#22 Birthday

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Since Ashton's birthday is obviously the greatest holiday in the year I figured I'd write a preference based around birthdays. That kid cracks me up. I don't think any 20 year old gets quite as excited about his birthday as that one does. Special little thing. God I love him.

ALSO, a happy birthday to my co-owner Becky and for being such a good sport about me being a day late!! Happy birthday cute girl! Hope your day was fantastically amazing!!!

Anywho.. Sorry for the lack of updates. 30 hour work weeks for a 17 year old are a killer.

Enjoy! Xx - Kels


Calum: "Cal..." You groan as he places the plastic crown on top of your head. "You know I hate my birthday. I don't think there's anything wonderful about getting older. I'm practically ancient now." Everyone around the restaurant watched as Calum continued to cover you in fake gaudy jewelry. "Well, you won't let me buy you any real jewelry, so this will have to suffice. I want everyone to know it's your special day and that you're getting the treatment you deserve." He sat back down and took a bite of his burger. "Cal, this morning you already made me breakfast in bed, gave me a new outfit, bought me my favorite movie and took me shopping and out to lunch. Please tell me this is the last of the surprises." He chuckled a little between bites then spoke. "It's like you don't know me at all Y/N. This is only the beginning." You shuddered at the thought of what else might happen during the rest of the day. "Well what else do you have planned Rico Suave?" "You'll see." He winked. The rest of your day was spent with Calum pampering you in every way possible, spending way too much money and generally being his sweet adorable self. "Thanks for the birthday babe." You smiled as you cuddled into bed that night. "I really wish you didn't feel like you had to do this all for me though." You sighed. "Well if that wasn't enough, how about this?" He winked, kissing you again. Best birthday ever.

Ashton: "Y/N! Y/N! Guess what day it is?!" You huffed, turning over in bed and looking at the clock. "Ashton it's past midnight. What the hell are you doing screaming at this ungodly hour?" He was wide awake, jumping around the room like a maniac. "Y/N! It's my birthday! It's July 7th because that clock is past midnight so that means it's MY birthday!" He continued to jump around, jumping on top of you and squishing you underneath him. "Happy Birthday babe. But can't we do this in the morning? I'm tired.." You closed your eyes, trying and failing to go back to sleep. "No! Come on this only happens once a year! We have to start celebrating now! I love my birthday!" You laughed as he ran out the door of the bedroom to who knows where. "I know you do.. Fine fine. I'm up." When you entered the living room you saw Ashton on the phone and chuckled at the conversation. "But Luke.. No I know it's late but.. Yeah well I wanted to... No please! I just..-" He pulled the phone from his ear and sighed. "He hung up on me.." "Well it is late hunn." You laughed, climbing into his lap. "I was going to wait until the morning to give you this, but now seems as good a time as any." You pulled a long slender box from behind your back and placed it in his hands. He quickly tore at the paper, ripping through the box but stopped when he saw what was in it. "Y/N... These are great." It was a brand new set of drum sticks for him, with a message from you written on them. "Happy Birthday to my rock star. I love you so much and I hope you think of me whenever you use these to play. I love you - Y/N". He read aloud. "I love them so much, Y/N. Thank you." He wrapped you in a hug, placing a kiss to your lips. "Good, because writing that small took some work. Can we please go back to bed now?" "No way! I've got to go break these in!" He dropped you on the couch and ran off to his drums. "Ashton! It's 12 in the morning! What about the neighbors!"

Michael: "I hate you." Michael sighed as the excitement finally wore down. "You love me and you know it." You grinned wrapping him up in a hug. "You know how much I hate surprises!" He whined. "Yeah, but Mikey it's your 20th birthday. I wanted to do something really special for you..." You went onto your tippy toes and whispered in his ear. "But the real surprise comes later tonight." With that you walked away leaving him doe eyed at the thought. The party went on for hours and even though you knew surprises weren't Michaels thing you could tell he was having fun with all of your guys' friends. "So? Was it so completely horrendously awful?" You asked, plopping down on the couch after everyone had left, too tired to clean up the mess. "No, of course not. Thank you." He laughed, laying on top of you. "Happy Birthday sweetie. I love you so much. Oh, here's your present." You reached into your pocket and pulled out the tickets and handed them to him. "All Time Low?! Babe!" He jumped from the couch and ran around. "Yeah, well Alex owed me a favor, so..." You smiled and stood. "That's not all of your present though." He stopped and stared at you. "Right. The OTHER part of my present." You giggled as he picked you up and carried you to the bedroom.

Luke: This had officially been the worst birthday ever. Luke had missed his flight home, your friends had bailed and no one had even called you to wish you a happy birthday. You had spent the entire day wrapped up in a blanket in your apartment, eating ice cream straight out of the carton. Your phone buzzed on the couch so you answered it. "Hello?" "Baby.. I'm so sorry please just-" "Listen Luke. It's fine. I understand. Things happen, people miss flights. No big deal." You said the words but both of you knew they weren't true. "Please. How can I make it up to you?" You sighed, knowing nothing could match him actually being there. "Luke, you don't need to do anything. I'm fine really- Oh. Hold on, there's someone at the door." You stood and walked to the door, opening it to see Luke standing there in a tux with a boquet of flowers in his hands."Luke.." You sighed, pulling the phone away from your ear. "Does this make it up to you?" He smiled, wrapping his arms around you and giving you a few spins. Your birthday had sucked thus far, but suddenly none of that mattered. "It more than makes it up. How did you get here?" He chuckled a little at the thought. "Well, let's just say I owe a certain stewardess a few tickets to the next concert for putting me on the booked flight." "You're perfect." "Why are you home? I thought you and your friends were supposed to be going out?" He crinkled his eye brows, still holding tightly to your hips. "Yeah, well they bailed..." You walked away from him and returned to your spot on the couch. "They didn't.." He sighed, wrapping his body around yours again. "Well I'm here now. And this is going to be the best birthday you've ever had." "One problem." You peeped. "It's 12:02. My birthday's over now." He grunted looking at the clock on the wall. "Well then I guess from now on we'll just have to declare this week Y/N's birthday week." You smiled, thankful to have such an amazing boyfriend. And now, because of him, this birthday was the best yet.

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