#14 Babysitter

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Ashton: "Ok, now you're sure you have everything you need?" You were concerned as you watched Ashton bounce your son on his lap, playing peekaboo with the tot. "I'm sure Y/N. You and Calum need a night out. You haven't done anything since he was born. Plus, I helped out with Lauren and Harry all the time. I'm great with kids, huh buddy!" He smiled back at Aiden and the baby giggled. You smiled and nodded. "Ok. Well, the bottles are in the fridge, and the diapers are-" "I'm sure he knows." Calum interrupted you, placing a soft hand on your shoulder. "He does live here too you know Y/N?" He joked, placing a kiss to your temple. "Now let's go or we'll miss our reservations." Calum grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the door. "Call me if there's problems, Ash!" "Bye mommy!" Ashton mimicked, waving the baby's hand towards you. "We'll have fun, won't we?" He asked Aiden as the door shut, receiving another giggle. "You're in great hands with uncle Ashton. Your mommy doesn't need to worry! Now, who wants to watch some Walking Dead?"

Michael: "Hey Mikey?" You called out, entering the apartment. You found him watching TV in the living room. "Hey Y/N." He smiled when he saw you. "And hi Scarlet!" He waved to your daughter in the carrier you were holding. "I have a huge favor to ask you." You sighed. "What is it?" "I need to run to a photo shoot. Some sort of makeup emergency that they need help with or something... I just can't watch Scar and help them at the same time. Can you maybe look after her for an hour or two until Luke comes back from the gym?" You flashed an exhausted smile, knowing he Michael was your last hope. "Sure! That's not a problem. Scarlet loves me." He chuckled, taking the carrier from your hands. "You're a life saver!" You shrieked, wrapping an arm around him to hug him. "Here's the diaper bag, and everything you need is in there. Luke will be here in a few to pick her up! Thank you again!" With that you quickly kissed the baby on the cheek and ran out the door. "Looks like it's just you and me kid. Up for a round of FIFA?" Scarlet smirked as if to question his sanity. "Yeah, that's the look your mom gives me too."

Calum: "I should probably go check on the baby." You pecked Mikey on the lips, pulling a t-shirt from the ground to cover yourself up, and climbing out of the bed. "Hurry back." Michael winked at you as you left the room. You laughed to yourself as you made your way down the hall and into your son Jase's room. You quietly entered and made your way over to the crib, peering in. The crib was empty, and your son seemed to be missing. "Jase?" You called out, wondering why to yourself knowing a 6 month old couldn't very well answer you. You raced back down to your bedroom. "Michael, Jase isn't in his crib." You began to panic. Mikey quickly jumped from the bed and raced through the halls of your house, examining each room for an intruder. You were both frantic as you searched the house, but stopped when you reached the kitchen. "There we go!" You heard a familiar voice exclaim as you peeked around the corner. Calum was sat in front of the high chair, and in it was your son, covered in baby food, giggling as Calum played airplane with him. "Calum? What are you doing?!" Michael asked. "Well, I came over this morning to practice like we said we were going to and when I got here you two were...uhh.." He stood placing his hands over the baby's ears. "Having sex!" He mouthed, before removing his hands and sitting back down. "... And Jase was up gurgling so I just thought I'd feed him some breakfast while you two... finished up." He smiled, placing another spoonful to the baby's mouth. "You know, you gotta take care of babies. I don't think you two should be making anymore!" Calum snicked and you rolled your eyes, giving Mikey's arm a shove

Luke: "Don't tell Y/N, but I forgot that I promised her a date tonight. She's just been so stressed and tired since the baby came and I was-" "Get to the point." Luke sighed, tapping his fingers against the counter top. "Well... Is there any way you can watch Ava for a few hours while we go out?" Ashton looked guilty standing in his friends kitchen. "Right now?" Luke's eyes grew wide. "Yeah.. kinda... Y/N is at home getting ready. And I told her I had already found a babysitter... I just didn't want to stress her out and if she knew I didn't plan this out she wouldn't-" "Stop babbling!" Luke interrupted. "I've never done this before! I don't know anything about babies!" "It's not hard! Just change her diaper, and feed her and put her to sleep when she's tired. Occasionally pull a funny face. But she's only 2 months! She basically just sits there anyway!" Ashton pleaded, checking the time on his watch. "Come on Luke. I'll do whatever you want! Please!" Luke thought, looking at the baby in the car seat who sat staring blankly at him with her big brown eyes. "FINE." He sighed. "But it's only because she's my niece and she's too damn cute to say no to." "THANK YOU!" Ashton cried. "I'll pick her up in 4 hours!!" He ran out the door and within seconds his car could be heard racing down the street. "Wait... where's the diapers?" Luke panicked, searching through the diaper bag, realizing Ashton had forgotten to pack them. "We're screwed." He sighed. Ava cooed from the carrier. All Luke could do was smile.

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