(9) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (9)

Harry P.O.V.

I didn’t finish what I was going to say, I don’t think she likes me back. What if she doesn’t like me and thinks I’m weird for liking her. I don’t know how that got into my head I wasn’t going to say anything about that, but I wasn’t sure how she would react.

I sat back down in the hospital chair and ran my hands over my face. I found myself doing it often when I was nervous just how Rosy bites her lip when she’s lying or when she’s nervous.

“Harry, what do you want me to stop doing? I would change if I could.”She was biting her lip and I could tell she was nervous or lying because she could change herself but I didn’t want her to.

“I was going to say stop being so stubborn, the boys wouldn’t do that. I know and you should believe that.”

“Sorry Harry but I’m tired, I think I’ll go to sleep.”She laid down without another word and I just nodded. Mom needed me anyway.

I kissed her forehead then headed out of the room and to the elevator.

I slowly went down and to my motorcycle.

When I came home I didn’t say a word no matter how many times everyone tried to talk to me. I just went into my room and took a shower and pulled on some sweat pants and crawled into bed with my thoughts jumbled up.

If Rosy did love me, why wouldn't she say something? Because I know I want to say something but don’t have the guts and the scariest past about it would be if she didn’t like me back, if she didn’t like me back then who knows what I would do. I probably wouldn’t do anything stupid like self harm or drugs or alcohol but I would be sad for the longest time. I sat up in my bed and looked over to Rosy’s room and realized someone was in her room sitting at her desk.

It was Rosy?

She wrote something on her notebook and then walked to the window with a sad expression and then showed me the notebook.

‘Please, help, he’s coming now’

It was the neatest handwriting I had seen her write in, if someone was trying to get her then why would she just be standing there holding up a sign. Is she drunk again? No I think she learned her lesson from that.

Then her dad busted through her door and took her by the hair and hit her against the wall. Even though we had both of our windows between us I could hear her shriek from there and I tried to get up but it seemed like I was glued to the bed.

“Rosy!”I tried calling through the window but her dad just continued to beat her and I was glued to the bed like when kids put glue on their hands and try to glue their hands together.

“Rosy!”I tried again but the same thing happened again.

“Rosy! Rosy! Rosy!”I called multiple times and tears were streaming down my face, Rosy still had her cast on and I could tell it blocked some of the pain but not much.

“Rosy.”I said, my voice was barely audible to where only I could hear it or someone who was strait up in my face.

“Harry!”I looked across but the same thing was going on.

“Harry!”The voice came again and I shuffled around. “Harry!”The voice came again for a minute or so. I recognized the voice but couldn’t make it out.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now