#38 One Night Stand

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He Was/You Were supposed to be a one night stand

Ashton: Fuck. You thought to yourself, waking up next to a sleeping boy in a strange bedroom. What happened last night? All you could remember was going to your friends party, and meeting all of her famous friends she'd met from the movies she'd been in. All you wanted was some fun. You vaguely thought of the boy that had charmed you back to his apartment. And then you remembered who he really was. "Ashton.." You whispered to yourself, recgonizing the blonde afro asleep next to you. You slowly tried to climb out of bed, careful not to wake him and looked around the room for your clothes. Any clothes. "Leaving so soon?" He grunted, slowly sitting up in bed. You sighed, quickly glancing, then even more frantically searching. "You don't have to leave. I think there's some eggs and orange juice in the fridge. I could make you some breakfast." You found your clothes in the corner of the room and quickly pulled them over your head. "That won't be necessary. I'm just going to go." You tried to leave but he quickly stood and grabbed your arm. "Hey.. Please don't. I mean.. I know what this looks like. We'd make headlines right? 'Pop rock star teenage boy charms innocent girl into bed.' I know. I get it. But talking to you last night.. There was something about you that I just can't get over." You thought for a minute. Last night was pretty amazing, now that it was coming back to you. You talked for hours before anything even happened, and he was pretty cute. "What do you say?" he asked. "Do you have any coffee?"

Michael: "So, how did you know I was the one?" You asked Michael, sitting with him while the other boys talked around you. "I just knew." He smiled, pecking your nose with a kiss. "You were just perfect." "And apparently you're good in bed." Calum chuckled, adding to your conversation. "Shut up." Michael sighed. "Please tell me that's not the only reason!" You giggled. "Well, it was a huge part!" Luke added. "Guys. Seriously. Just stop." Michael suddenly tensed up, and you knew something was wrong. "What do they mean?" You asked him. "Nothing. They don't mean anything." "I know that's how we started..." You grinned remembering the first night you had spent with Michael. "But it wasn't just that was it?" The boys faces lost their color as all of them but Michael quickly left the room. "Tell me." You demanded looking at him straight in the eye. "Well.. the boys are just giving me shit because... well... I wasn't going to stay that morning we woke up together." He looked humiliated as he tried to speak. "why...?" You stutterd, knowing there was definatelty more. "Well, the boys... That night... They bet that I couldn't get someone to take me home..." You stood now understanding what had happened. "I thought you were different." You sighed, making your way out the door. "Y/N! Wait!"

Calum: "I really need you to leave!!" You begged, standing practically naked in your living room with only a blanket to cover you. "Not until you give me your number!" Calum yelled back. "Last night was amazing and I don't want to lose what might be able to happen between us!" You frantically looked between him and the door, knowing any minute your roommate would walk in and see you like this. "Please! Last night was a mistake! It wasn't supposed to happen!" You bit your tounge as soon as you said it, knowing you had probably really hurt him. "So, last night. Everything we talked about... Everything we did... It meant absolutely nothing?" He sighed, pulling his t shirt off the floor and pulling it over his head. "Right. Silly me." He scoffed quickly walking out the door. "Who was that?" Your roomate asked, passing Calum in the door way. "The biggest most beautiful mistake of my life." You replied, quickly throwing on clothes and running out to find him.

Luke: You laid in bed with Luke, twirling your fingers together, knowing that you needed to leave. "I could make you breakfast?" He offered, trying to get you to stay. "I need to leave." You giggled. "You've been saying that the last hour." He smiled, placing a kiss to your head. "I guess I just can't bring myself to walk away from this. From you." You both continued to lay in silence. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. Both of you knew what this was. Best friends for years, both having just broken up with your significant others. You both had always had a thing for each other, but It was just supposed to be sex. "Come on Y/N. I know you. We both know you're not going to leave." You smirked at his cockiness but had to agree. "I won't leave if you promise me something." "Anything." "Promise me that if I stay we can have a lot more nights like this one." He kissed you on the head once more before saying "Many many nights."

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