(24) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (24)

Rosy P.O.V.

“NO! You can’t do that! Please don’t do that! It’s not right! Quit!”I yelled as Jason kept getting double dices over and over again. It really wasn’t fair, this game wasn’t ending very soon and I knew It and so did Jason.

“Yes I can, the dice love me, just like the ladies.”I scoffed.

“Ew, no.”I said and then rolled the dice and landed on the free parking and took all the money in the center of the board. “Ha! Now who’s the rich one.”I said and sorted all my money into different piles. I was really OCD about having everything organized.

“Fine, but I will win this game.”He said and rolled the dice again and got another double. And another.

“No! It isn’t fair!”I yelled and he simply laughed at my childish behavior. I slumped back down and moved my player around the board and bought the card ‘Touchdown Mickey’ I only needed one more pink one and I have that full color group. It was something I always did, Collect one color at a time.

“Don’t you dare.”I said as he landed o the last pink thing. He smirked and picked up the card and bought it. I let out a yell of frustration and began to throw my money down when the door busted open. A police officer I froze in the middle of throwing my money down and it slid out of my hand.

“Put your hands up.”Jason slowly stood up and I raised both of my hands as did Jason. “What was the screaming about?”

“He was cheating at monopoly.”I stated, it sounded foolish but she asked and I was going to be honest.

“We had a call that a girl was kidnapped and we tracked her to be here, who kidnapped her, and who is the her, is anyone else in the house.”Someone had a gun pointed at Jason and someone had a gun pointed at me and I was quiet terrified.

“I was kidnapped.”I raised one of my hands higher than the other then the gun that was pointed at me was then pointed at Jason.

“Before you ask, yes I kidnapped her, my dad which is her dad to actually threatened to kill me if I didn’t capture her.”They cuffed up Jason and I slowly lowered my hands and wondered where the boys were.

“Where is the dad?”

“He’s coming soon, he has a plane flight from Holmes Chapel tomorrow.”Jason didn’t even seem scared. I did admit he was tough but if two police officers were pointing guns at your head wouldn’t you be a little nervous?

“Come on.”Some police officer drug Jason out and then one turned to me.

“Did he do anything to you?”

“Nope, not besides cheating in monopoly, nothing at all, he even gave me food.”She nodded then wrote it down.

“There is a boy who is very excited to see you outside, he wanted to come in with us.”I nodded and got my phone from under the couch and stuffed it into my pocket before running outside and seeing Harry struggling against a police officer to come towards the house. I couldn’t help but yell for him.

“Harry!” I yelled and he turned around and I immediately ran and jumped into his arms. “Being without you for nine hours was way too hard, I think I’ll just have to stay and go on tour with you.”Harry squeezed me really tight then set me down and placed a kiss on my lips.

“You guys haven’t even been apart twenty four hours! Calm down!”Louis shouted from behind a polive officer and we both laughed. Even the police officer.

“Well when your girlfriend could be killed somewhere and you realize she’s safe, you get kind of happy.”I squeezed Harry into another hug and nuzzled my face into his chest. They had everyone from the scene staying around but the rest of the boys went home so it was mainly, me, Harry, and some police officers. I was sat backwards so our chests were touching, Harry had his arms around my waist so I wouldn’t fall backwards off the front of the cop car and then an officer came over to us.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now