(26) Nerd To Famous

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Nerd To Famous (26)

Rosy P.O.V.

It was times like these that I was irritated at myself for leaving one simple thing behind. I am currently sitting on the bathroom floor trying not to puke to much. I hadn’t woken Harry up. It was probably four in the morning but apparently my stomach didn’t care because I rushed myself into the bathroom so I wouldn’t get vomit on Harry’s carpet.

I had gotten my phone and was scrolling down my twitter feed. There wasn’t anything special going on. I was scared to go to my mentions because we had announced the baby and it would be filled with questions. Maybe I should get an ask account or something like that. Nah to much work.

I hadn’t puked up anything in the last ten minutes but I still sat in the bathroom floor on my phone incase contents of my stomach tried to come out again. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Harry standing in the doorway sleepily looking down on me.

“I would have come and sat in here with you if you told me your were vomiting.”He said getting down on the floor with me and wrapping his arms around me and pulling me onto his lap.

“I didn’t feel like waking you up at four in the morning but looks like you’re up now.”I put my head against his chest and rested my eyes for a short moment before opening them again.

“I can tell when I have the whole bed to myself and if I have the whole thing to myself it means you fell off or left.”I nodded and closed my eyes once again. I had a bad headache and right now I just wanted it to go away. I groaned and put my head in my hands.

“Come on let’s go get you some headache medicine.”I nodded and realized my attire. I wasn’t going out of Harry’s room in boxers.

“Hand me some sweatpants please.”I removed myself from Harry’s lap and Harry tossed me a pair of sweatpants and I slipped them on before we walked out and I heard a pan fall from the kitchen and froze looking over to Harry. Harry got in front of me and told me to stay for a minute and grabbed an old baseball bat from the corner then I slowly followed after him as we headed towards the kitchen. He flicked on the light and the sight in front of us both surprised us but we were relieved that there hadn’t been anyone breaking into the house.

Gemma was snogging some guy to death…

“Gemma, please stop before you kill my eyes.”Harry said and Gemma let out a slight yelp of surprise and jumped back from the guy who had red creeping up his neck. I was guessing he hadn’t met any of the family yet but it looked like him and Gemma were pretty close.

“Sorry, but err, why are you two up?”Gemma rubbed her hands together and Harry walked over to the medicine cabinet and pulled out some medicine and handed it to me.

“She was vomiting and had headaches again, we left that other medicine on the bus so, I had to come down here to get her medicine. Then we thought a burglar was in the kitchen so I almost hit you upside the head with a baseball bat.” Gemma took notice of the baseball bat Harry had set in the corner of the room and nodded.

“Well this is a weird way for us to meet but I’m Jake Falcon.” Jake Falcon. I knew him from somewhere. Jake Falcon.  Falcon. Falcon. Falcon! That’s how I knew him, he’s in the gang.

“Falcon?” I asked and swallowed the pill. “You clean up nice.”I replied realizing he didn’t have the same scary look on his face. He looked more like a normal human than a street fighter. He looked at me weird for a minute and I tried to make my hair presentable. I wasn’t trying to impress him but it’s kind of hard to tell who I am when my hair is messed up.

“Rosy!”He finally said. He came and enveloped me in a hug while Harry and Gemma stood slightly confused. “Thunder’s been worried sick about you, what happened with your brother?”He asked and I thought back to what had happened the other night.

Nerd To Famous // Harry Styles \\ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now