#20 Newborn

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Michael: The sun woke you up when it came through the curtains. Around the room was various bottles and diapers, and missing was the two things you'd expect to see; Michael and your newborn daughter Zoe. You climbed out of the bed and made your way to the kitchen to turn on the coffee pot, and then walked into the living room. Michael was laying on the couch, and Zoe was on his chest. They were both sound asleep, and it made you smile a little. Michael must have heard you walk in because he stirred and opened his eyes. "Long night?" He mumbled, sitting up to cradle the baby in his arms. "Why do you ask that?" You question, even though you knew it had been a long night. "Your hair... It's a little..." You put your hands up and felt the rats nest that sat there and rolled our eyes. "Yeah, well this one doesn't make it very easy to sleep." You sat beside him and looked at the sleeping baby in his arms. "At least she's cute." He joked. "That's because she looks just like you." Michael’s cheeks turned a shade of red as he leaned down and kissed Zoe's head. "This has been a long week." He sighed and you started to cry. "It's only been a week..." You sobbed. "Hey! Hey! Don't cry! I didn't mean to upset you!" You were grateful that Michael had been able to put up with all of your insane hormones since you'd gotten pregnant and even after having Zoe. "We're ok! A little sleep deprived, but she's completely worth it. Just look at her." You wiped your eyes and stared down at your baby girl. She was so tiny and petite. "You're right. And soon she'll be sleeping through the night." You smiled and rested your head on his shoulders. "Yeah... That's right... Soon…" Michael agreed in hopes to keep you from crying again.

Ashton: "No, not that one, she doesn't like that one! You have to get the one with the flowers on it!" You were practically screaming at Ashton to find the right binky while your daughter Kenzie screamed in your arms. "How does she know what she likes? She's only two weeks old! There's no way she cares that much!" He was throwing things around searching for the right binky. The apartment was a mess, and you both were exhausted. Having a baby was a lot harder than you had imagined. "Ok, ok. We just need to stop yelling." You stopped yourself and sat down on the couch, stroking Kenzie's cheek. Soon she stopped crying, and Ashton took a seat next to you. "I think we bit off more than we can chew." He admitted and you nodded in agreement. "We can't give up though. She's ours... and I love her." "So do I" He took her from your arms and placed her on his chest. "Listen here young lady." He began speaking to the infant and you could only roll your eyes. "You are going to be a good girl for your mummy and daddy. I'm serious." Her big brown eyes gleamed up at him. You never noticed just how much she looked like him until now. "If not you're not going to behave, you’ll be grounded until you're 18, and that will be no fun for you! So, go to sleep now." You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at how ridiculous he sounded, but as if on cue she snuggled her little head into his chest and closed her eyes. "See. You've just got to be firm with them, they'll learn." "Good thing she's got a great daddy." You smiled at Ashton, giving him a kiss. A few minutes later and all three of you were cuddled together, sound asleep.

Luke: “I think he’s hungry” Luke said while holding your 3 day old baby boy, Noah. “I just fed him 20 minutes ago!” you replied, not believing that he was hungry already. “You fed Callie, not Noah.” Being new parents was hard enough with just one baby, but you and Luke were lucky and got twins. “Are you sure?” you ask and Luke nodded. Even with Luke doing as much as he could, you decided on breastfeeding, so it was your job to feed the little tykes. “Alright, hand him here…” you say with outstretched arms, taking Noah from your husband. After getting settled with Noah, little Callie started to stir. A moment later, Luke was there to pick her up and comfort her. “How did I get so lucky?” you ask yourself while looking at your beautiful little family. You didn’t think Luke had heard you until he answered, “I think I should be the one asking that question. Never in a million years would I have ever guessed I would meet an amazing woman like you, much less get her to marry me and have my children!” You couldn’t help but blush at what Luke had to say. “Well, I couldn’t be happier having your children, but how about we wait a while before we think about any more? I mean, I love Callie and Noah, but two right away is more work than I was ready for.” “Agreed. Neither of us have gotten much sleep since they were born, and that was only three days ago!” Luke replied “But we can’t wait too long, I mean, if we’re going to have 8 kids…” he continued. You knew he wanted a big family, but you didn’t expect that many kids. “How about we get used to these two first, then we’ll worry about the rest…” you whisper to your husband as you both lay the twins in their cribs, hoping to get some rest yourselves.  

Calum: It might be 2 in the morning, but there would be no sleep in the Hood household. It felt as if you had just laid your heads down to catch some sleep when you were suddenly woke up to the sound of a wailing baby monitor. You start to push off the covers to take care of your two-week old, Zavier, since Calum got up last time. “No babe, I’ve got it” Calum said sleepily, getting out of bed. “You sure? You have to be up in the morning, I don’t…” “I want to, (Y/N). Before you know it I’ll be on tour again. I want to spend as much time with Little Cash Money as I can.” “Alright, but I’m here if you need me,” you replied, rolling your eyes at your son’s nickname, given to him by his father. “Okay, but I don’t think we’ll need your help. Just get some sleep,” Calum said, kissing your forehead. Through the baby monitor you could hear your husband as he entered your son’s room, “Hey Zavier, what are you doing up?” You were so tired that when your head hit the pillow again, you were fast asleep. “Babe… (Y/N)!” You woke up about 10 minutes later to hear a distressed Calum through the baby monitor, “I don’t know what to do! His diaper is dry and he won’t eat anything! I checked his temperature, but he doesn’t have a fever… He just won’t stop!” As soon as you heard Calum’s plea, you got up rushing to save the day. “It’s alright Calum, he’s just colicky” you reassure your husband, “Aren’t you, baby boy?” you ask Zavier as you take him in your arms. “All we can do is rock him and wait ‘til it passes,” you tell Calum. “Let me sing to him, maybe that will help…” Calum offered. You took turns rocking and singing, but what finally got Zavier to sleep almost 2 hours later was a ride in the car around the block…

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-Becky :) 

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