom was staying in I sat down and then my mom sat down in a spinning chair.

“So, why did you want to talk to me?”I asked and tried to keep a smile on my face even though I know it would be hard to because there is no telling what could be coming next.

“So you know getting pregnant at Seventeen is a big risk. You have to make sure you can care for a baby and that you have enough strength to take care of a baby and the money, and with all the stress of dating a world famous boy band member. Just make sure you can handle it all.”My smile faded for a second but then returned.

“We can do it mom, I’m going to stay on the tour as long as I can because I can’t really be away from Harry for very long it kills me.”She nodded and we both walked back down the stairs and I put a smile on my face and then sat down next to Harry who looked tired.

“You tired?”I asked and he nodded.

“Yea, I’m heading up to bed, you should eat something before coming up.”I nodded and headed into the kitchen as Harry headed upstairs. My mom and Harry’s mom were just sitting in the kitchen silently and I grabbed an apple from the fridge and washed it off.

I didn’t say anything to them just bit into my apple as I walked up the stairs and into Harry’s room. Harry was taking off his cloths when I walked in but I just shrugged it off. It wasn’t like I hadn’t seen him naked before.  I went over to Harry’s closet and pulled out one of his shirts then got some of his boxers from his drawers and slipped them on. If I would have asked Harry I know that’s what he would have given me so it didn’t really matter.

I crawled into bed next to Harry and smiled at him. He returned the smile and placed his lips on my forehead.

“I love you Harry, to the moon and back.”

“I love you Rosy, more than you could imagine.”Harry flipped off the light and we both slowly fell into a peaceful sleep.


Short i know but dont kill me! I have very IMPORTANT news!

I finished this book! It has 28 chapters and I will write an Epilouge soon. You all are totally going to hate me for the ending but anyway I'm not exactly sure how pregnqncy works because I am like way to young for it so I decided not to go through it but there is the chapter she has her baby!

Sorry this book is coming to an end I will update every day since it is finished if I get five comments but otherwise I will update every other day!

Also when this book is finished also check out 'Only His' because it's coming right after the Acknowledgments are posted! Sorry for any mistakes every chapter after this was written on my phone so there are some mistakes! Bye my oreos! I am officially your milk! Thanks to the person who came up with that I cant remember who it was.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now