(20) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (20)

Harry P.O.V.

I woke up and was surprised when I realized Rosy was lying beside me. Her hair was slightly damp from being in the water yesterday and I combed through it with my fingers. I kissed her cheek and climbed over her going into the kitchen area.

“So, what happened after everyone fell asleep? We woke up and Rose was in your bed with you.”I just shrugged and sat beside Liam and grabbed a piece of bacon from the center piece of the kitchen.

“I don’t know I woke up and she was there.”They all kind of laughed at me and then I heard someone throwing up. Rosy? I hoped up from my seat and went into the bathroom and Rosy was sitting on the floor beside the toilet puking up last night’s dinner. I pulled her hair back into a ponytail and rubbed her back until she stopped vomiting. “You okay?”I asked and she shook her head and stood up grabbing her toothbrush and putting some toothpaste on it. After brushing her teeth she wrapped her arms around my torso and snuggled her head into my chest.

“I feel ill.”I lightly laughed. Of course she was sick she just threw up all of last night’s dinner.

“Go lay down I’ll bring you something to eat.”She just went to the nearest bed and plopped down on it, it happened to be Danielle and Liam’s bunk. I wandered what was wrong with her. Maybe something was in the ocean yesterday? Did she get the flu? Did she have something real bad?

“Hey what’s wrong with Rosy?”Liam asked as he munched on some bacon. I just shrugged and got some bacon and a piece of toast and put it on a plate and walked back to the bunks. Rosy was laid on the same bed curled up in a ball.

“Here,” I lay down beside her and put the plate between us.

“I’ll throw it back up if I eat it.”I just sighed and took a piece o the bacon for myself.

“You have to eat something. At least one piece of bacon.”She grabbed a piece of bacon from the plate and began to munch on it little by little. I had to admit she was cute when she was sick but I wanted her to feel better.

“Harry!”Niall yelled and I gave Rosy a kiss on the forehead and walked out to the boys. They were all looking at the TV screen and I looked at it wide eyed when I saw what was on the screen. It was that cop lady.

“Yes the young boy and girl did come out here and swam naked.”They kept talking and each time my eyes got wider. When the segment ended my mouth was open and my eyes wide. I swore we were alone, we never saw camera flashes or anything, but there was a picture. I couldn’t believe it. I just shook my head and went back to Rosy. She didn’t need to be alone. She’s sick.

“Hey Harry, there’s some dude outside that has been following us, I don’t know who he is and neither do any of the other boys.”I sighed and walked out of the bunks and looked out of the window. When I saw who it was I was shocked but relieved at the same time.

“It’s Rosy’s brother.”I was still staring at the window, he was leaned against a pole but his bright red hair was a total giveaway it was him. I was gunna go get Rosy when my phone rang. It was an unknown number but I answered it anyway.

“Harry Styles speaking how may I help you?”I asked, no telling who this could be.

“It’s Thunder, from the gang, yea well um, don’t you dare let Rosy out of your sight. Some people just left and they are looking for her and are trying to get her. I have no reason why but keep her from people you don’t trust. But whatever you do, do not let her near her brother. Her dad sent him and some other people I know that, but not the reason. Keep her safe and out of harm or I will come down there and protect her.”I was shocked and shut the curtain to the bus and the others.

“So, they’re just after her? She’s been throwing up last night’s dinner for like an hour now! Erm, I’ll get Paul to watch after her when I can’t and she’ll be safe, keep her mom safe. Yea, Um I’ll go talk to Rosy now, just you keep her mom safe.”

“No duh, don’t let her out of your sight.”He hung up and I went into the bunks and Rosy was just lying on the bed slowly eating a piece of bacon curled up in a ball. I lay down beside her and she snuggled into my chest and sneezed onto my shirt which she mumbled a sorry about.

“Rosy maybe we should take you to the doctor.”She just nodded and I got her some different clothes. She went into the bathroom and changed then came out and slipped on some flats. “Okay, your brother is outside but don’t talk to him. Your dad has him after you.”She just nodded and I let her climb onto my back and she rested her head against my back.

“Hey guys I’m taking her to the doctor to see why she won’t stop throwing up last night’s dinner, don’t let her brother in here and don’t talk to her brother.”They just nodded and I walked out of the tour bus, I could tell Jason, her brother, was close behind but tried to ignore it. I hopped into the rented car and began to drive to a nearby doctor’s office.

Rosy still curled herself into a ball in the seat and I felt bad for her, she really felt bad. I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen her feel this bad before. I pulled up to the doctor’s office and then Rosy climbed onto my back once again and I thanked the Lord she wasn’t heavy. I carried her in and set her down on one of the chairs and went to sign her in. I grabbed the clipboard from the nurse and sat down beside Rosy and began to fill the paper out asking Rosy questions every once in a while from the paper like ‘Do you have a headache?’ or ‘What about Diarrhea?’ Once I finished filling it out and handed back to the nurse and she said a doctor would be out soon.

Rosy still sat curled up in the chair but her eyes were open and she looked at me.

“My stomach doesn’t hurt as bad but it still hurts really badly.”I nodded and wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of Rosy then went onto twitter and composed a new tweet.

‘Poor Rosy has been throwing up and having headaches :o hope she gets better soon.’

Rosy’s phone went off a bit after that and she didn’t bother to take it out of her pocket just kept her position. When a doctor called her name I stood up and took Rosy’s hand in mine and we both walked over to the doctor and he checked her weight and everything then we went into a back room and he sent a nurse to check her blood pressure and the usual stuff.

When the doctor came back in he sat down on the chair and looked at his file.

“So Rosy you have been vomiting and having bad headaches?”Rosy nodded and the doctor wrote it down on his clipboard. He then turned to me. “Has she eaten anything lately?”

“I got her to eat a couple of pieces of bacon this morning because I was scared if she didn’t eat anything she would get sick.”He nodded and wrote that down the got something from the cabinet and set it on the small counter. He just left it there then turned back to Rosy.

“Have you had a period lately?”

“No sir, I think I should have started a little while ago.”The doctor looked at me and gave me a weak smile then sat back down on his chair and put some gloves on. Well we’re going to do an ultrasound just in case.” I was getting nervous and tried to think back to the day we had sex a couple of weeks ago. Had I used protection or was I to caught-up in the moment? My palms were sweating and I hoped that what I thought wasn’t true.

“I’m assuming you’re the boyfriend.”I nodded and the doctor told me to look at the small screen and so did Rosy in curiosity. “Well you see that right there?”He pointed to a small little glob on the screen and I nodded and so did Rosy. “That my friend’s is a start to a baby.”

“What?!”Rosy and I both yelled at the same time.


I never got my five comments -_- I am sad now :(

So can you all please comment? I may not update on time this time. I have to do some stuff and won't be on tomorrow so if I wake up tomorrow to five comments I will post a chapter since I won't be able to on the day I am.

So yea, you guys are still my oreos. 

Goodbye my chocolate goodnesses.


Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now