#36 Sleepy

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Ashton: “Ashton Fletcher Irwin I am giving you two seconds to drag your ass off the bed and start getting ready or I will pick you up and do it myself!” This was the tenth time you'd asked him to get up, but because of jet lag and lack of sleep he couldn't get himself together for the date you two had planned. “Y/N!” He whined, turning over and closing his eyes. “I'm just so tired.” “I can see that.” You sighed. “But I've been planning on this all week! Just give me two hours for dinner and then you can come sleep for the next week straight.” You stared at him as he continued to lay flat. “But I hate people and pants and those monkey suits you make me wear and..” Mid sentence he turned face down, smashing his head into the pillow groaning. “Please.” You begged, shaking his shoulders, unsuccessfully making him budge. “Wouldn't you much rather stay here and cuddle with your adorable boyfriend?” He turned to look at you, pulling an irresistable pouting face. “No no no. It's not that easy. We're going.” “but Y/N...” He begged some more, now fully turning over and pulling his jacket hood over his head, sinking further into the bed. As much as you wanted to go, he did look adorable. Messy hair, gruffy vocie and that sweet dimpled smile had you second guessing you plans. “Huh?” He smiled, pulling you onto the bed with him. You giggled a little, sliding in next to him, wrapping yourself around his body and sticking your hands in his hoodie pocket. “Fine. But you owe me.”

Calum: You had decided to spend the night at Calums, but the night hadn't consisted of any sleep for either of you, and when six o' clock rolled around you felt like your eyes were about to fall out of their sockets. After drifting off for just a few minutes you awoke to any empty bed, and you groaned, climbing out to go find your boyfriend. “Calum...” you called out, looking in and out of the various rooms. “There you are.” You sighed finding him in the laundry room looking through mountains of clothes. “What are you doing?” You asked, snaking your hands around his waist and laying your head on his back. “Just looking for my Nirvana sweatshirt.” He grumbled continuing to dig. “It's six in the morning. Do you really need it right this second?” He pulled up a piece of fabric, successfully finding the item he was looking for. “Here, put this on.” He handed it to you waiting for you to do as he asked. “What..?” You laughed, sliding it over your head. “You are strange.” You giggled dragging him back down the hallway to the bedrrom. “When ever I can't sleep I just think of you in that hoodie and suddenly I Find myself dreaming about you. Since you're here I'd figure the real thing would get me to sleep that much faster.” You both cuddled back into bed, conforming to each other's bodies. “Well?” You asked, waiting to see the results. “I think I was wrong. You've only become more of a beautiful distraction.” You both giggled as you laid there staring at each other, tired as could be.

Michael: “Y/N cuddle me.” He sighed from the couch. Meanwhile you were busy finishing up a project you'd committed yourself to for work. “Not now Michael. The deadline is tomorrow. I have to finish this tonight.” You continued to work, but heard footsteps creep up behind you. “Don't think about it.” You sighed, knowing what was coming. He crawled behind you, laying himself on your lap. Slowly he became more and more annoying, twirling your hair, tickling your stomach and poking you everywhere he could. “Michael! Stop!” You laughed trying to push him off you.” But Y/N. Let's think about this. I haven’t properly slept in months, and even when I did I had that teddy bear you gave me to cuddle with. But now I've gone and left it God knows where, so I need something else to cuddle with to get to sleep.” He continued to prude, to the point where you couldn't continue working. “Your logic is skewed, but I must say that was pretty quick thinking. Anyways, you look adorable in those sweat pants. I think we just might have to take a quick nap.”

Luke: Today was the first day off for you in months, so you were taking every mintue you could to catch up on sleep. But, just shortly into your slumber, something woke you up. You walked out to the living room to investigate, seeing Luke, Ashton, Michael and Calum playing FIFA on your living room TV. “Could you people be any louder?” You groaned, walking over to Luke and crawling up on the couch next to him. “Did we wake you up?” “We're sorry Y/N.” They sighed, seemingly apologetic, but continuing to play and cheer. “Luke, I just need a nap.” You sighed, knowing what you needed to say to get your way. “I'm sorry baby. Come here.” You crawled into his lap, settling yourself into his lap and laying your head on his chest. “YES!!” Ashton screamed, jumping up from his spot. “Luke...” You whined. “Guys, hey. My beautiful girlfriend is trying to sleep!” He scolded. No more than ten minutes later and all the boys left, mentioning how whipped Luke was as they left your house. “Thanks Luke..” You sighed, slowly drifting into sleep. “Anything for my sleepy little love.”

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