#60 Telling The Family (Baby Mini Series)

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Ashton: Once you had found the nerve to tell him, you thought maybe everything would be ok. Ashton held you for hours while you cried, but promised to never leave you alone. Now, you had the daunting task of telling your families. Everyone had come over for dinner to your's and Ashton's apartment. Your mother's were talking about who knows what and your sisters sat on the couch watching a movie with Harry and Lauren. "Dinners ready!" You said, trying to keep the smile on your face, placing the dish in the middle of the table. Everyone gathered and sat down. You sat next to Ashton, and next to him was your father. "Babe." You whispered. "Maybe you should switch seats." He looked worried as he shook his head. "I'll be ok. But just in case, I love you!" He placed a kiss to your nose before reaching into the potatoes and taking a spoonful onto his plate. "Y/N I had no idea you were such a good cook!" Ann gushed once you all had finished your meal. "Oh, she gets that from her mom." Your dad replied grabbing another piece of chicken. "So kids, how are you two? I feel like we haven't seen you in ages. Ashton, how is the music coming?" You shifted in your seat, knowing you'd have to let it out soon. "Well, Mrs. Y/L/N. The music is going really well. I think we're almost finished writing for the album so then we'll just need to record it and yeah.. Coming along well." He smiled and she nodded. "But, actually Y/N and I have some exciting news to share with everyone...". You watched as Anne's face lit up with a smile. "Oh my God Ash you guys are engaged?!" You saw everyone's face light up smiling to you two. "Actually.. No." You sighed, shaking your head. "I'm... We're.. Pregnant." You looked at your lap not wanting to see their faces. "Wow.." You heard your mom say. "Umm.." "You're gonna take care of her.. Right?" Your dad spoke up and you turned to face him. "Of course Sir." Ashton said, taking your hand. "Both of them." Everyone was quiet for a minute and finally your father spoke. "Congrats kids. You'll be great parents." He leaned over and nudged Ashton. "But remember, I will kill you if you break that promise." 

Michael: "Mom, please stop with the baby pictures." You groaned upon entering the lounge room where Michael and your mom were looking through old photo albums. "Come on Y/N! You were so cute!" You rolled your eyes and took a seat next to Michael. His arm snaked around your waist and he pulled you in close to him, while mouthing 'love you.' "OH! And this one! This was on her first birthday,, Oh my goodness we gave her her own cake and she had it EVERYWHERE!" You all laughed upon seeing the picture of a one year old you, absolutely covered from head to toe in icing, grinning as wide as you could. Michael held the picture laughing. "I hope the baby looks like you Y/N. You are so cute." You froze when your mom looked up at you. "What baby?" The color from your faces drained as you both tried to come up with an excuse. "Y/N, Michael?" She said again. "Uhh.. well. Mom. There was something I was meaning to tell you..." You both turned and looked at each other. "Michael and I are going to have a baby." You waited to read the expressions on her face. So far so good, she didn't appear to be upset. "Oh my god.. OH MY GOD! I'm gonna be a grandma?!" She asked, jumping from her spot and running over to hug you. "OH MY GOD I'M SO HAPPY!" You wanted to cry, happy that your fears of upsetting her didn't come true. "I love you both so much!" She gushed, still squeezing you. "I love you too." You giggled.

Luke: You had been anxious all day on the flight back to Sydney to see Luke's family. They knew you and Luke had been trying for a baby, but you still couldn't believe it was real. And you were beyond excited to see them and tell them. "HI!" Ben yelled, running down the terminal and picking you up for a hug. "Hi!" You squealed back. "I missed you guys so much!" Jack was quick behind, also squeezing tight. "Good to have our favorite sister-in-law home." He gushed. "Hey hey hey. Be careful. Precious cargo there." You heard Luke behind you say. He gave them both hugs and you made your way through the airport. Liz and Andrew had apparently stayed back to get dinner ready. "So, what's new with you crazy kids?" Jack asked when you made it to the car. "Oh not much. Luke's just been working a lot like usual and-" "Y/N'S PREGNANT!" He cut you off, practically screaming in his brother's ears. "Ugh Luke." You groaned. "What happened to waiting until we saw them all before spilling your guts?!" You gave him a small punch to the arm and laughed. "Oh my God. I'm so excited. We're gonna be uncles!" "So, you're moving back right because you're not taking my nephew away from me." "What if it's a girl wanker, Y/N is it a girl?" "You're the wanker she's not even showing we don't know what it is yet." The three of them argued back and forth almost forgetting you were there. "Uhh, guys! I'm glad you're so excited but can we PLEASE keep this a secret until the right moment when we get home?! PLEASE!" You begged. "Fine fine!" They all agreed. The rest of the car ride was spent talking about how Luke wanted to name the baby something exotic like Pear and how you would absolutely not have a child named Pear. Ben and Jack teased Luke, worried about his paternal skills. "Ok guys. Now remember. I will tell them over dinner ok? So let's keep this hush until then!" You four climbed the steps to the Hemming's house and Luke's parents met you at the door. "Luke! And-" "Y/N'S PREGNANT!" All three boys said in unison, cutting Liz off. So much for waiting for the right time. Laughs and tears were shared, and in the end, that was all you wanted.. everyone together and happy, sharing in yours and Luke's joy.

Calum: "So, mum? What are your plans for Christmas?" You and Calum sat on the couch opposite Joy at the Hood household. You had already told your family the news, but you couldn't wait to tell Calum's. "I don't know. Probably just the usual. Chrissy lunch. Open presents. The usual. Why?" Calum could barely contain the smile on his face. "Oh, no reason. Just thought maybe we could do something special because it'll be so different this year." You could see the confusion on her face as her nose crinkled. "Aw Calum. Don't be cruel! Just tell her!" You giggled, leaning into him. "Tell me what?!" She asked concerned. "Well, this Christmas they'll be a little baby around. We'll have to make it special." Her expression changed from worry to pure joy as you saw the tears welling in her eyes. "Really!" She cried. "I'm due December 17th." You stood and walked over to your handbag, pulling out the ultrasound photo. "I'm so happy!" She managed to laugh out between tears, giving the both of you a hug. "Merry Christmas!" Calum laughed. "This is the best Christmas present ever!" She exclaimed. 

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