#54 He Tries To Turn You On

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Luke: "So uhm.. Guess what?" Luke wrapped his arms around you. You were busy cooking dinner, chopping up onions. "What?" "I went to the gym today." "Oh yeah?" You wriggled free of his grip and made your way over to the stove, dumping in the contents of the cutting board to the hot pan. "Yeah." He huffed, leaning back on the counter. "My trainer said I was the strongest person at the gym." You grinned, making sure he didn't see. Strength was a big deal to Luke. "Well, of course you are. You're Dr. Fluke." You laughed, placing the tray on the counter and then wrapping your arms around his middle. You looked into his eyes, seeing the grin melt across his face. "Wanna see?" "But of course." He pulled up his sleeve to reveal his extremely toned muscles. "Wow. What exactly are you going to do with those boys?" You teased. "Let me show you." He picked you up and lifter you to his lips. You shared a passionate kiss before he said "Shall we?". You nodded and he carried you away. "Wait! Luke! The food!"

Michael: "Food's here!" Mikey entered your flat, carrying sacks of take away. "Yay! I'm starving!" You grabbed two of the sacks and made your way into the living room. "What movie do you want to watch babe?" You place the sacks on the coffee table and made your way over to the stack of movies next to the TV. "Whatever you want darling." He called from the kitchen. You furrowed your eyebrows. "You never let me pick! And you never let me pick the restaurant either. What's the catch Clifford?" You picked a chick flick and stuck it in the player, then flopped down on the couch, searching for your food in the bag. "No catch. I just want to make my woman happy." He entered the living room carrying two glasses of wine. "Wine? With take away? Ok. Seriously. What's up with you?" "Nothing!" He winked. "Uh huh." You huffed, still unsatsified by his answer. "I just think it's important to be romantic every once in a while. That's all." He pulled some chips out of the bag. "Michael. You flew me to Paris for dinner last week and then we ate cookies on top of the eiffel tower. This isn't about romance!" "Sure it is." He laughed. "Wait.." You stopped eating. "Is this about romance.. or sex?" The word made him grin. "Maybe a bit of both." "You really think that me picking the food and movie is going to get you what you want?" "I sure hope so." He laughed. "Think again Clifford." You stated, and then began to eat your burger, much to his dismay.

Calum: "I miss you too babe but I've really got to go. I'm meeting Ashley for lunch in an hour and I haven't even begun to get ready." You had been chatting with Calum on the phone for the past few hours. He was on a long drive to the next town and you were stuck at home. Again. "Well I just want to tell you one last thing." He stated. "Fine. What is it?" You replied, a little frustrated. "I got you something." "Oh yeah? And what did you get me?" You heard his lips curl through the phone. "It's a suprise." You were annoyed now. You didn't have time for games. "Oh come on Cal! tell me or I've got to go!" "Fine! Fine! Well, actually... It's more for me than anything." He giggled a little. "And...?" You urged for him to go on. "I got it in a little shop in New York. It's for.. uhm.. well when we.. you know." "Calum Thomas Hood! You did not get me a sex toy!" "NO! NO!" He protested. "It's just something for you to wear... while I wear.. well, nothing." His cheeky tone drove you insane. You loved the mischevious side of him. "Oh. Well, I guess that's ok then." "HE SLEEPS WITH IT UNDER HIS PILLOW!" You heard Ashton scream in the background. "Right. Well, I'll let you go. I've got a wild Irwin to beat up. Have fun with Ashley! I love you!" And with that he was gone. You couldn't wait for him to get home so you could try it on.

Ashton: "Oh! God! Sorry!" You hurried and closed the door before you saw anymore of Ash than you needed to. Walking into the closed bathroom before knocking was surely something the boys would never let you live down. You returned to the living room where all of the boys, excluding Ashton, sat laughing hysterically. "You dicks! You knew he was in there!" You picked up a shoe from the floor and threw it at Calum, the one who said you could use his bathroom. "Well, yes. But hell that was the funniest thing I've seen all week!" They continued to laugh and you burried your hands in your face. Ashton walked out a few minutes later, now fully dressed after his shower. You couldn't even look at him. You wanted to cry. He waved hi to the boys and then made his way into the kitchen. "What? You aren't even going to talk about it?!" Calum turned to you. "NO! That was single handedly the worst thing that has ever happend to me!" Your face turned bright red as Ashton walked back into the room. "Hey, Y/N. Don't worry! You only saw my bottom anyway." His words comforted you. "Well, thanks to these idiots.." "Seriously, Don't worry about it. Anyways, if you wanted to see my bum you could have just asked." He winked before high fiving Luke. "But I didn't-" "Oh please! We both know you two have been flirting for weeks now. I feel as if your relationship has just taken a new step and you owe me!" Calum tried to justify his actions. "Yeah. Come on Y/N. We both know it's true. Busy friday night?" Ashton pushed, grinning shamesly. "Well.. Umm--- No." You admitted."Well then you have a date with me."

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