(15) Nerd To Famous

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So how do you 14 people who are reading like the book?? I really want some more opinions! If you give me an opinion I love you to pieces and you will most likely get a chapter dedicated to you :)


Nerd To Famous (15)


“Rosy, I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s going on.”He crossed his arms and the boys just stood there awkwardly.

“Harry, I-,”I couldn’t trust my voice, it would crack or I would cry, I hated keeping things from Harry. “Harry I’m in-“


“Harry I’m in a gang.”He stopped as we were a couple of yards away from the boys and turned to me and looked straight into my eyes.

“Tell me you’re lying.”He said and I shook my head no, I had kept it from him and I felt bad about it but I was in the gang and I couldn’t change that, Harry searched my face to see if I was fibbing or playing a joke on him and when he realized I  wasn’t he shook his head. “Why didn’t you tell me, I don’t like the idea of you around a bunch of bad people, you can’t protect yourself you just got out of the hospital.”I scoffed and crossed my arms.

“I can guarantee I can protect myself, I have fought more times than Louis’ mom has given birth and won every fight, I can handle myself, I’m just scared you and the boys will get hurt, we are at war right now and I don’t feel like have to save you all.”I was rude but Harry keeps looking at me like I’m glass and I don’t like that, I want to be treated normal.

“Rosy you’re my girlfriend! I don’t like you in a gang! I want you safe away from harm even if you can protect yourself!”He said like a child and I looked him straight into the eyes.

“Harry, today is my last day in this gang, I leave to go to tour with you lot in the morning and after that I leave the gang, how about that? Will that make you happy? I at least have to get Diamond back.”I said and still held his face in my hands as we both stared into each other’s eyes.

“Fine, be home before dark and come to my house, you can stay over with me and the boys, oh and keep the jacket, I like it.”He said and I slightly laughed at him and nodded. I pressed my lips to his for a second and he pulled away and I slightly frowned but tried to hide my emotions. “I mean it if you don’t come home before dark, I will come and beat you down for killing my emotions.”I nodded and then Harry walked back over to the boys and I waved at them and headed back towards the ally but something caught my eye. Jay Emerald and Cass were all walking back down the street, well let me word that different, Cass and Emerald were walking down the street while supporting Jay on their shoulders.

I sighed and jogged past the boys and over to them.

“Jay get on Rose’s back, now you heavy idiot.”Emerald whined and Jay climbed onto my back and I began walking back passing the boys and giving them a smile, they all looked surprised I could carry a nineteen year old guy on my back when he is half unconscious.

“Hey Rose let me and Emerald get him from here, I think Thunder wanted you.”I nodded and let Emerald and Cass take Jay from my shoulders. I could still feel a presence behind me but tried to shrug it off but then I went into that mode, kill mode.

Someone put their hand on my neck trying to choke me and held me by the waist I realized it was someone from war because of the symbol tattooed onto their wrist. It was a dude so I raised my foot and hit him where the sun don’t shine and he fell to the ground clutching his crotch and I straddled him and pulled the small knife from my boot and held it to his neck.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now