#44 Headlights - Robin Schulz (feat. Ilsey) [Song Pref]

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Headlights by Robin Schulz featuring Ilsey (:

Couldn't be bothered to edit so.. Point out anything I missed!

Ashton: "Don't be a fool for the city nights... I know it's cool but it's only light"

"So, you're not coming home?" Ashton's voice rang in the phone. It must have been the 100th time you heard him say that. And it never got any easier to answer. "No sorry.." You said, tone weak. "Of course you're not. Because that would be too much for me to ask huh? You know.. Why don't you just call me when you ARE coming home." You could almost picture Ashton throwing the phone at the wall as the line went dead. You weren't being unreasonable. He spent plenty of time away from you touring and what not. Heaven forbid you happen to spend a few weeks... or months.. away doing what you wanted to. When you met Ashton you were just regular. You and your band were trying to get signed. You just wanted to make it. But Ashton didn't care about status. He just loved you for you. But, when you did get signed, things changed. Your life was suddenly glamorous . There were parties and famous people. Money and jetting off to far away lands. Bars and restaurants, paparazzi and fans...

You sat on the roof top of a New York club, watching chaos unfold around you. People laughing, drinking. Loud music. Glamour. And down below your gaze was captivated by the movement and light. A message rang through you mind, from the first time Ash had brought you to the city. He leaned over in your ear and whispered "I know it's cool but it's only light Y/N." It's only light...

Michael: "I know why you're chasing all the headlights.. Cause you're always tryna get ahead of life"

The cold air pierced your skin as you ran down the street. You hair was probably frozen by now, and you definitely couldn't feel your toes. But none of that mattered. You had to get to Michael's before he left again. You had to tell him that you didn't mean any of it. That you had made a mistake. In less than two weeks you're were moving to London to go to school.. or something like that. Anything to get out of the god awful town you lived in. Unfortunately Michael wasn't too keen on the idea. So you fought.

"Michael!" You pounded on the window and watched as he jumped in his bed. As he turned to look at you he rolled his eyes and fixed his attention back on his phone. "Please let me in!" You screamed again. He looked at you for a few seconds before finally giving in and coming to the window. "What do you want?" He asked. "Please let me in. It's freezing out here." He sighed, then nodded, letting you through. "What?" He said again as you landed your feet on the ground. "Just... listen. I didn't mean any of those things. I just saw an opportunity and I took it. I didn't think about-" "You never think Y/N!" He suddenly shouted, slamming his hand down on his dresser. "It's always about you! It's always about Y/N! Why are you always running away?! What's so fucking awful about being here with me?!" You sighed, knowing he had a point. On some level you were scared of being stuck, so you always tried to find something new to distract you when things got too familiar. "Answer my question." He demanded. "I DON'T KNOW!" You screamed back, tears filling your eyes. "I don't know Michael. I just don't want to be stuck here... I don't want to live everyday like I missed out on something out there!" You were both crying now. "Why are you always trying to get ahead of life?! Why can't you just live in the moment. Live with me! Do crazy things with ME, Y/N!" You looked at him, pleading and begging. "Ok." You smiled. "Ok?" "Ok."

Luke: "Every time you go, hits me like a bullet from a golden gun"

Luke had been gone for a little over a week now, and the only thing you had gotten out of bed to do was to pee and eat the occasional bowl of ice cream. You missed him like crazy. And for weeks after every time he left, you stayed in bed feeling sad for yourself. The phone buzzed next to you. "Fuck." You muttered under your breath. It was Luke. Usually when he said he'd Skype you'd hurry and put on some makeup, do something with your hair so it didn't look like you were still in bed. But if you didn't answer he'd probably freak out.

"Hey babe." You smiled into the camera as you answered the call. "Hey sweetie. Are you still in bed? It's nearly 4 in the afternoon." He looked worried, gazing around you probably seeing the stack of dishes on the side table and the mess of sheets around you. "Yeah I am... Uh... Just didn't feel very good today." You tried to fake a smile but realized that you probably didn't look all that convincing. "Your mother called." He frankly stated. Fuck fuck fuck. "She said she hasn't heard from you in weeks. Is there anything you need to tell me?" You stared blankly at him until finally letting a tear escape your eye. "I miss you Luke." You peeped. Him watching you like this absolutely broke his heart. "I'm so sorry love..." Was all he could say. "I just wish... I just wish you were here with me. It's like every time you go someone shoots me with a gun. I just miss you so much." You saw how much it hurt him to see you like this. "Luke.. stage in 5." You heard someone say behind camera. "I'm... I'm so sorry... I have to go... I'm so sorry Y/N." You thought he might shed a tear as you sobbed to him. "I love you so much Y/N. I'll call you later ok?" "Ok. I love you too." The camera went black, and all you could do was cry.

Calum: "I know it's cold, but if you stay then I could give you all my love."

Don't go... Don't go...

The words kept echoing in your head. "Just don't go Y/N. It's cold.. Stay here with me. Let me show you how much I love you." The words wouldn't leave your head. You couldn't do this anymore. You couldn't sit at home all day every day waiting for Calum to grace you with his presence. You couldn't sit and wonder when he would be home, or wonder what exactly he was out doing with the models and the girls and the screaming fans.. It was all too much. So here you were. Sitting at the airport. Waiting for a plane home. Unfortunately the snow outside had put a kink in your plans. "Flight 152 had been cancelled until further notice due to weather." A woman's voice rang through the terminals. Of course, you muttered to yourself. You looked around taking notice of all the people around you. There was two women, a man who looked tired as all getup, a young mother with two kids, an old woman quietly looking out the window. Somehow you wished that maybe Calum would show up.

Hours passed and you had fallen asleep. "Now boarding flight 152 to LA." Your eyes opened to see the daylight poking through, snow finally stopping. Before standing you took one more look around just in hopes, but no Calum. You gathered your stuff and climbed on board, heart heavy. Would it have been so hard for him to show up? You were glad you had a window seat, and as soon as you sat you found yourself gazing out the window, looking at the life you were leaving behind. Minutes later and the plane was in the air, gone.

Calum's P.O.V- "Fucking snow!" He screamed, pounding on the window as he watched your plane take off. "I'm really sorry man.. I tried driving as fast as I could but the roads.. They were icy and-" "Stop Ash. It's not your fault. It's mine. I shouldn't have let her go."

Woooohooo for an update!

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