#40 He's In A Bad Mood

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Calum: You watched from the front row as Calum pounded his bass, harder than he ever had before, his face was red and his eyes tired. No one probably noticed, only you knew why. "You did great babe." You tried to cheer him up when he came off stage just a little while later. "Yeah. Thanks." He coldly replied, making his way to the dressing room. "Geez, what's his problem. He's been a dick all night." Luke mentioned to you as you gave him a hug. "Guess it's just one of those days." You follwed them to the dressing room where you tried to cheer Cal up once more. "We could go to dinner, or maybe just stay at the hotel and cuddle. Whatever you want to do babe." You rambled on as he showered and changed, trying to lighten his mood. "For fucks sake Y/N can you not see that I'm not in the mood? I don't want to do anything tonight." He scoffed, gather his belongings. You sighed and left the room giving him some space. Later at the hotel he approached you, face apologetic. "Sorry Y/N. I've just been in a god awful mood today. I know you were just trying to help." "It's ok Cal. I love you." "I love you too Y/N."

Ashton: "Come on Ashton just dance with me!" You tried for the tenth time to pull your grumpy boyfriend off the couch. He had a long day and you knew it, but all you were trying to do was just cheer him up. "Just shut up and leave me alone." He snapped when you grabbed his hand. Your face dropped. "I was just trying to help out." You sighed before leaving him be. About an hour later he appeared in the doorway of your room. "I'm sorry Y/N. I'm such an ass." He plopped down on the bed next to you, burying his face in the sheets. "It's ok sweetie." You rubbed his back and played with his hair. "You had a long day. I understand." "Doen't mean I have to snap at you." He sighed. "Let me make it up to you." He smiled, turning you over and pushing you down on the bed. "Is this supposed to make me feel better or you?" You asked as his lips hovered over yours. "Both."

Luke: "For the last time Y/N. Please, please turn off that god awful music you're listening too. I'm trying to sleep." Both of you were on edge. A lack of sleep, and high stress situations left both of you slightky irritable. "Make me." You snapped, only turning it up louder. "That's fine. Be a bitch. Whatever." Luke walked away, leaving you a little stunned. He'd never said anything like that before, even at his worst moments. When you climbed into bed with him later, you saw he was still awake. "I thought you were trying to sleep." "I can't. I need my cuddle buddy." You rolled your eyes and turned away from his face. "Maybe you shouldn't call your sleep aide a bitch." You heard him sigh, then scoot closer, wrapping his lanky arms around your waist. "I sowwy." He attempted, but you still weren't buying it. "I luh youuuuuu." He tried again, this time you grinned a little. Mad at him or not his dorkyness always earned a smile. "I'm sorry Luke. I guess we're both just onery today." "Well how about this. We can be happy with each other, and then just mad at the rest of the world." "Sounds perfect." You sighed, cuddling into his warm body.

Michael: "Just say you love me." You demanded. "No." He scowled, being completely stubborn and ridiculiously annyoing. "Come on Mike all I want is for you to say it. Because after today I'm not sure you do." All day long anything you had done had completely pissed off Michael in one way or another, and now it had gotten so bad you weren't sure you wanted to spend the night with him. "Just tell me what the fuck it was I did wrong?" You stomped down the hallway where he had disappeared to and into the bedroom. "Can you please just leave me alone?" He begged, throwing himself on the bed. "Is that what you really want?" You asked, lowering your voice. He thought for a minute then let out a "no." "Listen Y/N. I just... had a bad night last night." "And that's my fault?" "No... no... I mean... The thing is that I really love you, and I heard that that dumb Josh kid was talking to you at the party and I just thought that maybe if you thought a rich kid like him was so perfect that I might be just trash in comparison and I just don't want to lose you." He was talking so fast you weren't sure you had caught it all, but made your way to him grabbing his hand in yours. "Mikey, you'll never lose me. I love you too much. I think we both know that." You smiled at each other sharing a kiss. "But, if you ever ignore me like that again I might have to cut you!" you giggled.

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