(14) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (14)

Harry P.O.V.

I had a strange feeling but couldn’t put a finger on it.  I just shrugged it off as me and Rosy silently went up the stairs and to the outside of my door. We both put our ear to the door and listened for a minute.

“Liam, we can’t just let Rosy leave Harry! He loves her and shouldn’t he be back by now? I hope he doesn’t do anything he will regret.”Louis said and I heard someone sigh.

“Louis, it was their decision, they probably will end up back together, remember if you love something or someone set it free and if it comes back, it’s yours to keep. Maybe he was trying that.”I laughed, they thought I was doing that when it was just a cruel trick. Rosy began to walk in and I stayed outside for a second.

“Or he was playing a cruel trick on you guys.”All the guys’ heads snapped towards her then they ran and hugged her but a really soft hug in fright of hurting her. Then all thee heads came over to me and they all just stared at me.

“We thought you let her go you idiot!”I got four slaps on the back of the head and then everyone went and sat down somewhere in my room and I sat on my desk chair on patted my lap and Rosy came and sat on it and I wrapped my arms around her and put my chin on her shoulder.

I loved the feeling of Rosy in my arms and don’t think I could live knowing how good it feels to have her in my arms and safe from everyone else. We all sat around and talked for a while and then Gemma came in and was shocked at the sight of Rosy on my lap and Rosy immediately tried to get herself untwisted from me but I kept her close. I wasn’t ashamed she was my girlfriend, she was beautiful inside and out.

“Mum! Get up here!”Gemma yelled like a little kid and pointed to us and my mum came running up the stairs asking what was wrong. “Look and Harry and Rosy.”She said and crossed her arms and then my mum looked over to me and Rosy and I smiled at my mom and Rosy gave a faint smile. I knew she was nervous because my mum and sister aren’t really proud of what she has done and neither am I but I am here to help her.

“Harry, let me talk to you outside for a minute.”I nodded and gave Rosy a small kiss and walked out of my room and into the hallway shutting my bedroom door behind me. I knew what was coming next, the scolding for asking Rosy to be my girlfriend.”Harry! I told you I didn’t want you dating her! She is not a good person anymore! She is almost as bad as her father! I want you to break up with her right now!”I looked at my mom in confusion and shock and shock was written on Gemma’s face as well.

“Mom, I love her! You encouraged me to date her before I became famous! Am I too good for her now? I don’t care that she smokes and drinks! She is my girlfriend and it is to stay that way!”I had never talked to my mom that way and I regretted it but I wasn’t letting Rosy go that easily.

“That was before she was into alcohol and drugs, I don’t want that girl having my grandchildren and I don’t want you near her, she is a bad child and always will be.”My mom walked back down the stairs and into the kitchen and just me and Gemma stood there in shock.

“Harry, I don’t like the idea but if it makes you happy, I will help you stay with her.”I smiled at her and gave her a hug then walked back into the room. Rosy was on my bed crying and the boys were trying to calm her down. What had happened? I walked over and looked at the boys and they just looked at me worriedly.

Rosy P.O.V.

Harry got up and walked to the door and I walked over to the door and listened, I know I shouldn’t have but I had to, the look on Anne’s face was really unreadable and weird she had a smile but you could tell she wasn’t happy for us.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now