(5) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (5)

Rosy P.O.V.

I looked over at Jason and smiled.

Stuff had been hard since Harry had left about a month ago but then Jason moved across the street and now we are best friends almost as good as Harry.

You thought I was going to say boyfriend? No.

I don’t think of Jason like that but we are really good friends, he has a girlfriend who is also really nice her name is Alyssa.

“Rosy! Take out the trash for me!”My brother yelled from his room and I groaned and Jason got up with me to help.

I rounded up all the trash and it was two bags in all so I got the lighter one while Jason got the heavier one. Jason took his out first and I dropped mine by the street because today was trash day. I walked up to driveway just as Jason went inside but stopped abruptly when my name was called.

“Rosey!”I stopped and looked towards Harry’s house and he was standing their along with the four other boys I knew to be in his band that got formed on x-factor.

“Harry?”My voice was barely audible but he heard it. He just stood there smiling and Jason picked the perfect moment to come outside. Not.

“Hey Rose what’s ta-“He stopped and saw who I was looking at. He knew everything about what happened with Harry, every detail of it because I told him or he found out from people me and Harry we friends with. “Come on Rose they aren’t your time.”I know Jason was trying to make Harry jealous even though he knows me and Harry never dated.

Jason intertwined our hands and walked me up the driveway and into the house. I only took one look back at Harry to see his hurt expression. I swear I saw a tear run down his cheek too. I just sighed as Jason and I walked up to my room.

“Why is Harry trying to get your attention all of a sudden?! He knows good and well what he did to you!” Jason hated for people to be rude to me and he now protects me from my dad. He doesn’t let my dad pay a hand on me or my dad will regret it.

“I don’t know all of a sudden he shows up with his buddies thinking he can just barge into my life, I missed him so much but he just left, not a bye or anything he dropped me bye that contest then never said anything after that text!”I had tears running  down my face by the time I had ended that tiny speech and Jason brought me into a hug.

“I really hate him Rose.”I just nodded and my phone went off by the window. I walked over to it and the one name I would have loved to see about a month ago popped onto the screen but now I wasn’t so sure.


Who is that! He can’t just take you away! Get your notebook and talk to me now!

Wow Harry got a little dramatic. I did as told though and found him sitting at his window hurt was fully shown through his eyes as he stared into my room while his friends behind him tried to get his attention but his focus was on me.

I got my black marker and wrote out in big letters.


Jason laughed as I showed the sign to Harry and Harry stomped out of his room all of his friends right after him. I saw Harry go out of his front door and my eyes widened.

He was coming over.

“Jason lock the door!”After I said that the sudden memory came around when me and Harry were in his room and my dad hit me.

I shook my head of the awful memory and turned my attention to Jason who was walking over to the door to lock it.

“Oh Harry why are-“My dad dint get to finish and my mom was yelling up the stairs at him.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now