#16 1D Brother

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Luke: "I'm going to kill you!" Harry? You thought to yourself, hearing him yelling at someone inside the dressing room. "I'm sorry! We were going to tell you but-" Luke... You sighed, waiting outside the door. Apparently Harry had found out. You slowly opened the door to see Harry stradling Luke with a pillow in his hands, threatning to smother his face. "Harry!" You screamed, racing to him and trying to pull him off your boyfriend. "Not now, Y/N. This little punk thinks he can just date my sister without even telling me, and assume it's ok. Well it's not! And I don't appreciate hearing about it through his conversations about your sex life!" Your face went red and you glared at Luke. "I'm sorry Y/N! I was just talking to Calum about us and Harry overheard! I know this isn't how you wanted him to find out!" Harry had gotten to the point of pure rage, and pulled himself away before he did something he'd regret. "I'll deal with you later." You glared at Luke once more before grabbing Harry's arm. "Harry.. Please don't leave." he stopped and turned back around to look at you. "He's fucking my sister!" He yelled, rage reappearing in his face. "It's not like that. What Luke and I have... It's special. I've never felt like this before." You let go of Harry and made your way to Luke who was now standing, and grabbed his hand in yours. "I love him Harry." "And I love her." Luke added. You both waited for his response, watching him closely. "He's fucking my sister!" Harry exclaimed, this time happy as could be. "I didn't know it was like this!" He continued, wrapping you guys in a hug. "You two are so cute." he stated. You and Luke laughed at each other, rolling your eyes.

Ashton: "Niall, we have some big news." You smiled through the camera, looking at your brother who was halfway across the world. Ashton, your boyfriend, sat next to you on the bed. "We wanted to tell you in person, but what with all the concerts and press conferences and everything we just couldn't find a day to come see you before I started looking like-" "You're babbling, Y/N." Niall laughed. "You don't need to be nervous. You know you can tell me anything. I'm your big brother and I'm there for you." You smiled, wondering how you had gotten so lucky not only to have an amazing boyfriend like Ashton, but also an amazing brother like Niall. "Well... I'm pregnant." You looked at Ashton and both of you smiled. "WHAT?!" Niall screamed, face getting increasingly closer to the camera. "My little sister? And my best mate? Oh my God! I'm so excited!" You could see he could hardly contain his excitement and you giggled. "I'm glad you're so excited Niall. We can't wait." Ashton placed a kiss to your lips. "I'm gonna be an uncle!!" He cheered. "Wait. Hold on." He disappeared off camera and a few seconds later you heard him scream "GUYS! I"m gonna be an uncle! Y/N's pregnant!" Followed by a bunch of cheers, coming from Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn. You couldn't be happier.

Calum: The rain was pouring behind you as you sat waiting at Zayn's front door. "Come on Zayn." You mumbled to yourself, shivering from the cold. "Y/N?" A sleepy and shirtless Zayn greeted you opening the door. "What are you doing here? It's three in the morning... And you're soaked.. Get your ass inside." He yanked your arm in and quickly closed the door behind you. "What are you doing here?" He repeated the question. You sighed, not wanting to tell him. "Calum... We got in this dumb fight... I just got upset and I didn't know where to go so-" "What did he do?" Zayn asked, now fully attentive and completely awake. "It was nothing, really I-" "What did he do?" This time he said it more firm. "I.... Ugh. I got mad at him because he's never here when he's here. He's always out with the boys, and rehearsing, and attending parties. And before I know it his free time is over and he's jetting off on another world tour. It's just exhausting and I don't know what to do anymore." You began to cry, and placed your head on his chest. His arms wrapped around you and held you tight. He always had the best hugs. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'll kill him, is that what you want?" You chuckled a little, knowing he was actually being serious. "No, Zayn. I just needed someone to talk to. He just doesn't get it." You both stood there in your embrace until you heard a knock on the door. "Calum..." You whispered. "I'll get it." Zayn let you go and walked to the door. "What do you want?... She's mad at you... Yeah well so am I." You were only hearing Zayn's side of the story, so you decided to intervene. "Cal.." You sighed, walking from behind the door and into his view. "Y/N." He moaned. "Listen.. I'm SO sorry. I wasn't thinking. When out walked out something hit me. I need you around. And I've been taking you for granted. Please, please forgive me." He was soaking wet, and he looked exhausted, like he ran the entire way here. You looked to Zayn for an answer and he nodded. "I forgive you. But know that I'm not there for your entertainment. I love you and I need you." "And know that I'll murder you if you ever hurt her again." Zayn added. "Of course." Calum breathed out, wrapping his body around yours. "I love you." He whispered in you ear. "Thank you." You mouthed to Zayn.

Michael: You and Michael were at your moms house for dinner. She had wanted to meet Michael for the longest time and now both of you had time off from your tours to have a visit. "Thank you for having us over, Karen." Michael smiled to your mom. "Of course! I'm glad we finally got to meet. Oh, Y/N. I forgot to mention that your brother is coming." You froze as you stood from your spot on the couch. He's coming? Here? Now?" "Yes.. What's wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost!" She laughed. Ruth looked over at you from her spot on the couch. "Busted." She mouthed, grinning. You shook your head at her and then directed you attention to Michael. He was grimacing at the thought. "Hello? Where is everyone?" You heard Liam's voice at the front door. "Ahh, there's everyone. How are- Michael? What are you doing here?" You sighed dropping your head into your hands. "Wait.. Michael. Mom, you didn't tell me it was this Michael." He dropped his bag to the floor and stared at you. "I thought you knew darling! Y/N, you didn't tell your brother that you were dating Michael?" "No mom. On account of the fact that he said he'd kill them if they ever tried to go for me when I met the 5SOS boys..." You mumbled the last part, wringing your hand around the back of your neck. "I'm not mad..." Liam laughed a little. "Except that you didn't tell me you little shit." Liam ran towards you putting you in a head lock. "I thought you'd hurt him!" You gasped for air trying to escape him. "Nahh." He sighed, letting you go. "But I just might if he hurts you."

Ok, this is totally and completely 100 percent unrelated but if you guys haven't listened to the band AJR you need to RIGHT NOW. They're like an indie pop band and they are amazing. You may have heard the spongebob song on the radio called "I'm ready". That's them! I had the amazing opportunity to hang out with them and meet them yesterday and they are seriously the coolest, chillest, sweetest guys you will ever meet. Jack is my favorite! <3 So please go check them out because I want to hear more of them! I reccommend "Buy you a rose". Alright, rant over!

Anyone have any ideas for new preferences? /:

Much Love! Xx - Kels <3

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