#13 Your Favorite Thing

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Ashton: "Give me that." You peep from under the covers, sitting up in the bed and rubbing your eyes. "What?" Ashton stopped his packing and smiled towards you. "That hoodie. You know it's my favorite and I'm not letting you leave for three months with it." You climbed out of the bed, shivering as the cold air hit your body. Ashton's smile turned to a smirk as he watched you walk towards him and remove the shirt from his hand, then pull it over your head and onto your body. "It's staying right here where it belongs." You stated. "Oh really? Why do you love this thing so much anyway?" His hands moved to the small of your back, tugging on the fabric. "It's all old and faded. You can't even read the writing on it anymore, and there's a hole in the sleeve." He started poking at various places, pointing out the imperfections. "You really want to know why?" You curiously looked up at him and he nodded. "Remember that day at the park when it started snowing, and instead of letting me freeze to death you pulled this over my head and wrapped me in a hug? It smelled like you, and it made me warm. This ratty old thing reminds me of everything about you." He smiled again, kissing the top of your head and pulling you into his chest. "Is this how the hug goes?"

Michael: "No no no no. You can't just run outside in your bare feet in this weather, Michael! You'll catch a cold!" You yelled from the door way, occasionally glancing at the dark clouds above while watching your idiot boyfriend dance in the rain. "Come on, Y/N! You need to live a little!" He called back, continuing to spin around and splash in the puddles. You chuckled to yourself, thinking of how many times he'd said that to you before. He was right though. Before finding him, everything in your life had to be planned. Everything needed a set time and date. But then he came along, and suddenly not having plans was ok. That was your favorite thing. How spontaneous he was, and how alive it made you feel. You thought for a second before removing the jacket from your body, tossing it inside and running to join him. "Ah, there she is!" Mikey said, picking you up and giving you a spin. "My love! Care to dance?" He bent down, offering you his hand. "But of course." You replied, elegantly taking ahold of his hand and placing the other on his shoulder. "Glad you could join me." He smiled, and the two of you danced together in the rain, and the next two days taking care of each others colds.

Calum: "So, how does this look?" You twirled around in the 100th dress you had tried on while shopping. "WHAT?! Who is this magnificent woman?" Calum quickly stood from his spot on the sofa in the dressing room and walked circles around you. "Look at those curves! And those sparkles really just make your eyes POP!" He squealed, tossing his hands in the air. "I must know who this beautiful lady is!" You started laughing, shaking your head at your dorky boyfriend. "You're such a cheeser." "That may be but who are you? OH WAIT. I know! That's my beautiful girlfriend!" He clapped, pulling your body into his. "And doesn't she look beautiful!" His lips met yours before you quickly pushed his face away. "Did you know that I love you?" You asked and he bashfully nodded. "I drag you shopping for hours on end, and complain to you about everything, yet somehow you still are focused on me and only me. You make me feel like a princess. It's my favorite thing." You smiled, pecking his lips. "Well, you are one." He stated. "If I can't treat you like the princess that you are, then I don't deserve you." He smiled.

Luke: You and Luke had spent all day laying in bed, catching up on all the things that you had missed on tour. It was 3 in the afternoon, yet neither of you had left the covers except to get food to munch on while you talked/ "So then Ashton threw his drum sticks in the air and they came back on his head! It was the funniest thing." You and Luke chuckled at another funny tour story. You were cuddled up to his chest and his arm was around your neck, playing with random strands of hair. "I really missed you." You said after a few seconds of silence. "I missed you too." Luke sighed. "I just wish I had enough energy to give you a proper date after me being gone so long, but I can't seem to leave the bed." You watched as his chest moved slowly up and down, and it made you happy. "We don't need to go anywhere Luke. My favorite thing is just spending time with you. It doesn't matter if it's at some five star restaurant, or right here in this bed. I just need to talk to you. Spend time with you." Though you couldn't see his face, you heard the corners of his mouth turn up into a wide grin. "My favorite thing is being with you too." He agreed.

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