#51 The Boys Tease You About Last Night

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Luke: "Who knew our little boy had it in him!" Ashton entered your flat, pulling Luke in for a big hug, then making his way to the couch. "What are you talking about?" Luke asked. "LUKEY. Good job buddy." Michael gave him a high five, and then followed Louis to the living room. "What's gotten into you?" Luke questioned again. "Congrats. We knew it would happen soon." Calum was the last to enter, mimicking Ashton and Michaels actions. "Ok. What's up?" Luke plopped down next to Michael on the couch and you made your way over to him, sitting down in his lap. "If we need to leave we can." Ashton stated, noticing your actions towards Luke. "Our rooms are JUST NEXT DOOR after all." Calum laughed, bumping fists with Michael. "Hey, Luke. That hip thrust thing that I taught you works wonders, eh buddy?" They all began to laugh. "Shit." Luke mumbled under his breath. "What? What is it? Tell me!" You begged. "Did you have fun last night, Y/N?" Michael shot you a cheeky grin. "Oh my God." You felt the color drain from your face. "We're just glad that Luke finally got laid." They all laughed again. "I hate you all!" You stood and threw a pillow at Ashton, then made your way into the bedroom shutting the door. "WATCH OUT FOLKS HERE COMES ROUND 2!" You heard Michael call out. What idiots.

Calum: "So, are we all going to a movie tonight?" Calum stood with his arms wrapped around your middle. "Depends. Are you two going to be as busy tonight as you were last night? We wouldn't want ot interrupt any plans." Luke's eyes widened and he breathed out heavily. "What do you mean? We didn't do anything last night. We were in the room all night." Calum protested. "Oh. We know." Ashton said a little too sarcastically. "These walls are paper thin, man. We know EVERYHING." Michael gave you a little poke in the stomach. "You mean to tell me that.. Oh God." Calum sighed out, obviously embarassed. "Did you bring on your moves?" Ashton joked. "Whatever." You shrugged. "You're just jealous that he got laid and YOU didn't." You said, quite matter of factly, which made them all go "Oooooooooooooooo."

Michael: "Pass me the popcorn." Mikey called from the couch. "You can say please." You crawled from your spot on the floor over to the coffee table and retrieved the bowl. "Where have I heard that before.." Calum huffed. "Oh, that's right. LAST NIGHT." He shot you a dirty look then looked back to the TV. "Ouch. What got into you?" You asked, taking a handful of corn from the bowl then passing it to Mikey. "Don't mind him." Ashton sighed. "He's just a little grumpy. He didn't get very good sleep last night." "NONE OF US DID." Luke sharply added. "Yeah, me neither." You agreed. "Funny because you never even tried to sleep." Calum remained locked on the TV as he spoke. "How do you know?" Michael questioned. "The fact that I had in ear plugs and I still heard you all night. That's how I know." Calum snapped back. "Heard me?" "Both of you." Calum glared at the two of us. "I know it's fun man but COME ON. Give it a rest. It's been weeks and these walls are paper thin!" "OH MY GOD!" You laughed, rolling onto your back. "Did you enjoy the show?" You winked. "NO!" They all replied in unison.

Ashton: "Good morning boys." Ashton gushed as he entered the kitchen. "And good morning to you too beautiful." He leaned into you and caught hold of your lips with his. "Oh God MAKE IT STOP." Luke slammed his head against the counter. "Not only does it keep me up but I'm forced to catch the road show too?!" "What! It was just a kiss!" Ashton shot back in defence. "No no no no no no no no no no. It was not JUST A KISS, Mr. Irwin." Michael knocked him in the head. You felt your face get hot as you put two and two together. You and Ashton had been increasingly loud the past few nights during your bedroom activities and now you were horrified, knowing the boys had heard you. "We get it, man. This is Paris... The city of love. BUT YOU HAVE GOT TO KNOCK IT OFF OR LEARN TO SHUT UP." Calum slugged Ashton in the arm. You all laughed for hours about it.

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