(23) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (23)

Rosy P.O.V.

Jason had taken the tape off of my mouth once we were at an old abandoned house but he still has my hands and feet tied up. Why would my brother do this to me? We used to be good with each other.

“Stop struggling.”He said and sat down in an old chair that made a weird creaking noise.

“Why are you doing this to me? I never did anything to you.”

“No but dad wants you, he’s flying over in a week and I just have to keep you here until he comes then you’re dead meat.”I was horrified for a moment then sad, I looked down at my stomach, Harry said he wanted the baby, if I’m dead that means the baby dies with me.

“You can’t do that, someone will find you and arrest you and that guy I’m suppose to call dad.”I hissed and he laughed.

“Nope.”His phone rang and he looked at it quizzically before answering it.

“Hello?”He asked and then I heard shouting on the other end. “To bad, you don’t get her back and you won’t she’s dead meat when dad gets here.”There was more yelling before he hung up and I struggled once again. “Looks like your little boyfriend is trying to get you, sucks he won’t ever find you in a big forest.”I looked down. Harry wasn’t the smartest when in stress I just hoped the other boys were helping him out.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I could easily get it but then Jason would take it. I tried to press the answer button with my butt they could easily track my phone if it is turned on. I didn’t say anything because Jason would easily know I had my phone in my back pocket.

“Oh look dad’s calling, maybe he’ll be here soon to kill you, I would obviously help him.”He answered the phone and went into the other room and I got the phone and tapped the speaker button.

“Harry, they’re going to kill me, please help me.”I was on the verge of tears and I heard the calming voice of Harry.

“Babe, just stay there, we’re at the police station, we’ll find you, don’t let them do anything to hurt the baby forming inside you and stuff but just stay safe and keep the phone line on, just don’t say anything.”

“I love you.”He said it back and I took it off speaker and slid the phone under the couch so they wouldn’t find it. Jason walked back in the room and stuffed his phone in his pocket.

“You got lucky, his plane ticket got messed up he’s coming a little later. I’ll still give you a beating tonight, maybe we could have some fun.”I was horrified, he was going to rape me and beat me and I could do just about nothing about it.

“Jason I’m-, you can’t-,”I stuttered and he looked at me curiously.

“You’re what?”

“Jason, I’m pregnant I you beat me you can kill the baby.”I said and a couple of tears went down my face.

“But you don’t look pregnant, you’re lying.”

“I’m not lying you can call the doctor’s office we went to and ask them, it’s in the files by now.”Jason gave me a weak smile. Maybe he was feeling bad about it now.

“I’m sorry, dad threatened me into it and I didn’t know you were pregnant. I’ll make you something to eat.”He got up and I thanked the Lord  he wasn’t going to do anything bad. Realizing my phone was still under the couch, Harry probably just heard all of that. I thought back to Jason getting me food. Maybe he is going to poison it or something? Jason came back and untied me but first locked every window and door in sight then set a plate of food in front of me.

“You eat some of it first, you could have poisoned it easily.”He just shrugged and took a bite of each foot and smiled at me handing me the fork.

“Not poisoned promise, I’m not that cruel.”

“Yea, but dad is.”He just laughed and got his own plate and began to eat some of it. I still sat on the floor and ate my dinner not bothering to get up and sit on one of the gross chairs that were set out. “If you feel bad about taking me, and tying me up when I’m pregnant why don’t you just let me go?” I ate some of the mashed potatoes. It was actually pretty good, and my brother cooked it, that isn’t to normal.

“Because then dad would have my head off and we can’t have that. I know if you weren’t pregnant you could probably kill me but glad you’re pregnant sis.”I could tell he was joking around but I probably could kick his ass.

“Can I have one phone call? It won’t be the police and it won’t be Harry, I promise.”I said and Jason looked at me quizzically before tossing me his phone which I took and called the person I knew would eb all over this. Liam.

“Hello?”Liam said, only if he knew it was me on the other line.

“It’s Rosy.”I said and I heard a bunch of stuff happening in the background then he answered.

“Oh Lord, where are you? Why aren’t you panicking? Have they fed you? Did they poison the food?”

“You should know by now, I’m not panicking because I’m safe and yes I have been fed, and no it isn’t poisoned because I made him eat some before I ate any.”

“Yea, we’re on our way, we have some cops and we plan on surrounding the house until someone tries to exit or enter then we get you.”

“Nice to know, tell Harry I love him and all of you guys but I have to go, Jason wants his phone back and I have to go but I love you all, tell Harry I’m fine.”I felt a tear roll down my eye and Jason took the phone back and I ate little pieces of my dinner. I had to say this is one of the hardest things in my life. Knowing Harry is worried about me and I’m stuck in some house in the middle of the woods.

“What are you going to do whenever we run  out of food or  toilet paper or something?”

“I’ll go get some, I thought you were the smart one, not me.”Oh if only he knew in a couple of hours or even minutes the house would be surrounded and he would be able to go nowhere. I just nodded and stood up looking around the old abandoned house, I found three bedrooms and two bathrooms and then the living area and a kitchen. I went back to the living area and looked out the window. I could see a little kid playing in the distance and he saw me in the window and looked at me weird.

‘Help me’ I mouthed in hope the kid could tell what I was saying and then I heard him yell for his mom and Jason removed me from the window.

“Don’t make contact with the outdoors.”Jason scolded and I nodded in hope those people could help even more than the boys. I slumped down on the floor and sighed.

“Do you like have board games or something?”Jason just went over to a closet and pulled out my favorite game. Monopoly

 “I want goofy!”Jason said and I laughed. It was the Mickey Mouse addition.

“Fine, but I want Donald Duck.”I said and we both set up at the start point.

“I’m going to beat you in monopoly for once.”

“You wish.”I scoffed and he laughed.


Well, bet you didn’t expect that…

Anyway, how do you like it? I think I will try and make this book fifty chapters if I can, if not forty but I don’t know I will try my hardest. I know how the book ends for sure I’m just not sure if I should go through when she is pregnant, do you think I should?

Anyway answer these questions.

1~ Did you like the chapter?

2~ Did you expect what just happened?

3~ Should I go through when she is pregnant to make the book longer?

4~ Have you eaten a unicorn?

Okay if you answered those questions thanks!

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now