(11) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (11)

Rosy P.O.V.

I laid down in the hospital bed, this was the twenty-third hospital room I have been in and my twenty-third week staying in this hospital.

“Hey, Rosy I have to go down to the lobby for a couple of minutes I’ll be back soon.”Jason gave me a kiss on the forehead and then walked out of the room shutting the door lightly. I let off an atrocious cough and then laid my head down on my pillow. The doctor doesn’t let anyone come in my room unless it is my family or Jason, which sucks but not that I have any other friends now.

I got kicked from the cheer team, the principle didn’t like how often I am in the hospital and Saddie is now captain, the worst part is I already bought tickets to the worlds competition so I have to go and watch my team or give the tickets away, which I am not doing, those cost all of my savings.

I heard the door open but didn’t hear it close. I shifted my body to see the figure in the door.

I did but didn’t want to see him, I didn’t want him to see me so fragile and weak…

Harry P.O.V.

I wiped the tear away as she turned over on the bed and looked at me then lied back down. I walked over to her bed slowly and stood over her. I didn’t trust my voice because I knew I would burst into tears if I did try to say anything so I waved at her but she just laid there.

I waved lightly and took the seat beside her bed and she just stared at me.

“What are you doing here? You have tour.”I was surprised that she knew we were going on tour, she looked as if she just laid on this bed doing absolutely nothing.

“I came to see you, I miss you Rosy and I want to help you.”My voice cracked at the end and I knew I shouldn’t have trusted it.

“Bullshit, you didn’t come for a year.”She turned the other way slowly and I went to the other side of her bed sitting in the other chair.

“No it’s not bullshit, I thought about you every day and I want you to get better, you don’t look healthy and I want to help you.”The door opened again and a doctor walked in. He didn’t look happy when he saw me and I was confused. She could have visitors couldn’t she?

“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave, only family can see Rosy or if you’re Jason, and you are none of those, so I have to ask you to leave the hospital room immediately. When Rosy gets discharged in an hour you can see her.”I looked over to Rosy and gave her a kiss on the forehead then walked out.

I walked into the lobby and everyone stood up and walked over to me.

“What happened?”

“She doesn’t want me here and she doesn’t want my help.”I sighed and Jason face palmed.

“Of course she is going to say no! Get in there and make her do something! She needs someone and you my sir are the only one who can make her better.”

“But the doctor kicked me out of the room because I wasn’t you or family.”

“You’re her brother, there now go.”He pushed me back towards the room and I walked in again and to my relief the doctor had already left.

“Why are you back?”Rosy hissed and then coughed, I could tell she was in pain because of how she squinted her eyes and clutched her stomach.

“Because, I am helping you, end of it, you need it and I am willing, I don’t want you to go through all of this.”She just looked down.

“No one has ever tried to help me through this.”

“Well, I am, so now I want you to get up and out of this hospital, Jason texted saying you could leave.”She nodded and began to get up from the bed, I knew she was having troubles but she never wanted to be treated like glass, she hated people who did that.

“Okay let’s go.”She pulled on some cloths and I gathered her extra stuffs and put her bag over my shoulder. We made our way out and the boys’ eyes showed hope when they realized Rosy wasn’t completely avoiding me.

“Let’s go home.”We all walked out and to the car, Rosy still had the horrid cough but I tried to ignore it.

Unknown P.O.V.

I watched as Harry and her walked out of the hospital, I was behind them and they most likely knew it unless they were too caught up in their own world.

The Liam kid turned around and looked at me weird as I hung my head low but he just shook his head and walked with the other people. I got into my old beet up truck and began to follow behind them as they went to wherever they were going.

We stopped outside of a hotel and I was slightly confused.

Why didn’t they take her home? Why a hotel? Had something happened to her house?

I parked a couple of spaces beside them and walked in not too far behind them and went to the receptionist’s desk.

“I need a room super close to theirs. I can throw in some extra money if you give it to me now.”She quickly scrambled with her binder and looked at the available rooms.

“Room 743 floor seven, it’s right next door to them.”I nodded and gave her a wad of cash and she counted it out and smiled. I walked to the elevator and pressed the button then went up to the room. I brought a paper clip from behind my door and picked the lock that joined the two rooms, I would need to be in their room later.

“Do you think Rosy will be okay?”I heard someone ask then I heard someone punch the wall.

“No, but I am going to help her.”

“Come on I’m getting food you can come if you want.”

“I’ll stay with Rosy, just bring me and her something back.”I mentally cursed and then closed the small door but left it unlocked and then went to watch when the other boys leave.

I need her now………

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now