#31 He Protects You/Stands Up for You

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This was requested like forever ago and I haven’t had the time to get it posted! Sorry for the delay!

His P.O.V. for all

Ashton: Usually my girlfriend Y/N is super chill and fun-loving, but lately she doesn’t want to do anything. Seriously, while Calum was sleeping on the couch in the dressing room she didn’t want to draw on his face, which is something she normally would do. Every time I ask what’s wrong she says, “Oh it’s nothing,” but I know better; since we went public with our relationship she has been getting a lot of hate. I don’t understand why people would want to hurt such an amazing person like Y/N, but it has to stop. So at tonight’s show I’m going to do something about it… *later during the show* “…Anyway guys, before we play our next song there’s something Ashton wants to say,” Luke tells the crowd while stepping aside and turning towards me. “Hey everybody. I just wanted to thank you for being super supportive of us by coming out to see us and buying our album, but there are some out there who aren’t so supportive. You know how I’m with Y/N now, well, she’s been getting a lot of hate lately and that needs to stop. She is too perfect for words and it hurts me to see her like this. I haven’t seen the sparkle in her eye for a while now, and I miss it. As her boyfriend it’s my job to protect her, so from now on if you have anything against her or our relationship, please direct it towards me. I just want to see that beautiful smile of hers. I would do anything for her. Wouldn’t you do anything for the ones you love?” As I finished my little speech I looked over to where she was standing. I could see a few stray tears falling down her cheeks as she mouthed, “Thank you. I love you too.”

Michael: I was waiting in the car for Y/N with Green Day on the radio. She worked late as a bartender at a club near our flat, and since she’s tired after her shift I gladly pick her up whenever I can. It’s almost 3am, which meant she should be coming out at any time because the club closes at 2 and she has to clean up after. As I kept watch out for Y/N I noticed a kind of shady guy hanging around the entrance. I’m not usually bothered seeing people hang around the club after it closes because many are too drunk to drive and are waiting on a taxi, but this guy just gave me a bad vibe. Besides, everyone else had gotten a ride or stumbled away. Just to be safe, I was going to wait for Y/N by the door in case this creep did anything. Getting out the car, I see her come out the front doors, making sure they were locked behind her. I walk faster as he gets closer to her and reaches for her wrist. I don’t think Y/N saw me yet because I heard her say, “Please let go. My boyfriend is waiting for me and I need to get home.” She said this as calmly as she could while trying to pull away. He pulled her closer and replied, “Come on, baby. You don’t need him because I can make you feel so good.” Before they could register that I was there, my fist made contact with his face, making him fall to the ground. “Don’t you fucking touch my girlfriend!” I yelled at him. “Oh my goodness! Thank you Michael!” Y/N said as she wrapped her arms around me, burying her face in my chest. “It’s okay, babe. You’re safe with me,” I replied, kissing the top of her head before leading her to the car.

Calum: “You ready, babe?” I asked Y/N. “Yeah, let’s get this over with.” We were going to celebrate Christmas with Y/N’s family. They’ve always found something wrong with what she was doing or how she was living her life. I hated seeing her like this, but we couldn’t just ignore them, especially since we were now engaged. I mean, they are invited to the wedding after all.  *later during dinner* “So, Y/N, have you found a job yet? I mean you can’t expect to mooch off of him forever,” her dad asked of her. “No, not yet, dad,” she meekly replied. “Well what can you expect? She dropped out of college to chase after him! Of course she can’t find a job! Nobody would her!” her uncle chimed in. The more I heard the more I just wanted to grab Y/N and our coats and leave. Y/N didn’t have a response so she instead looked down at her plate, pushing around her mashed potatoes. Not long after her sister joined in, “I mean, Calum, a handsome man like you could have any girl. Why are you with Y/N? She’s just so, blah. Seriously, there’s nothing special about her. What I was hearing made me so mad, I just couldn’t keep it in any longer. “You’re all wrong,” I stood up and said, “Y/N is a beautiful, smart, and talented young woman that you all refuse to see! If you took the time to actually talk to her and not criticize her, you would find out that she is finishing up her degree and she has interviews lined up for some pretty impressive jobs. Also, I am head over heels in love with this girl. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for her, so that’s why I asked her to marry me. You might think she’s a pile of rubbish, but she’s my everything and I can’t stand to see her treated like this.” Turning to her I said, “Come on, we’re leaving. You don’t need this.”

Luke: Y/N and I had been out on the town to celebrate her birthday. She’s not the world’s biggest drinker, but tonight she wanted to let loose a little to forget about the stressful week she’s had at work. As we were walking out of the club, I, of course was helping her keep her balance. “Oh, Lukey. You’re the best. What did I do to deserve such a wonderfully helpful boyfriend?” she asked me. “Well, Y/N, what did I do to get such an adorable girlfriend like you?” She giggled at my question in return replied, “’Cause you’re cute!” and giggled some more. I couldn’t help but smile as I leaned down to kiss her forehead. All of a sudden her phone went off. “Oooh! A text! Somebody loves me!” “But I already love you, babe!” I said with a slight pout. Y/N rolled her eyes at me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. She was so excited for that text that she whipped her phone out, causing it to fly out into the street. “Oops!” she said as she ran off the curb to get her phone. As she was bent over it, I saw a car coming. At the speed it was coming I wasn’t sure if they saw her. “Y/N!” I yelled as I quickly grabbed her waist, pulling her back onto the sidewalk. Not a moment later the car zoomed past us. “Oh my! Luke thank you! I didn’t see that car and if you weren’t here, I might not be,” Y/N started to say, but ended up in tears. “Shh, babe, it’s alright. You’re safe now…” I said as I pulled her into me, rubbing her back and stroking her hair. We stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity. Once her heart rate had calmed down she pulled away slightly, looking me in the eye. “I’m okay now Luke, I just want to go home.” “Alright, babe.”

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