#23 Your Child Calls Another Member "Daddy"

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Ashton: You and Ashton needed some time alone together, so you left Luke in charge of your 3 month old Emma. Luke had grown a special bond with her, and jumped at the chance to babysit. "Have a good time!" He yelled to you from the doorway, watching as you two drove away. After you left, he walked to the living room to join Calum and Michael watching TV. "Alright Emma. You and uncle Luke are going to have the time of our lives." "You know nothing about taking care of a baby." Calum snorted from the couch. "Sure I do! You just feed her and change her and make her laugh." He leaned down and tickled her, earning a giggle. "Here, let me see her." Michael reached out his arms, taking the baby from his hands. "Dada..." She whined as Michael settled her into his arms. "What did she just say?" Luke asked, shocked as the other two. "Daaaaaa..." Emma whined again, reaching her arms out in the direction of Luke. "She called me dad!" Luke screamed with a happy expression. "She loves me! Ha!" "Ashton is going to kill you!" Calum replied. "Right. No one say anything." *A few hours later* "So, did anything fun happen?" You asked the boys as you buckled the tot into her car seat. "Nope. Nothing. Nothing at all. She was great. Didn't say any-" "She called Luke dad." Michael snickered. "She didn't." Ashton growled, focusing on Luke. "Nahh, she didn-" "Yes she did." Luke glared at Michael for interrupting him again. "Alright, it's official. No more hanging out with my kid. Y/N, let's go." He picked up the carrier and headed out the door, while you giggled. "Don't worry Luke. He's just jealous that she calls everyone but him daddy." "Good thing someone else calls him daddy though." Calum laughed, bumping fists with Michael. "That's it, no more hanging out with my kid." You grunted, heading out the door as well.

Calum: "So, now he's said "Mommy", "Nanas" as in bananas and "Caaa" which I assume means he's calling the dog." Calum bragged to the other boys, bouncing your small son on his lap. "He's sort of a genuis." The boys were all cooing over the baby as you prepared things in the kitchen for lunch. "Too bad he hasn't said Daddy yet, huh Cal?" You grinned, calling out to him. "Shh Y/N. I didn't ask for your input." Calum has been pretty bummed, trying to get your son to say Daddy at every possible second. "Can you say Daddy, TJ?" Michael asked the baby. "Come on say daddy." "Daddddyyy." TJ cooed reaching his arms towards Michael. "Ahhh! He said it!" Calum turned the baby to face him "Say it again TJ, say daddy!" The baby whined in his arms, wiggling in the direction of Michael. "No no. Daddy's right here! Say daddy!" Calum was growing more upset as the baby continued to fuss. "Face it Cal. He just likes me better!" Mikey smiled and Calum grew frustrated. "I've been trying to get him to say it for weeks, and now he's said it to the wrong person." He handed Michael the baby to prove his point. "Can you say daddy?" Michael asked. "Daddy!" TJ exclaimed. "Fine. Whatever. I only gave you life but sure. He can be your dad!" Calum stood and walked to you. "Come here sweetie." You laughed taking Calum in your arms for a hug.

Michael: You and your 5 year old daughter had gone to California to visit Mikey on tour. When you got there you met the boys at the studio, but Michael was busy inside the booth. "Hi Kenzie!" "Uncle Ash!" You daughter squealed, running into the arms of Ashton. "How's my girl?" He asked squeezing her in a hug tightly. Ashton had been the closest to Kenzie since she was born. He was always really good with kids so he played a big part in helping raise your daughter, as you and Mikey knew nothing about taking care of babies. You were growing impatient waiting for Mikey to finish his recordings, but Kenzie was happy and content playing barbies with Ashton. When Michael was finally done he ran out of the booth to hug you. "Y/N, I missed you so much." He whispered into your ear as he pulled you in tightly. "Hey Kenz, sorry I took so long. I missed you sweetheart." You daughter stood to give him a big hug, "That's ok. Daddy and I were just- I mean, Uncle Ash and I were just playing barbies!" She giggled, kissed him on the cheek and returned to her spot on the floor. "Daddy huh... Yupp. You two are never allowed out of my sight again!" Michael laughed and pulled you in for another hug.

Luke: "Whatever Calum you always steal my spotlight. Whatever I do you have to do it ten times better!" You heard the door slam downstairs and the sounds of Calum and Luke arguing over something. You decided to check it out and were surprised to see what you did. "Luke, it wasn't even my fault. She just said it. It wasn't like I forced her to!" "Yeah well Calum and his charm. You just enchant every girl you meet, huh!" You assumed they were fighting about something that was said in an interview they had earlier in the day. "Luke, I'm sorry ok! She loves you so much! And we both know that." You were suddenly very confused. "Guys!" You interrupted. "What is going on?!" Luke glared at Calum before answering. "Cora called Calum daddy. She hasn't even called me daddy yet!" Cora was yours and Luke's 6 month old daughter and now it suddenly all made sense. "Aww, Lukey. She's around the four of you guys all the time. She's bound to get a tad confused." "Yeah, says the one who gets called mommy all the time." He rolled his eyes and the stormed off to the other room, only to return seconds later. "Wait. Where is she?" "You left my daughter at the interview?!" You screamed. "No! We didn't I swear! She's just-" "Forget something?" Michael and Ashton entered the house with the baby carrier in hand. "You two were so busy fighting that you left her in the car." Ashton chuckled. "You two are fired. Ashton and Mikey get to be her new dads." You stated, glaring at Luke and Calum.

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