(6) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (6)

A knock sounded at the front door and Liam walked in as my parents began to leave.

“Bye Rosy. Don’t mess up the house and if you do, clean it up.”I nodded and they walked out and I walked into the kitchen.

“Hey Saddie, grab red solo cups this party is going to get real.”Liam looked at me wide eyed as I pulled out different beers and alcoholic drinks. “Liam you’re what seventeen let it go. It's not like anyone will ever know besides my cheer team and we are sworn to secrecy about so many things they won’t tell anyone about it trust me.”He just nodded and another knock sounded at the door causing us to jump over to the door and open it.

Of course it was Kendle. He was always the first one to end up at parties and the last to leave.

“Hey Kendle drinks are in the kitchen help yourself but don’t have to many of them.”You could see his eyes light up when I said that and he headed towards the kitchen and walked back with a bottle of Bud Light in his hands.

After about thirty minutes we were having a full out high school party. My parents would be so mad if they showed up but I knew they wouldn't be, because they would most likely call first or something.

“Hey Rosy why don’t we go up to your room if you know what I mean.”Kendle put his arm around my waist and started to kiss my neck and I could tell he was drunk.

“Kendle your drunk I don’t do drunk sex.”

“But baby you aren't drunk.”His words were slurred and his eyes were slowing dropping down.

“Kendle just go home before I kick you off the team for being a drunk ass.”He just nodded and I saw him wobble down the street towards his house. Kendle only lived a few houses down so I made sure he made it home.

“Hey what happened to Kendle?” Saddie had a beer in her hand but I knew she wouldn't get drunk she was smarter than that and hated hangovers.

“He got drunk and I told him I would kick him off the team if he didn't go home because he wanted drunk sex.”She laughed slightly then Liam appeared with several girls goggling over him. “Harry texted me and wants me over there be-“ He didn’t get to finish because the door slammed open and my parents stood there in the doorway. Everyone went quiet for a minute then began to scramble out of the house sober or not they were leaving. Liam, Saddie and I just stood there. How could my team just leave me like that? “Rosy! How dare you throw a party like this!”My mom saw the bottle of beer in my hand and also the one in Saddie’s. “Alcohol! Rosy you are better than this! Why Since Harry left you are like this! You’re only sixteen you cant go around making fake ID’s to get in bars and get drunk! How did you even get all these drinks! Pick it all up now! Your dad and I will be down in thirty and it better all be cleaned up.” I hung my head in shame. “Wait mom why are you back so early you aren't suppose to be back until tomorrow.” “Our reservations got messed up now get to cleaning and it better all be cleaned.”I just nodded and turned to Liam and Saddie. “You guys don't have to help. I can do it by myself.” “You have a hole house to clean up we are helping.”Liam said and I smiled gratefully. “K lets start with trash.” I handed everyone a large black trash bag and we all went around picking up different trash. The house was totally trashed and we probably wouldn't get it all cleaned up in time but my mom wont care because we tried our best. After filling our trash bags we all went and put them by the street and went back inside to pick up any weird things that people brought and left. After cleaning up we only had the kitchen to do. “Hey I guess we just throw them away.” We all stared at the counter filled with different drinks. “I guess so. Everyone grab some.” We all nodded and as they left, I quickly went up to my room and stuffed six bottles of beer in my mini fridge and went back downstairs and grabbed more quickly to dispose of them. Once we had most the beer disposed of my mom came down as we were throwing the last of it away. “You get off this time because you have never and will never again do this. Understood? And Saddie, I am calling your dad to tell him about this and I don’t even know you.” I had to stifle a laugh when my mom turned to Liam and said that. “Liam Payne, I’m in Harry’s band and I joined the cheer squad.” She nodded and shook his hand as did my dad. I was kind of mad at my mom for blurting the thing out about how I made a fake ID and also got drunk before. I never went to parties I just stayed to myself but I knew how they were. “Okay well Saddie, I’ll give you a ride home and Liam you can go back to Harry’s.” Everyone departed and left me with only my dad and me in the kitchen and I could tell he was furious by the glint  I saw in his eyes. I shivered in fear and looked away from him. Harry P.O.V Liam wasn’t back and I texted him about thirty minutes ago. Liam came through the door and we all shot up to him. “Liam! Where have you been?!” “Well we were having a full out party and then her parents came and me and Saddie were the only ones to stay, so we helped clean up the horrid mess. Then I was told to leave and her mom took Saddie home and her dad was awkwardly silent.”My eyes widened. Rose alone in a house with her dad?! “Wait Rose is alone with her dad? Liam you can’t do that! He’s abusive god damn it!”I ran from the room and next door and heard a high pitch scream. Rosy. I busted through the front door and heard another scream and headed to where it came from. Rose was on the floor her dad hovering over her with a knife on her neck. “I dare you, scream one more time and this knife goes through your pretty little throat.” Silent tears fell from her eyes then she spotted me and shook her head no over and over again. “Get off of her!”I couldn't control it anymore and pushed her dad from her and threw various punches at his face until he just laid there. Rose was on the ground shaking and I scooped her up in my arms. “Harry, he tried to kill me. He wanted me dead.” She clung to my shirt and me and the boys tried to sooth her but then something unexpected happened. A police man busted through the door and yelled out "Put your hands up!" Which we all did except Rose because her hands were covering her voice for her. “We had a call of a girl screaming and I’m guessing that’s her.”He still held his gun up but when he saw her dad unconscious on the ground he put it down. “Okay anyone care to explain?”He was actually kind of calm and a couple of more officers walked in and observed the scene. “Well my good friend Liam over here left Rose alone with her dad and I have known Rose for like all my life and I know her dad is abusive so I rushed over and heard a very high pitched scream and I knew it was Rose’s because I had heard it on some occasions and when I got here, her dad, the man lying unconscious over there, was on top of her with a knife across her neck and my first instinct was to help her so I knocked him off of her and threw punches at him.” The police officer nodded and one of the others picked up the knife which had slight blood on it and I lifted up Rose’s chin and saw there was a slight cut on her throat. She was crying silent tears and still cried into my chest as I sat on the counter with her in my lap. “So you attacked him after he was going to attack her?”I just nodded. God I thought cops were suppose to be smart. Well you knocked him unconscious and there is no telling when he will wake up, so we will get a paramedic to check her out and take him to the hospital until he wakes up.” “No need I’m up.” Everyone's heads snapped to Rosy’s father and then the officers all pulled out their guns and pointed them at him. “Put your hands in the air and stand with your head against the wall with your back faced towards us.” Mr.Velesco obeyed and stood against the wall and the officer made sure he didn't have any weapons in his pockets or anywhere else and nodded as he finished checking around. “Oh my gosh what happened to my baby!” Mrs.Velesco came and tore Rosy from my arms and hugged her tight then Jason bust in and began to make sure Rosy was okay. “I’m fine! Just a cut I’ll make it out alive!” Everyone went quiet seeing as Rosy just yelled her lungs out. Not literally but she was really loud. “I just don’t want to talk about it.”The next thing she did surprised me. She climbed back onto the counter and into my lap and hugged me. I hugged her back and set my chin on her forehead. Sooner or later everyone was outside their houses watching to see if anyone was going to be carried out on a stretcher or get put in the police car. “Okay boys cuff him up.” They hand cuffed Mr.Velesco and then began to walk him out where everyone went out of the house to watch as they went down the driveway. Just as he was about to get in the police car he did the most expected but unexpected thing.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now