(17) Nerd To Famous

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Hey! So remember from the 19th ~ 22nd there will no NO updates that is why I am updateing early sometimes! I will write during that time to catch up but I will probably get a couple of paragraphs a day because we are dooing tons!



Nerd To Famous (17)

“It what?”I whispered and paced back and forth rubbing my hand down my face every once in a while.

“It caught on fire, I was cooking some lasagna and it caught fire and I didn’t realize because I had gone to the bathroom and then the kitchen was on fire, Rosy we have nothing now. Only what you have in those suitcases.”I felt a tear roll down my face and I stopped and shook my head my phone still pressed to my ear.

“Please tell me this is a cruel joke, please say it’s a joke and everything is fine.”I felt a couple of more tears form in my eyes and I wiped them away before they could actually fall from my eyes.

“Rosy, I wish I could say I was joking, but I can’t, I’m staying at the Styles house, just go on the tour and I will be fine, I’m a doctor I can get some money sooner or later.”Even though me and my mom weren’t very close anymore I still felt bad for her. I was going on a tour and she is staying here where our house burnt to crisps and we are abandoned. I realized that everything I didn’t bring just went down with that fire, the bad part is, my room is right above the kitchen.

“Mom, I’m not leaving you alone, I’m coming home.”

“Think about Harry stay with him he needs you and you need him, just stay, I already have things planned, insurance will pay for most of the house and I can pay the little I have to with work money and we can be back on our feet in no time at all.”I still didn’t feel comfortable leaving my mom but she was right, me and Harry need each other.

“Okay but call me every once in a while.”She said okay and then hung up and right when I was going to walk back over my phone went off again. 


“Hey.”I sniffled and the other side of the line was silent for a minute then he spoke up.

“Your house is on fire.”I could hear firefighters yelling and I rolled my eyes.

“I know my mom just called, can you please protect my mom and Harry’s family? I can’t be there and I’m scared the other gang might go for them.”I heard him sigh.

“They got Emerald also.”I was confused but then thought about it, they have Emerald and Diamond now! I slammed my phone into the ground and got a few weird glances and I picked up my phone observing it, it only had a cracked screen which was good.

“Sorry I threw my phone down, just try and get them back ,please they are like my sisters, I have to go but just make sure my mom is fine.”I hung up and observed the cracked screen on my phone, is was a horizontal line going from the top right corner to the left bottom corner. I stuffed the phone into my pocket and walked over to Danielle Harry and Liam.

“Harry can I talk to you?”I asked and he nodded looking worried. I walked to the space I was a minute before and looked up to Harry. “My house caught on fire and we lost everything, I only have what’s in that suitcase now everything else is burned. The worst part is I left that locket you gave to me in 6th grade back home because I was scared I would lose it if I brought it. Harry pulled me into a hug and I cried onto his shoulder.

“Rosy, It’ll be okay, just calm down, your mom can stay with my family and then she can try and earn up some money and you can stay with me and the boys on tour, shh , babe don’t cry, you’re gunna make me cry.”I stopped crying and wiped my face, I was glad I hadn’t put on make-up because I would look even more a mess than I already am.

I nodded and we both walked back over to our spot on the chairs and I sat down trying not to let tears come from my now closed eyes.

“What happened?”Liam asked worriedly and I just shook my head.

“My house burnt down and I have nothing but what’s in my suitcases.”I said and then Liam came and hugged me.

“It’ll get better, don’t worry.”I nodded and then Liam went to sit beside Danielle and then the one person that could make everything much worse walked into the airport, Saddie, I pulled my hood over my head and kept my head down and I saw the pink flats stop in front of Harry and I kept my head down.

“Hey Harry! Do you remember me? Saddie? I was friends with you and Rosy a while ago.”Harry nodded and then Saddie ran her hand up his arms and I was restraining from salpping her but Harry shrugged her off.

“Saddie, I’m dating Rosy I don’t want you sorry, you turned into a slut.”I wanted to laugh but kept quiet with my head held low and I walked over to Danielle and Liam to get a better look.

“I don’t see her around, she won’t ever even know, how about a quicky?”I was irritated and I got up and pulled the hood from my head and tapped her shoulder.


Hey! So what do you think about this chapter? What about Saddie? Real snob now I know! I am going to start editing my story soon! I am a couple of chapters ahead so that's why :) Good news! I might be getting a fancy Iphone soon so that means that I can write more often! It means I can get the app so wherever I go I can edit and write! Yay! Be happy with me!

Also I have the description of the next book I will write up, some of you have read it but some not.

If you liked this book you will probably like my next book! It's called 'Only His' check it out when you get a chance! :)

Sorry for shortness!

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now