#61 Symptoms (Baby Mini Series)

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Ashton: Thankfully, the morning sickness was not long lasting. The 4 weeks you had it had been 4 of the worst, but that didn't mean you didn't have plenty of other symptoms. "Morning Y/N." Ashton smiled at you when you appeared in the lounge room. "Go to hell." You snapped, walking straight through to the kitchen. "Yikes. What's her problem?" Luke reluctantly asked. "Uhh.. terrible mood swings." Ashton lowered his voice to a whisper. "I hate to say it but she's kind of being a-" "A what!" You yelled, reappearing in the doorway. "Come on Ashton just say it. You think I'm a bitch." You felt tears spill over your eyes and you buried your head in your hands. "Awe babe. That's not what I was going to say. I was going to say you were handling the stress very well." Ashton made his way over to you wrapping his arms around you and peppering kisses on your head. "Yeah right. You hate me huh." The tears came harder now. "Oh stop Y/N. You know I don't hate you." You could tell the two of them were mouthing something to each other and quickly you heard Luke slip out the door. "I'm sorry." You sobbed, feeling the tears soak his shirt. "I don't know what's wrong with me." "Nothing's wrong with you Y/N. You're pregnant. And I love you." He kissed you a few more times before pulling you onto the couch with him. "You're prefect." You sighed.

Michael: It was 3am and for what seemed like the 100th time this week, you were making friends with the toilet bowl, unable to keep any kind of food down. Michael was always right by your side, holding back your hair and rubbing circles into your back. "Mikey you can go to bed. I'll be ok. You have to be up early." You rested your forehead on the seat, too exhausted to care about how gross it was having your body draped over the dirty toilet. "No way Y/N. I'm staying. Just because you're the pregnant one doesn't mean you have to do it all alone." You smiled to yourself before spewing again. "I'm so miserable." You groaned, flushing the toilet and moving back to lean against the wall. "I'm so sorry love. I wish there was something I could do." He moved down next to you and wrapped his arm around your waist. You leaned your head on his shoulder. "You've done enough Michael." You laughed at your own joke and he chuckled too. "I love you." He breathed out. "I love you too."

Luke: "Jesus Y/N did you get a new bra or something?" You appeared in the living room after returning from your usual morning run. Looking down at yourself you shook your head. "No, why?" His nose scrunched up at you, grinning. "Your boobs.. They're massive." You looked again down to the sports bra you were wearing. "I don't know. You think? They kind of hurt." He laughed a little. "I was reading about this on some website. They say your boobs can get sore because they start producing milk and the glands-" "La la la la." He quickly moved his hands to cover his ears not letting you finish your sentence. "Don't ruin boobs for me Y/N. I love boobs and when you go talking like that.. Well.. They're just not sexy anymore!" You rolled your eyes at him. "Fine Lucas. Whatever you say. Me and the baby and my gross boobs will be in the shower if you need us!" Quickly you left the room. "Wait! Y/N! I love your boobs!"

Calum: "Calum. Please PLEASE get that nasty thing away from me." You and Calum had been watching movies when he left to get a snack. A few minutes later and he returned with a vegemite sandwich, and just the smell was making you want to spew, never mind the sight of it. "What? You love vegemite!" "Calum, I am serious. If you don't get that thing away from me I swear to god I will puke all over you." His eyes widened when he realized you were serious. "Ok ok. I'll go sit over here!" He moved over to the other couch and nibbled on the bread. "You sure have been having a lot of aversions. Does that mean the baby doesn't like it?" You rolled your eyes at him. "I don't care if the baby likes it! Right now, I can't stand it! And if mommy isn't happy then neither is baby!" "Yeah, I guess you're right. Are you hungry? I could make you.. soup? Or there's leftover prawns from my lunch the other day!" "Oh God. I'm going to spew!" You ran off to the bathroom. "What did I say?!"

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